Dear Recruiter...
According to this great breakdown, it’s the peak holiday season in Europe, especially in Southern Europe (hat tip to Hung Lee for this link). We all love a rest, whether you’re a sun yourself by the sea or climb a mountain in an unexplored wilderness kind of traveler.
However, whenever it falls where you are, vacation season magnifies an already painful pinch in recruitment: bottlenecks.
Candidates start ghosting you, hiring managers disappear, and you—hard-working recruiters—even you might need to put a hire or two on hold.
Addressing these challenges doesn’t mean canceling anyone’s longed-for break. Instead, it’s about having the data to identify the root cause of each sticking point and then implementing little wins to solve each in turn, whether through process, automation, or education.
It’s like time off. Little and often keeps you more sane than one big burnout break a year!
📈 Data Point: The State of TA Leadership
Data and insights direct from the Pinpoint team
What are TA leaders looking for to help them transform their hiring? We asked you in the State of TA Leadership survey—and here are the top things you told us you want.
No surprise reporting and analytics tools come top here - this ties back to the theme of last week’s newsletter.
But what’s also interesting is the desire for more training and resource. Dig deeper on both of these and I wouldn’t be surprised to find the real pain is a lack of time. Too much to do, with too little resource (and no time to develop).
This is where automation is so valuable. Reducing repetitive tasks and speeding up processes isn’t about replacing humans, it’s about giving humans time to play to their strengths.
🎙️ Talent Talks revisited - with Karen Blackburn
Quick fire questions to get to know leading recruiters
Talent Talks is one of those taking a little holiday this August, but we’ve got some exciting new episodes in the works - watch out for them in September!
In the meantime, I thought it was worth revisiting one of our early episodes, with Karen Blackburn from LUSH . She had some great advice for those looking to develop in recruitment:
“Don't be afraid to ask questions and challenge the answers that you're getting. Soak up the knowledge around you. Really embed yourself within the company and spend time with the teams.”
Learn to make the most of what’s in front of you. Love it. You can watch Karen's full episode on YouTube here.
📍 The Pinboard
What's new in recruitment?
🗣️ Customer to convert: why Instant Impact tells its clients to use Pinpoint
From the Pinpoint team
Given we’ve been talking time-saving and smoothing out bottlenecks, it seemed only right to share our latest customer story from Instant Impact.
Read how Cameron Skinner , Head of Internal Talent at Instant Impact , improved his precision hiring, sped up his processes, and increased transparency for his hiring managers with Pinpoint.
I won’t keep you any longer this week. You’ve probably got loose ends to tie up or a mountain of emails you’ve come back to.
Either way, enjoy the rest of your August and I’ll see you all refreshed and revved up in September.
As always, if you have thoughts on this, email me at
All the best,
Tom Hacquoil
Pinpoint CEO