EP 168: Kelli Youngman – B’Way THE KING AND I & ANASTASIA on You Booked It podcast!

EP 168: Kelli Youngman – B’Way THE KING AND I & ANASTASIA on You Booked It podcast!



Take Your Career to the Next Level!

Work 1-on-1 with Dane, host of You Booked It.



EP 168: Kelli Youngman (autogenerated)

Dane Reis: [00:00:00] you booked it. Episode 168. Okay, let’s get started. I am excited to introduce my guest today. Kelly Young men, are you ready for this Kelly? 

[00:00:16]Kelli Youngman: [00:00:16] Yes, let’s do it.

[00:00:18]Dane Reis: [00:00:18] Brilliant. Kelly began dancing at the age of three and received her BFA in dance from Fordham university. She made her Broadway debut in the Tony award winning revival of the King and I at Lincoln center and was assistant dance captain for the first national tour.

[00:00:36] After performing all over the country, Kelly returned to New York city to join Anastasia on Broadway as Tatyana Romanov in 2019, Kelly was in the world, premier of the Flamingo kid . Guested as Connie in a chorus line at Mt. Wichita and played Jo Jo Jo in Newsies at arena stage Kelly. That is a quick intro of who you are and what you’ve done, but why don’t you tell us a little bit more about yourself, fill in the gaps and a little bit more about what you do as a professional in the entertainment industry.

[00:01:11]Kelli Youngman: [00:01:11] Of course. So I’m Kelly and I currently live in Harlem in New York. City. I grew up in North Brunswick, New Jersey and was actually adopted from Seoul in Korea. Um, Um, yeah, I grew up as one of seven kids, so that was definitely, um, That was definitely fun. And, um, yeah, I started dancing when I was three years old, um, in a mommy and me class.

[00:01:36] I got to always dance at the teacher because I have a sister who’s really close in age. So she would dance with my mom. I would dance with the teacher. And ever since then, I’ve been dancing. Um, like you said, I ended up going to Fordham university where I got my BFA in dance and studied at the Ailey school.

[00:01:53] And. Yeah, I’m living the dream in New York city.

[00:01:58]Dane Reis: [00:01:58] , very cool. Well, Well, let’s dig into this first section here and Kelly, look, I am a sucker for a good quote. What is your favorite quote? You’d like to share with everyone?

[00:02:09]Kelli Youngman: [00:02:09] quote for a long time has been, everything happens for a reason. And I know it can seem a little cliche on the surface, but I find that when you really just accept things as they are, and that things are unfolding exactly as they should be. It’s always. Led me to have more faith and confidence in knowing that I’m exactly where I’m meant to be.

[00:02:31]Dane Reis: [00:02:31] Yeah, absolutely. That is a quote that comes up quite frequently here. Uh, and I think it’s absolutely true, but the simplicity of it is I think the best part of it, because it really does say it all. Doesn’t it?

[00:02:44] Kelli Youngman: [00:02:44] Yeah. Another well, I’ll share another quote that has kind of been on my mind lately, or maybe it’s more of a mantra, but recently I’ve been thinking a lot about the idea that. I was where I was and now I am where I am, and I think it helps me to really stay in the present moment. I think, I think there’s always value in looking backwards and seeing how things worked out or didn’t work out.

[00:03:07] But I think when you start, um, when you start over-analyzing things and start thinking, Oh, well I could have done something differently or, you know, maybe I could have. Something else would have happened if, if, if, but I think if you just accept again, going back to that acceptance of like, that’s who I was then, and this is who I am now, and in the future, it leaves room to grow and be whoever you want to be as well.

[00:03:31]Dane Reis: [00:03:31] Yeah, for sure. I say something, well, well, I guess a little bit different, but, uh, it’s when I’m getting, if I’m feeling like I’m a bit nervous about a thing, like whatever it is, and I’m trying to go out and do, if it’s performing or whatever it is, I always remind myself. The time is going to come. The time is going to go and something will have happened.

[00:03:48] Right. Right. For whatever reason that reminded me of, you know, I was where I was and I am where I am. It’s it’s so simple because we can get so caught up in the, all the, what ifs, right? You just got to do it. That everything is you are where you are in this very specific moment in time and being present as super, super difficult, but it really is a key to making this career work for you being in those auditions and having really good, having good auditions.

[00:04:12] Good performance is everything. It’s all about being present.

