Does Practice Really Make Perfect?
Note: somehow I ended up w 2 newsletters with the same title. To ensure you get on the right list, please subscribe here: as this edition may disappear once I get it fixed. Practices makes perfect!
The title of this newsletter, "Practices Makes Perfect" could lead you to think that I believe in some idea of perfection as an achievable, or even worthy goal. And, I want to correct that right off the bat, so you can give yourself the permission to stop striving for some false ideal that will literally drive you, and everyone around you, crazy.
Perfectionism is the worst. Even Brene' Brown says so.
And while it's probably alive and well in all the professions, it's particularly rampant among lawyers. Amiright, my lawyer friends? I mean I'm pretty sure that most of us lawyers went to law school because of our obsessive desire to control reality, and have it be "just so." Well, at least that's probably why I did. I do think some people go to law school just because they didn't know what else to do with themselves, and maybe y'all aren't perfectionists.
But, us lawyers who went to law school to make the world a better place?! Well, we tend to be perfectionists, at least that's what it seems to me.
I say all that because I want you to know that I really get the dis-ease of perfectionism. It's the disease of the Type-A, high achievers, oftentimes 3s on the Enneagram.
And it can be glorified because if you are achieving, it could be very easy to convince yourself that the achievement was the result of your perfectionist behavior, and therefore the perfectionist behavior must be maintained in order to achieve. It's dangerous because as Marc David of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating points out, perfectionism is a dis-ease of self-abuse.
And, it's exactly why we need to come into a far healthier relationship with this idea of "perfect" as a whole. Hence, the name of this newsletter, ironically! Practice does make perfect, IF you change your concept of perfect entirely and recognize that it's the practice part of the striving for perfection that we get to embrace.
Practice ... a lifelong practice of intention, surrender and trust, will bring you to recognize that everything truly is perfect, just as it is. And, you'll get to expand your consciousness so you can hold the paradox that you can still achieve, and even reach fulfillment with your achievement, when you shift your concept of perfect altogether.
So what does this new idea of "perfect" look like when it isn't being weaponized and used against ourselves to harass and berate us (and perhaps those around us) into an ideal that can never be reached? An upgraded version of perfect looks like truly getting that Life Knows better than you ever could about what you really need. It's the key to the idea you've probably heard of getting out of your own way. And, one of the best vehicles for practicing this new concept of perfect is in your own professional practice turned into a business, and maybe even one day a company.
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Because I can assure you that being a business owner, or becoming a business owner, by growing your own practice into a business will lead you to confront all of the places that your unhealthy perfectionism, and your control issues, and your wish for things to be different have got to change ... but only if you want to experience joy and fulfillment from your practice, and from life.
Trying to live into a false ideal of "perfect" will simply result in you (and likely everyone around you) being miserable, never living up to some future reality that is unattainable, and ultimately you'll find yourself repeatedly in a state of lack of trust in life itself, and in your self.
So let's stop that, m'kay? No more trying to be "perfect", and instead full permission to recognize that what is perfect is practice, progress, and intending the highest and best, accepting all of what really is, surrendering into what comes your way, trusting that Life Knows, and remembering it's all here FOR you, to show you where you do get to choose to grow, and that ultimately it is all a journey that only leads to one place, and that's home to the very core of the perfectly imperfect you.
Ah, let's take a deep breath into that.
If I would have known this sooner, I would have saved myself a lot of heartache and pain along the way. I would never have thought that giving up or quitting was every the answer, and I would have been able to be a lot more gentle with myself, and those around me.
My prayer is that you receive these words now and are able to find the place of healthy achievement by recognizing when perfectionism is on the field, when it has become unhealthy and when it is driving you and everyone around you insane, so you can soothe yourself, relax, and remember practice makes perfect.
xo, Ali
#lawyers #professionals #financialadvisors #taxadvisors #wealthadvisors #bookkeepers #healthcoaches #consultants #recoveringperfectionists
Guide to your liberation - from the man, to your mind, to money worries ... it's time to step out of slavery and into your most empowered creator reality. You were born this moment. I'm here to serve.
3yHey y'all, please note that there are now two editions of my newsletter -- one with this article and another with my first article from yesterday. I'm hoping I'll be able to merge your subscriptions into one, but if you want to be sure to not miss a future article, be sure to subscribe here too: