Disappointment, Anger, and Rage

Disappointment, Anger, and Rage

In our professional and personal life often we go through these emotions, especially when something we have tried for a long does not come through or some collective change we have worked for repeatedly gets into ‘stuck’ zones. The most common responses are to withdraw or attack in an explicit or secret manner.  

Behind the anger and wrath is a force that invariably inflicts harm both to the person holding it and the person/people to whom it is directed at. If we want a fundamental solution we need to learn to become totally free from this force and come to a point where our consciousness feels that it never existed within us!

Sounds good to read, but how to do it?

The first step is the full clarity that this anger is not needed and that it is essentially harmful.

The second is to hold the steady aspiration to be free from the grip of this force on us. And then it is a question of conscious practice. It certainly will take some time, but a calm persistent practice could give us the breakthrough.

To do this practice when anger hits us, a certain degree of detachment from these surface emotions, concentration, and inner calmness is needed. We can gain this through many practices, the one that is most simple and effective is watching our natural breath several times during the day. The other method is to develop a degree of detachment from these surface surging forces and recognize that there is another part within us that is free and identify with it.

The other problem is the mind which churns ad infinitum. It shows how messy the situation is, and how challenging others are and exposes all your weaknesses in solving the situation. If we start answering this surface mind we slowly get into a ping-pong game and this problematic part of our mind consumes us. Here again, we bring clarity first that there is another part of the mind deeper that can stand as a calm witness, to continue to see the situation and wait for its true light to be glimpsed of why this situation has come to us, what is there for us to learn. what is there for us to evolve into and what exactly should we continue to do in this situation.

This practice could take a long time. We need patience and calm determination to aspire that we do not want to be victims of this harmful force of wrath. We want to be free humans with calm persistence to manifest and solve problems. In this process, we want to remain positive, peaceful, and yet capable of being effective in the world.

To summarize, the basic process is to allow no grip of anger within us or in our expressions. To hold clear aspiration to be free from it. Instead, step back and connect to a calm and more equanimous power present with us and act from that.

The highest step of this practice is when we can be free from the grip of anger, without experiencing it inwardly or expressing it outwardly. Instead, we calmly become clear on what is needed to be done in the situation and we communicate and act from a positive inward location, quality, and power.


This article is written by Arul Dev, Founder & CEO of People First.

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