Diversity, inclusion, ethics
Diversity, inclusion, ethics—The Road to Sustainability™ August 2, 2021

Diversity, inclusion, ethics

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🌱 Yael

Diversity, inclusion, ethics

  1. Introduction
  2. Facts and perspectives
  3. Join the community and discussion using the framework for sustainability conversations (+ daily insights)—part 3/5 "Diversity, inclusion, ethics"
  4. Weekly highlights
  5. Visual of the week
  6. Nevelab Technologies Business Partner Program
  7. Our world in data: Greenhouse Gas Emissions
  8. Podcast: "Corporate leadership" with Sara Murdock
  9. Resources and archives

1. Introduction

If virtue precede us every step will be safe.—Seneca

Following significant social and political developments in recent decades, top corporations are adopting measures to enhance diversity, equity, and inclusion. Nonetheless, growth in most industries remains sluggish. Programs aimed at increasing workplace diversity and inclusion frequently fail. As a result, a logical inquiry arises: what is truly working?

Inclusion in the workplace is based on the principle that no one should feel alienated, excluded, or ostracized because of their age, handicap, social background, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, pregnancy, or any other reason. The goal is to offer protection so that people may be themselves at work.

Economic growth cannot be sustained without inclusiveness, and women represent an untapped resource in many global economies; a fact noted in the 2021 World Bank Gender report, as well as in various studies concerned with women’s labor force participation. 

Whilst policies are essential for inclusion in the workplace there is a lot more to developing genuine inclusion in the workplace:

  • What happens when you put diversity at the center of economies, communities, decisions, policies?
  • How do you measure inclusion's economic opportunities?
  • Who and which countryif there's anyshould take the lead?

2. Facts and perspectives

2.1—(Some) facts

"If global women employment rates were to increase to that of Sweden, at 69%, gross domestic product in OECD countries alone could expand by US $6+ trillion."—Gates Foundation. 

The Women in Work Index issued in 2019 employs various metrics to assess workplace equality, including a country's employment rate—the number of individuals employed as a percentage of the working-age (15-69) population. From there, the European Commission produced the "Women, business and the laws in 2021" that tracks 8 indicators around how laws impact women's careers and lives: mobility, workplace, pay, marriage, parenthood, assets, entrepreneurship and pension. 

Globally there have been 1500 legal gender reforms since 1970. But this is not enough:

  • Women have only 76% of the legal rights afforded to men. Progress towards gender equality is uneven around the world.
  • 49 countries still do not have legislation on sexual harassment in employment, including Japan.
  • 108 countries still allow gender-based discrimination in access to credit.
  • 66 countries still mandate that women retire earlier than men. 
  • 57 countries do not recognize the value of non-monetary contributions.

Experts are frequently hired by businesses to create programs that are then shared with management teams. This method often lacks a reality check: does this program fit into the way managers already operate, or are managers being asked to add something to their already complex days? Involving managers in the design process may enhance buy-in and smooth execution, resulting in more sustainable and long-lasting solutions.


Focusing on solutions to the diversity problem—rather than failures—is at the forefront of our minds as we develop our sustainability platform. 

We thought about a six-pointer values concept for anybody considering or attempting to promote better workplace inclusiveness: policies, values alignment, network diversity, diversity range, inclusive leadership, inclusion and performance are important considerations.

Concentrating on what provides a sense or experience of inclusion rather than more sterile organizational attempts to tick the inclusion box may significantly differ in attaining a deeper implementation of inclusion while simultaneously focusing on performance.

We're suggesting a 3-part framework to lifting up sustainability conversations:

  • Sustainability and efficiency change can seem like major issues that are either too far down the road or too big to solve. But we know the primary sources of the majority of today’s challenges. Understand and define—[Please read Part 1 here].
  • A more sustainable economy requires heavy investment—Investing in nature as our actual economic engine—[Please read Part 2 here].
  • Getting to net-zero emissions in the next thirty years may be the most challenging task humanity has ever attempted.—Private-sector solutions—[Please read Part 3 here]

And to help you practice we've created the following threads to help you join the discussions, ask your questions, comment:

3. Join the discussion using the framework for sustainability conversations: Diversity, inclusion, ethics—Part 3/5

3.1—Join the discussion: Diversity, inclusion, ethics

As we intend to understand how we can reinforce what we’ve been attempting to eradicate harmful practices for so long, we’ve built our framework where we can find data to lead to better strategic decisions. We've created this venue to host discussions around sustainability and efficiency.

A five-pronged approach to help organizations achieve improved performance through attention to environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and governance. 

Please, join the discussion.


We have been living in a period unlike any other in contemporary history. Around the last year, people all over the globe have confronted a worldwide epidemic that has killed over 2.6 million people, watched — and in many cases, participated in — the world's greatest work-from-home experiment, and saw a global campaign to abolish systematic racism and police brutality.

The magnitude of these incidents has prompted corporate executives to reconsider the toll they have had on employees' lives: recognizing the unequal impact on some workforce segments, including women, people of color, and front-line workers, has spurred leaders to make a more purposeful commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and become more transparent about their diversity company's DEI-related accomplishments. 