[00:04:15] Kelli Youngman: [00:04:15] A hundred percent. And I think it also just helps to release the expectations of enjoying it and enjoying the process, which again, like you will see that I am like, And I have an abundance of cliches that I live by, but that’s definitely, one of them is just, you know, what will be, will be, will be and, and, and being okay with that.

[00:04:36]Dane Reis: [00:04:36] for sure. Yeah. And let’s move on to this next section here in Kelly. Of course you are an entertainer, I’m an entertainer. And I think that you’d agree that this industry can be one of the most subjective, brutally, honest, personally, emotional industries in existence. And you know, you know, as well as I, that in order to create and have.

[00:04:59] He successful career in this industry. Like your having now takes a lot of dedication and hard work. And while yeah, there’s an outrageous amount of fun and excitement doing what we do. There are also our fair share of obstacles, challenges, and failures. We are going to experience and we’re going to have to move forward through.

[00:05:17] So tell us, what is one key challenge, obstacle or failure you’ve experienced in your career and how did you come out the other side better because of it.

[00:05:27]Kelli Youngman: [00:05:27] Well, I guess I’d have to say that the biggest obstacle I had was really my own identity. Um, so as I mentioned, I was adopted from Korea and obviously I’m an Asian American woman. Um, but I had trouble finding my place in the industry in the beginning. Um, I think, you know, a lot of times people perceive diversity or. what am I trying to say? I think a lot of times people have this idea of what roles or stereotypes you should be playing based on your look, your background. Um, and I think it’s exciting because we are in this time where things are starting to shift and. Hopefully, you know, changes coming. But again, I think in the beginning of my career, I just wasn’t comfortable with who I was.

[00:06:16]and I was really fortunate to make my Broadway debut in the King and I, which helped me to embrace myself in so many ways. And to. Go into this industry with more confidence about being an Asian performer, um, and seeing that that is special. And that’s something that is an asset. I think a lot of people.

[00:06:38]Tend to have the perception that we’re at a disadvantage or that we’re going to be limited, but I think some of those limitations come by what we are telling ourselves and what we think is possible. So I think once I really embraced who I was, it helps me to open up what I thought was possible for me and my career.

[00:07:00] Dane Reis: [00:07:01] Really great. I’m so glad that you brought that up because yes, of course we in the theater world and the Broadway world, the, the whole conversation of diversity and inclusion, and it is a, it is an issue. Right. But it’s really being addressed really well over the past, the past few months. And like, like, you I’m very.

[00:07:22]Hopeful that there’s actually real change. That ends up happening because of all of this. Uh, but I really like your, your viewpoint because you say, look, I’m an Asian-American in musical theater. I have a look, right. right. And you say, some people can look at it in this negative light. Other people can, you know, like yourself, look at it as an asset.

[00:07:41] Right. Right. And it’s really, the way you look at that it’s two sides of the same coin. You can take the. The opportunity route and the positivity route. And what’s what this, this is something unique about me. This is what I can offer to the entire industry. And to have that mindset is so much better, it’s a much better place to be moving forward.

[00:08:03] And I think when you take more positive mindsets and you go, well, this is the, what is life has handed me on? I can’t change who I am. Right. Right. Let’s move forward. How do I roll with that? And that’s when more opportunities begin presenting themselves, instead of all you’re seeing is obstacles everywhere you look

[00:08:21] Kelli Youngman: [00:08:21] Right. Right. And again, I think it just, what you think about is what’s going to start manifesting in your life. And truly, like I ended up playing Tatyana Romanov in Anastasia, not any an Asian character. I was in the Flamingo kid, which is a Jewish musical about a beach resort. Like. And then I ended up playing Jo Jo Jo Newsies, all kind of in one year.

[00:08:45] And again, it just goes to show that when you start changing, what you believe is possible, the things around you and your life will start to shift. 

[00:08:54]Dane Reis: [00:08:54] 1000000%. Thank you so much for that. That’s I love your mindset on that and the way you look at everything, it’s so important. And I think it’s so important for everyone that’s out there listening to that, to rewind that, listen to that again, because that’s brilliant. Thank you. And let’s move on to a time that I like to call your spotlight moment.

[00:09:16] That one moment in time you realized, yes, I am going to be an entertainer for a living or maybe it was, yes, this is what I need to be doing as an entertainer. Tell us about that.

