Do you want an Interim Job?
Thank you to the 700 plus Subscribers its been a whirlwind 24 Hours since launching this Newsletter. As promised Article 3 would help the Interim Contractors, because we can only help ourselves.
What a weekend. Arsenal 'Parked the Bus' hey what can we say its not just a Mourinho habit and did Roy say he was now backing Liverpool!!! Have we already had the Eclipse?
I will in true literary style weave this story into Articles 1, 2 and 4. I know, I know. I haven't written 4 yet, its called a Segway and yes I know I have a penchant for Capital Letters when not required but we all have our idiosyncrasies and Articles 1 to 4 are your Introduction to me.
Lots of Message feedback on the LinkedIn Article so I embellished it in the Comments where I published it on my Profile - you probably need to Connect or Follow me in order to see them. That's not a clever Marketing ruse by the way...
First up is a Tip. LinkedIn create your Newsletter image in their AI Tool so no need to think you can't do it. Second Tip is you can amend it until you are happy. The eagle eyed amongst you will already have noticed I made slight tweaks to the Covers of Articles 1,2 and 3.
You may go back to work tomorrow, you may resume your job hunt tomorrow or you may actually have an Interview tomorrow Tuesday. If so Good luck. Like thousands of Professionals across the UK you check in online the night before any of these events, so you can have this now.
Background recap. Career is spread across 3 Phases. Firstly, at Whitbread and Argos in what we call a real job. Permanent, great fun, 9 to 5, lots of holidays. Phase 2 at Deloitte and Logica. Permanent, great learning, 16 Hr Day, Hotel food.
Phase 3 Interim Consultant under the Brand name Finance Transformation UK. A great challenge, loads of fun, 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a week. When you work for yourself you are always on call and you are also Chief Marketing Officer.
Now many people think they would like to try Contracting, pick and choose your Clients, no Politics, easy hours, regular Career Breaks, be your own person, etc. I have done this since 2012 and I can assure you anyone thinking it is that should pause and reflect, it is not for you and please do permit me a Chuckle at the no Politics. If you do not know what the word Pipeline means you are swimming in the wrong Pool.
When people, in shall we say settled middle age, tell me they want to go out on their own and try it. I always ask have they family commitments and do they have the necessary killer instinct to find work? If they hesitate I suggest they stay in Permanent employment.
Any Interim who tells you they have NOT had that one month time off stretch into 3 months with no Project, is telling you fibs. Think you can handle that kind of pressure? Know what that cold sweat on the back of your neck feels like when one weeks stretches into ya? Think your good enough? Really?
Now if you are still here and think you can cut the mustard. Read on.
Now, how do I find a job says you? If you read Article 2 you know that LinkedIn must be leveraged. Put aside shyness, put your best face forward, be crisp and to the point (Recruiters are lazy - 6 Seconds remember) did I say lazy I meant too busy to return your Calls. Now get used to that, when the 'other guy' has the ball you have to play this game.
Grow your Network in every direction, you need a Project, so Connect with all the Recruiters. It is pure Maths - if you want to see as many jobs as possible, Connect with as many Recruiters in your field as possible, be ready to pounce, be prepared.
This is what happens...
Only Recruiters know how to leverage LinkedIn. They Post a Job, a shark feeding frenzy ensues as Johnny tags Jane and so on. People Comment and publicly Post their phone number. Message me I am free. I told you its a feeding frenzy.
Those who are 'job sorted' they glance in and 'Comment for my Network'. I think this falls into the Category of 'warmest regards'. I don't really care but I will pretend I do is what it says to me. You want to help a friend you know needs a Contract do them the favour of actually tagging them as a minimum.
So let us be clear, the Recruiters know what they are doing, its a Perfect Market as Keynes would say. They know their role and they play it like Keano. You must decide how you are going to play it. Park the Bus or Counterattack - your call.
Do not commence a whinge about the failed call back, the ignored Comments, the delay in responding. This is all just a distraction. You need to get your boots on and get in the game.
When I wrote 'Hit your Reset Button' its still on Amazon for a tenner, I set it to the back drop of the 2018 World Cup. Footballing analogies abound, I make no apologies.
Recommended by LinkedIn
Fill in LinkedIn properly. Write your CV - 3 pages Max. Have another one PPT Summary version one text and one with photos and text. Fill in the Featured Section of your LinkedIn Profile and include one or all of the above - make it easy. After all Haaland only scores when Foden, Grealish or KDB tee it up.
Go to the Search Bar and Connect as appropriate in 2 directions. All Recruiters in your 'space' and every person of greater seniority to you in the Role you wish to be employed in. If you are an AP Manager try all the P2P Global Process Owners as an example.
Do this everyday - make a job of it. You have a job until you get a job - its called 'Getting a Job' and I can assure you allow one week after it before you start the Project as you will be adrenaline drained, the chase is always harder.
Right, so we have created your Profile, your window on the World, we have Connected with everyone and we still sit there waiting on the Call. Hours pass, then days, get concerned. Let me tell you something you are not alone. Reach out ask for help, pointers, contacts, introductions.
People love to help its human nature. Give them a bell, send them a Message, engage. Ask for help. This is tough but once over the initial hesitation you will flow. I advise people on finding jobs all the time. I know more people then they do, I know who are running Programs, I am happy to help them.
Who after all wants to see a fellow Pro sat on the touchline.
The above are the basics the real secret sauce to finding an Interim job is to establish a niche, something somebody else wants and marks you out from the crowd. You demonstrate initiative, confidence and ingenuity at a stroke.
I encourage you to sit down and honestly assess your strengths. I did it and I concluded I like to write and talk. I am also a good listener but its hard to demonstrate that in a Newsletter. Have somebody then independently challenge you, not your Partner, your best mate or a former team member. Be brave ask a stranger. after all in 9 out of 10 cases a stranger will employ you not your friend.
To sum up, know what you really want to do, then challenge yourself does anyone else need it and then craft a persona through LinkedIn, CV etc to illustrate it.
Remember until you have a signed Contract you are chasing the game. Do what you need to do. The best analogy of Contracting I ever heard was 'you eat what you kill' - pin in to the inside of your eyelids until you land a Contract.
Good hunting,