The bottom line, organizations have the demanding job of determining what works as the shared ideals of DEI grow increasingly popular. These basic techniques, while far from exhaustive, provide an evidence-based starting point. Progress is possible from counting, collecting, and comparing to accounting for complicated organizational pillars.

4. Weekly highlights

  • Diversity and inclusion in the workspace: Where are we now?—Link to the review [here].
  • How can technical expertise and economic empowerment support underserved communities and provide solutions to diversity, equity, and inclusion?—Link to the review [here].
  • How regulations and policies can support market recovery and encourage smarter investments—Link to the review [here].

5. Visual of the week

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6. Nevelab Technologies Partner Program

With climate change causing investment risks and opportunities through structural changes in almost every sector of the global economy, we believe that any collaboration launched during such turbulent times must benefit from the latest research on sustainability investment to make the best possible corporate strategic decisions.

These collaborations will allow us to engage closely with universities, centers of innovation, and institutions to incorporate the most current knowledge about investments and sustainability, in addition to enabling pioneering research in the sustainability and efficiency areas.

➤ We partner with world-class technology providers and system integrators to deliver unmatched sustainability innovation tools and value. 

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7. Our world in data: Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG)

  • The latest measurement of atmospheric CO2 (as of August 01, 2021): 414.19 ppm; July 2020: 415.00 ppm; 25 years ago: 360 ppm; 250 years ago, est: 250 ppm.
  • Methane (CH4) is estimated to have a GWP of 28–36 over 100 years. 
  • Nitrous Oxide (N2O) has a GWP 265–298 times CO2 for a 100-year timescale. N2O emitted today remains in the atmosphere for more than 100 years, on average.

➤ More critical resources: Real-time temperature • Advanced Global Atmospheric Gases Experiment

➤ Please consider sharing these numbers with your community by forwarding this email or tweeting this.

8. Podcast: "Corporate leadership, social interactions, and the future of work" series with Sara Murdock, Ph.D. 

"Corporate leadership, social interactions, and the future of work"​ series with Dr. Sara Murdock, Ph.D.

🎙 “The feminine approach to life is very much needed in the enterprise.”

While today's businesses are working hard to develop leaders from within, many are passing up a crucial opportunity by not fully leveraging the capabilities of executive women. We are trying to answer why are organizations missing amazing women and how it impacts the whole management and leadership abilities to the next level and contribution to long-term success.

For this fifth episode of The Road to Sustainability Podcast series dedicated to corporate leadership, we share some tips and tricks on the feminine approach very much needed in the enterprise.

You can listen to The Road to Sustainability™ Podcast on your favorite streamer Anchor - Apple Podcasts - Breaker - GooglePodcasts - Spotify - YouTube - SoundCloud.

9. Resources and archives

➤ An animated presentation on YouTube to better understand sustainability Introduction to Sustainability by The Road to Sustainability™.

➤ Daily sustainability insights in your inbox (special offer).

➤ Please give me feedback • Become a partner.

➤ Archives: the full list of The Road to Sustainability reviews 

At Nevelab Technologies, we support cutting-edge research, development, and demonstration (RD&D), which is key to achieving accelerated innovation and helping the private sector support economic growth, drive down costs for key technologies, and promote corporate leadership assessment sustainability and efficiency.

I hope this effort answers the many questions I get about helping organizations embrace sustainability principles and become more future-proof. 


🔗 The IEEE Global Artificial Intelligence Systems (AIS) Well-being Initiative is an IEEE program whose purpose is to ensure every technologist is educated, trained, and empowered to prioritize ethical considerations in the design and development of autonomous and intelligent systems. The Initiative is global, open, and inclusive, welcoming all individuals or representatives of organizations dedicated to advancing technology for humanity. Please reach out to me directly to learn how to join the Global Artificial Intelligence Systems (AIS) Well-being Initiative team.

🔗 The Road to Sustainability is a global network to build a more efficient, safe, and inclusive world. Sustainability is a fundamental part of every organization's culture, investment goals, and actions as a responsible business undergoing changes and being transferred between paradigm shifts.

🔗 Nevelab Technologies is a purpose-driven platform that leverages artificial intelligence to provide organizations with the tools to integrate sustainable imperatives while generating actionable insights.


The Road to Sustainability™ is an initiative by Nevelab Technologies and is circulated for informational and educational purposes only.

Nevelab Technologies Research utilizes data and information from the public, private and internal sources, including data from actual Nevelab open data access. While we consider information from external sources reliable, we do not assume responsibility for its accuracy.

The views expressed herein are solely those of Nevelab Technologies as of this report's date and are subject to change without notice. Nevelab Technologies may have a significant financial interest in one or more of the positions and securities or derivatives discussed. Those responsible for preparing this report receive compensation based upon various factors, including, among other things, the quality of their work and firm revenues.

Sara Murdock, PhD

Award-Winning Org Dev & Human Capital Expert | Executive Director


Thank you for centering these questions -- these are not rhetorical... measuring DEI is fundamental to business success and social sustainability

Yael Rozencwajg

Founder and CEO @ Wild Intelligence | AI safety, cybersecurity, enterprise AI mission

kakarla venkataratnam

Environmental journalist & CSR activist


Very useful and informative

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