The digitalization of the construction industry
The BIM project (4 of 6)
The BIM methodology fits very well as a component of a digital strategy. The BIM model would not exist without digital processing. The question that everyone must ask themselves is: Do I use the BIM model in an overall digital strategy or do all my processes still run as they have always done?
In BIM methodology, a BIM project is divided into different phases:
The development phase, the design phase, the construction phase, the use phase and the demolition phase.
In the BIM development phase, a company, a public authority or a citizen decides to build a building, a structure or an infrastructure. The future builders are looking for a company to carry out the construction. Once the selection has been made, the project manager and the client jointly create the BEP (BIM Execution Plan). If it is a large project, several meetings and possibly an entire team are involved in the creation of the document. For the organization, it makes sense that the tasks of this process are coordinated in time. As a rule, when the builder decides on a construction project, he already has a desired handover date. It would be best if the organization of the process were carried out within the framework of an overall digital strategy. Most platforms ignore this phase because the software companies have no idea how to integrate this phase in a meaningful way.
In the BIM design phase, the various specialist designer creates the BIM model together. A joint digital team organization embedded in an overall digital strategy also makes sense.
Ideally, the BIM construction phase begins after the BIM design phase has been completed. This ideal case is very rare. But if no meaningful scheduling has taken place in the first two BIM phases, then work on the construction site is often forced to start too early in the hope of meeting the contractually guaranteed completion date on the construction site.
In the BIM use phase, the facility managers become active. Seamless end-to-end digital processing in all three phases makes it easier for facility managers to complete their tasks. All the data he needs is available digitally. He doesn't have to search through file folders and completely recreate his maintenance plans. All device data including the spatial location and the local numbering are available. If a device is defective and needs to be replaced, he can immediately initiate new orders. The manufacturers and suppliers are stored. After installing the new devices, he can easily update the data in his digital system.
In the BIM demolition phase, it can be considered whether technical components can be recycled in another building. The entire history of the components is available digitally. In terms of sustainability, not all components have to be disposed of.