Some people thrive during difficult times, while some people break.
There are many factors to take into consideration as to why one person may choose to persevere and another chooses to throw in the towel.
I recently was speaking with friends in real estate who are talking about the hard market as the economy and insurance rates continue to fluctuate.
It's discouraging, without question.
However, my question for you is what mindset do you choose to adopt when you're going through change?
Recognizing The Dip
In the book "The Dip" by Seth Godin, he speaks about the benefits of knowing when to quit and when to stick something out.
He's primarily referring to when you begin something, you're comparing the results you get to the effort you put in. At first it might seem great, but then you encounter The Dip which is the gap between starting and mastery.
We've all, at some point, started something with extreme enthusiasm only to run into The Dip and realized how hard something really is.
Running in Circles
It's important to recognize when you are in The Dip, because this is the moment where you must decide whether or not you will persevere.
Godin, first points out that we should become self aware enough to recognize if we are actually "stuck" in a cul-de-sac.
If you find yourself not making progress and in a dead end, maybe it's time that you reconsider if you are headed in the right direction. If you are not, choosing to quit may actually be a good idea.
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Choosing to Persevere
On the other hand, if you recognize that you are just going through a hard time you should seriously make the decision to continue and choose to, in my words, become the hero in your own story.
After being paralyzed, if I had allowed my mind to drift that I was stuck and "this is the way it's going to be", I would have thrown in the towel too early and never learned how to walk again.
Putting This Into Practice
So what does this have to do with you?
Regardless of the industry you are in, whether it's real estate, insurance, automotive sales, manufacturing, technology... Every industry experiences hard markets.
Within every industry and during every hard market, there are also people who find a way to thrive. They find a way to persevere and take the challenge they are facing (The Dip) as a moment to help define themselves and their career.
The difference lies in your mindset. How you think... How you CHOOSE to think!
Ask yourself these questions:
When times get difficult, take a moment to reflect and consider where you are in your journey.
The time and effort you put in during The Dip can be stepping stone for you to stretch the gap between you and your competition as you strive for mastery.
My passion is helping people shift their mindset through my keynotes, workshops, and coaching to drive results and embrace change.
If you are looking for a speaker to help your team and employees shift their mindset towards the change they are experiencing or need some help personally, please visit or send me a direct message to learn more.