Edition 6: Shift your mindset and overcome all limiting criticisms and beliefs
Hi there, wealthy entrepreneurs in the making.
Last week, I bemoaned my exploitation as a confident professional. I momentarily regretted my gullibility in my career as I recovered from the shock and release of retirement. I had sacrificed and compromised so much, but I quickly jumped out of that negative mood and instead decided to put all my energy into warning others about falling into the same trap. This rejuvenated me, and I set to work.
Now, I find myself in a position to coach others who want to, so this week, I’d like to share some of the concerns that have recently come up and my answers to them. Perhaps the most important gem to take away from my experience, which I humbly offer you here, is:
“Never rely on others for anything, especially your happiness.”
This is the motto of a true first-hand lifer. Your happiness is yours and no one else’s. In the same light, never rely on others to measure and appreciate your ability. It would be best if you were the sole judge of that. If you feel truly happy deep inside and are 100% sure your judgement and values are correct, that’s the perfect sign. I certainly had my soul broken over a long erosive period whilst working for a salary and at the behest of others.
The following points are how it can happen, so watch for them. My rejoinders are in italics:
You are a giant of supreme confidence with gleaming values and morals and have unlimited potential to do anything and everything!
2. Your sense of life and values are oppressed by the enshrinement of mediocrity in many walks of life, especially the political and governing spheres.
There is nothing mediocre about any human! As I’ve mentioned before, we are 100% evolved as a species physically but only 10% spiritually. Everyone is a unique stitch in the grand tapestry of all life.
3. Others sneer or laugh at you, which may even be viewed as a virtue: workplace comedians rule to keep morale up!
This is a general trend in life – diminishing reverence and respect – born of jealousy and gross insecurity among the mediocre. It’s the destroy-the-hero syndrome. I am certain that everyone is a hero if only they can free themselves from their straitjackets.
4. If you are too happy, it will unnerve others because happy people are free people, and most of your colleagues will never be free because they are too scared: institution syndrome.
Ancient Universal Laws insist that ‘Nature Abhors a Vacuum’, so if you work to remove all the criticism and negativity, it will leave space for the positive to flood in.
Distinguishing between realistic self-assessments and self-criticism
You may unconsciously have a negative thought gremlin that sits on your shoulder and continually does you down, especially when thinking of doing something new or outside the box. Negative self-talk is incredibly common and notoriously difficult to eradicate. Your critics may also be human and attempting to shield you from disappointment or jealousy because they live second-hand by fear.
You need to assess the skills and know-how necessary for success in your new venture or niche and then, matter-of-factly, check to see if you have those skills. Be objective, not falsely modest. This is between you and yourself. No one else.
Then, visit LinkedIn Learning and find free courses to learn or refresh your skills. Skills are skills. They have nothing to do with talent or acumen. Everyone can learn any skill if they are self-confident and well-motivated.
The solution is preventing your mind from wandering where it may in the first place. Use your thoughts very carefully because they create your future. Don’t listen to the residue. Make your new first-hand life with your thoughts and the feelings that come with them. For example, I think: ‘I will write my online biography objectively and positively today.’ I feel - straighten my back and feel proud and strong. I am living my values and am excited to be in control.
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Shifting your Mindset – scarcity to abundance
Limitations imposed on us by others from outside in external life cage us. The worst thing is that they sink into our flesh to the subdermal level after a time, and we can’t even feel their itchiness and scratch.
Society limits us so that we can live in relative harmony. Our communities and families limit us for similar reasons or just ingrained culture. The voices/gremlins in our heads are constantly babbling to hold us back. Is it any wonder that we end up limiting ourselves?
The Universe is abundant. Just look at Planet Earth (pre-demise) and the Galaxies in space, including the emerald planet we’ve seen pictures of from space. There is more than enough for everyone, especially with the Internet. The Internet is where we can see this fantastic phenomenon manifesting superbly.
Most of us are unfortunately raised on fear and conservatism, which is passed down through generations. Once humans colonised the Earth, there may have been shortages because we didn’t have the skills to find what we needed. But your unique mind is bottomless. Its creativity is relentless when primed.
All the inventions and developments we witness today are the development of ideas from human minds. The wheel, writing, electricity, Wi-Fi - these inventors were often laughed at and despised by popular mediocre opinion.
If you learn to use your thoughts and emotions carefully and creatively, there is no limit to what you can do and achieve. And on the Internet, this could benefit 5.3 billion people.
This also applies to money. Relying on your creativity and value to attract money is so liberating. The Internet is throbbing with training and the latest trends in any direction. So, you have a cornucopia of choices at your fingertips to charm with the diamond of potential in your spirit.
I’ll leave you with two inspiring quotations:
“Wealth is the product of man’s intellect, of his creative ability fully as much as art, science, philosophy or any other human value.”
Ayn Rand
“Time [another unnecessary limiting factor – my comment] is not money. Time is the space where money is earned and measured. Wealth-minded people aim to maximise their value and minimise the time it takes to create that value.”
Hendrith Vanton Smith Jr.
I hope your week is radiant with supreme self-confidence, true happiness and abundance!
See you next week when I’ll talk about the thief of time.
Yours wealthily
P.S.: All my development and focus are on Wealthy Affiliate, the perfect platform for first-lifers who want to create a digital future (please visit my website, https://first-life-com). You can read my 2024 review here, and if you click on my affiliate link here, I will become your mentor and help you all I can, as well as earn a small commission to push ahead with my various businesses at no cost to you!I
Embracing our inner potential is truly a transformative journey—inspiring to see this kind of encouragement for personal growth!
Founder & CEO, Group 8 Security Solutions Inc. DBA Machine Learning Intelligence
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Embracing our inner potential is truly a transformative journey—looking forward to discovering more about this first-hand life experience!