[00:09:30]Kelli Youngman: [00:09:30] yeah, so I always, I, I started dancing at a really young age and I danced all the way through high school all the way through college. When I went to Fordham, I started thinking that I really wanted to focus on concert dance. So I was really training in modern and ballet and, contemporary, just like a lot of different. Concert dance styles. So I thought I was going to be going the company route when I graduated college that didn’t really pan out for me. And I started getting a little confused about where I fit in,  in, in the industry. Um, but again, I grew up at a dance studio that did everything. We did musical theater.

[00:10:10] When we were in like the top companies we had to. Train and voice and acting. So I had a kind of musical theater background. I actually had applied to colleges for musical theater because I knew that singing and acting were kind of my, I guess you could say my weaknesses like that. They weren’t my strengths.

[00:10:28] So I had applied to college to. To major in musical theater and I didn’t get into any musical theater programs. So that’s why I ended up going to Ailey. Um, again, I totally ended up where I was meant to be, but when things didn’t work out with, um, concert dance, I kind of started going to more. Broadway musical theater auditions.

[00:10:48]Um, I had about a year that I really wasn’t working. I was teaching and auditioning, but I hadn’t booked a professional job yet. And when I finally booked, I booked a cruise ship job, actually, and I worked for. A cruise line all around Hawaii and then ended up doing a book show. I did legally blonde. And I think after that, I was like, okay, this is what I need to be doing.

[00:11:13] And I came back to New York after that ended up booking my agent from an open dance call and the, yeah. And then I just kind of really went full force and decided that this was what I was doing.

[00:11:25]Dane Reis: [00:11:25] so cool. That journey is amazing. I love this industry. This is a big reason why I created this podcast as well as to shed light on how. People navigate this career because it’s not black and white, like like say being a pediatrician or something like this, right? It’s, there’s so many different aspects of this industry that we can go into and how we find our path and how we find our way is amazing.

[00:11:50] Just like yours going, you know, wanting to maybe be , a concert dancer, and then to Broadway. That’s wild and very cool. Um, You mentioned that you booked a ship and you went and did a ship, and then you did the book musical there. Talk real quick about your experience on ships and how your opinions of them as far as they fit into a career or how they may benefit or disadvantage even, uh, entertainers.

[00:12:13] Kelli Youngman: [00:12:13] Yeah. So honestly, I’m, I am super grateful for my experience on cruise ships, because one, it just taught me so much about what it takes to be in a show. Um, When I worked on my first ship, we used to have to do like our presets, our costume changes, our wig changes. We had like like one dresser for the entire cast who was like our wardrobe supervisor.

[00:12:38] But again, it just kind of showed me an appreciation for when I got to Broadway and had someone helping me and doing all these things. I was like, wow, I know that what they do is so integral and their job is. So important and requires so much commitment. Like I just found that I had a deeper appreciation for everything.

[00:12:58] Once I got to that higher, I guess that the next level. Um, but yeah, I thought it was a great first job. And again, I learned so much it taught, it taught me to be really independent. It taught me to how to take care of myself because obviously living on a ship, you you’re kind of confined to this one. Area or this one you’re kind of just confined in your environment.

[00:13:21] So learning how to take care of yourself and stay healthy and exercise and, yeah, just take care of yourself. Um, of course some of the challenges were being away from home or doing long distance relationships and things like that, but. Especially for like recent college grads. I think it’s great. Like, you can save a lot of money.

[00:13:43] I know friends that came back with like so much money saved after that and yeah. I’d like, I think it’s great. I think it’s definitely worth doing at least once and trying it.

[00:13:55]Dane Reis: [00:13:55] Yeah. Great. Thank you so much for sharing that and your experiences. I also did a couple of ship contracts, and I think that they’re brilliant places for entertainers to entertain. Regardless if you want to make that your entire career or. If you are just starting out, it doesn’t matter. There’s, there’s fantastic markets for performing and you’re right.

[00:14:19] You learn so much on ships. You get thrust into it. You’re responsible for so many things that you just don’t have to do once you get to those equity contracts. Right. But it’s great to experience that and learn how to run a show and be in a show where you have to do all those things as well. Cause it gives you that appreciation, like you said, and.

[00:14:38]What I really like about ships as well, is that they really teach you if, or I guess you would discover really, is this something you really want to do for a living or not? Because you’re really consistently doing the show. You get to practice a lot of different styles, all the things, and you can find out in a hurry.

