Dear You
Greeting: A polite word or sign of welcome or recognition. A formal expression of goodwill.
Salutation: A gesture made as a greeting or acknowledgment of another's arrival or departure.
Greetings and salutations are the beginning, the pause in between, and the end of each communication; spoken, written, and now sent by technology. They mark the beginning of new relationships, the continuity of ongoing friendships, and the demise of connections no longer vital or that have deteriorated beyond most notice.
Greetings and salutations are so commonplace, they are unnoticed, and are no longer recognizable by many. They tend to become desperate platitudes, missing their mark, lacking in sincerity and intent, and bringing low or no energy to the communication.
This is not an article about the style, approach, technique, or even manners with which one starts and ends communications. This article is about human-to-human acknowledgment. It is about delivering wishes and charms to those with whom we interact. Today’s piece is about the cessation of the familiar yet void binary input/response programming that has become common in computers and now humans, in favor of enhancing the intent-filled, emotional, hopeful, understanding between and amongst humans.
Many cultures around the world bow when greeting one another. Bowing gives one the ability to be present with that person in an awakened state for even a moment. It’s an acknowledgment, an appreciation, of the human in front of them. Bowing is a gesture of respect, gratitude, and awareness.
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Your verbal and written greetings and salutations are a bow to your fellow human. What does your bow communicate?
Below are four considerations, respectfully submitted, for creating harmony and happiness through mindful Greetings and Salutations throughout your daily interactions and communications, both personal and professional.
Hello & Goodbye – In 1922 the famous Emily Post wrote an article about how uncouth it was to greet someone with “Hi,” citing that no additional effort is needed to offer a polite “Hello." Greetings and salutations are opportunities to infuse intent into the beginning or end of our communications, not occasions to cut such connections short with an abbreviated, “Let’s move along.” “Hi” is the short form of “Hello.” “Bye” is the short form of “Good Bye,” which is the short form of “God be with ye.” Consider mindfully infusing well-wishes into your Hellos and Goodbyes.
Hey – Often used in email communication, the term signifies that one has a kinship with the receiver of the communication. However, it has become so overused by email marketers that now it sends a different message. “Hey” in a sales email connotates trickery. “Hey – I don’t know you but maybe if I start this email with Hey you will think we know each other.”
Caffeinated Greetings – When one is mindful of their salutation, it is easy to add a jolt of energy to verbal and written communications. For example, “Wonderful Day to You, Sarah,” offers the receiver an uplifting start to the message, more so than “Hi Sarah.” Words are energy, and your thoughtfulness in their application adds to the vibration of the overall message.
Sincerity – The simplest form of a warm and thoughtful greeting is one that is sincere. Great energy may be infused in the reciting of any verbal or written salutation when it is sincere. The words must reflect the sentiment at the time the salutation is made, for the best possible delivery results. By mindfully matching the intent of the sentiment with the salutation, a more impactful message will undeniably be delivered.