So most brand and retail marketers have the same question each year... "how do i spend this years budget ?" The aim should be to try and develop the brand and ultimately bring more sales in... shouldn't it ?!
All to often the "easy road" seems to be taken and marketers are not using the mix of formats we have at our finger tips. We live in a multi platform consumer environment today and yet some brands seem to plump for the old tried and tested methods... is it because that is the easy way ?
We have social media platforms coming out our ears, the bricks and mortar side of retail has been oh so slow at picking up and connecting the new marketing streams.
Pop Up Shops are the way to engage with shoppers in different locations and these can be very cost effective solutions.
I am still surprised more brands and retailers are not doing more !? Tie this in with some great marketing and social media and you are onto an exciting project.
One you can monitor the ROI as well and see what works and what most importantly brings you more sales .... or you could just sponsor the indents to a TV show and take the easy road !Come on guys, lets not be too lazy all the time with our budgets !!
What do YOU think am I right or wrong ? I am interested to hear what the industry thinks....
Image - Topshop Playground... a nice idea, to see more click here