Democratise Development but NOT Talent Management
During a phone call with a potential client, my interlocutor was talking about how he wanted to “democratise talent management” in his new role.
Woah there sunshine, hold your horses, this is NOT a good idea.
I asked him if he was familiar with Pareto’s Principle
You might know it better as the 80/20 rule.
At the beginning of my self-employment journey
The 80/20 rule applies across the board.
I was reminded of the work I had done as Head of Talent when I came across similar numbers with regards to Talent Management. In this case, 20% of your employees are responsible for 80% of the business outcomes.
Now, I’m not saying that you should only develop your talent.
You need to develop ALL of your people.
You just need to do something DIFFERENT for your talent.
If 80% of your business outcomes are going to come from 20% of your employees, it makes business sense to nurture and develop these people just a little bit more.
Democratise development but not talent.
If you are wondering what I mean by “Talent”, I like the CIPD definition:
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"those individuals who can make a difference to organisational performance, either through their immediate contribution or in the longer term by demonstrating the highest levels of potential".
Your talent are individuals, the last thing they need is another sheep dip style training that you are putting everyone through.
✅ ✅ ✅ Box-ticking exercise come to mind? ✅ ✅ ✅
They need (and want!) something tailored to their needs, something that is going to get them where they (and you!) want them to get to.
Individualised development plan
But what to include? There are a myriad of options - where do you start?
You could of course go with ever-popular options of coaching and/or mentoring
Enrol them onto an Executive MBA course
You could always fund membership of an online bookstore that would give them access to a myriad of tomes that would go some way to curing my insomnia.
What if you give them a development budget
There is of course the cost of NOT doing anything, the increase in turnover, the increased cost to hire, the decrease in productivity and the increase in organisational risk if critical roles are not covered.
Which one would you prefer to pay for?
Your talent and your people want and need different things from their leaders.
They are all staring from a different place and with your help will have a different path to follow.
Your role? To act as a marshall along the way.
If you have thousands of ideas swirling around in your head and you don’t know where to start, why not book a 60 Minute Talent Strategy Call with me and I can help you to figure out the plan and get things started.
Helping ambitious entrepreneurs & full time business coaches escape the trap of growing their business whilst sacrificing time & life. Working on the elements of delivery, sales & high quality daily lead flows.
2moJane, thanks for sharing, always good to see some insights from people who have viewed my profile or are connected to me.