The Ebb Tide of a Life Poorly Led.
When I think of all those who came through the door
Some still here and living, others gone forever more
I wonder what it means that despite it all, I'm around
Why am I still breathing, what reason can be found?
Is it just good luck? Because if the truth be fully told
I find people are annoying and that everything is old.
For what ever stupid reason, life is now a tasking chore
God's absent, evil's won cause being good's a fucking bore
The forces of Order have moved in a way that is dictatorial
So that obediance is mandatory making Chaos appear moral
In fact I am sick of nearly everything I see, read or hear
The only reason I still draw breath is knowing you are near
And so now that you left me, I wonder what reason I go on?
For it seems in your game of life I was just another pawn.
Oh I'm sure that there was love once, of that we can both agree
But the world changed to fit people like you, not for one's like me