Have you ever thought about how many stimuli bombard your brain from the moment you get up until you go to bed? The answer is: COUNTLESS because never before has the human species been so overstimulated.
However, this continuous and diverse infinite avalanche of stimuli, our brain is only capable of filtering those that are biologically significant for it in terms of guaranteeing its survival and of this quantity that it filters we will only be aware of those to which we must respond in the HERE AND NOW to survive.
The conscious response to the stimuli that our senses capture is manifested through attention and above all through the orientation of its focus, over which we have voluntary control, for example, while you are reading these lines you are focusing your attention on the text because you feel motivated by the topic but if you lose your interest, you will stop reading and change your focus to another stimulus that is more attractive to you, I hope this does not happen.
By directing our attention focus towards a segment of the world around us, we are being aware of that segment, that is, this segment becomes a reason for being for us, we begin to relate to it and part of that relationship is the manifestation of approach behaviors or distancing towards this.
If we contextualize the above to a service company, the ideal would be for customers to be at the center of the employees' attentional focus. However, for this to happen, each employee's brain must perceive their customers as biologically significant stimuli for them. to be able to survive, in other words, to perceive their customers as satisfier of their needs.
By directing and maintaining its focus on the clients it assists, the service provider can access great benefits, such as:
Obtain more information from his clients.
Detect details that can be used to offer differential services.
Personalize the services.
Make the client feel important and recognized.
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Anticipate possible customer needs.
Receive customer gratification
The excellence of the service together with its experiential perception correlate positively with the focused and sustained attention of the employee towards the clients he assists, that is, by increasing the focused and maintained attention, the probability of excellence of the service offered increases (which depends on other variables). also).
On the other hand, one of the great challenges for those who offer services is to inhibit the amount of distracting stimuli that can reach their brains that divert their attention focus. If this happens, I will share with you some questions that will help control the direction of the attention focus:
• What motivates changing the focus of attention towards another stimulus other than the client?
• What would we be missing while the focus is not directed towards the client?
• What will be the client's behavioral result towards us for having changed the attentional focus?
The proper attention management of a worker during their working day ensures that they offer services that are perceived as unique and unforgettable experiences, which reinforces the approach and gratitude behaviors of clients towards service providers and thus being able to achieve their goals and objectives both work as well as personal.
If you are reading this last line it means that you have put me at the center of your attention and I really appreciate it.
Osvaldo Torres.