[00:14:57] If this is a career path that you really want to pursue or not. 

[00:15:00]Kelli Youngman: [00:15:00] Yeah,

[00:15:01]a hundred percent because. Yeah, it’s just a different schedule. It’s a different life. It’s, it’s a full time commitment. So I agree with you. I think that’s a great, a great way to kind of, I guess, test the waters. Maybe

[00:15:14] Dane Reis: [00:15:14] Yeah, for sure. And let’s piggyback on that real quick and talk about your number one, booked it moment. Walk us through that day, the auditions and call backs. If they happen to be a part of it, what was going on in your life? And what about that moment? Makes it your favorite book moment.

[00:15:35]Kelli Youngman: [00:15:35] Okay. So my favorite book, that moment is my Broadway debut.

[00:15:41]And this is because I literally manifested this in six months. so I think manifested because. I consciously decided I was going to be on Broadway. And then within six months I made my Broadway debut. So this goes back to my whole idea and belief that what you think about is what manifests in your life.

[00:16:05] So the day that I booked my Brody view, I had actually gotten up and I was on my way to another audition that morning. Um, after that audition, I got a call from my agents that said they were saying, Hey, Kelly, King, and I wants to see you. They have an opening for an immediate replacement.

[00:16:24] Would you be able to go over there today? And I was like, yes, of course. I actually just came from an audition. I have all of my stuff with me. I’m ready to go for those of you after you’re like out there. When you go to auditions, you always have bags and bags, you know of like, maybe I need these shoes.

[00:16:40] Maybe I need these shoes. You bring like so many options with you. So I had like so many bags of stuff with me and I was like, well, I’m headed to a class, actually at the Ailey school, they had like an alumni class happening. So I was like, I’m on my way to class. I can go over after like, keep me posted. So I go to the class, I’m getting all anxious and excited after the class I’m getting ready in the bathroom.

[00:17:01] And I’m like, okay. This is perfect. Like the Ailey school is really close to Lincoln center. I was like, I can just walk over there and be ready. Whatever’s going to happen. So I’m waiting for my agents to call me back. And I actually went into the time Warner building and I was seriously just standing. I don’t know if you’ve ever been to the time Warner building, but when you stand on the second balcony, you’re like looking out.

[00:17:23] Into Columbus circle. There’s like these glass railings. And I was just standing there like completely in public with my headphones on doing vocal warmups. I was like practicing my song, like looking out, they had all the Christmas ornaments still up. Cause this was in January and yeah, I was. Singing, practicing, whatever I’m like, now I’m getting tired.

[00:17:46] The day’s going on. I ended up going to Starbucks right outside of the time Warner building. And I’m like, you know what, I’m going to get a coffee. I’m going to say. Just sit, take a nap. I don’t know what I was thinking, but I truly just like hooked my bags on my arms and like put my head down, like, like an elementary school kid.

[00:18:03] Like I was taking a nap. I’m like waiting for them to call me back because my agents haven’t told me what time I’m going. And it’s like, it’s getting later. It’s like four, four 30. And I had been up for like a 10 o’clock audition. So I had gotten up at maybe seven 37 to get ready for that 10 o’clock audition.

[00:18:22] So I’m like getting super tired and trying to keep my energy up. I finally get a call from my agents and they’re just like, Hey Kelly, we have you on speaker phone. I’m like, okay, that’s weird. And all of a sudden, they’re just like, you’re making your 

[00:18:37] Dane Reis: [00:18:37] making,

[00:18:38] Kelli Youngman: [00:18:38] debut.

[00:18:39] Dane Reis: [00:18:39] Oh, cool. 

[00:18:41] Kelli Youngman: [00:18:41] I was like, what? Like, I didn’t even go to the audition.

[00:18:44] Like I was supposed to go there that day. And I literally just got the call that I booked it. And like in hindsight, I see how everything worked out and I had been like, granted, I had been in for them before, but I had never sang for them. 

[00:19:00] Dane Reis: [00:19:00] Um,

[00:19:00]Kelli Youngman: [00:19:00] And I don’t know, I’m telling the story all out of order, but like going back to that idea that I manifested it.

[00:19:06] Like I was working in a restaurant right before this and when it came time for the holidays, I told them like, I’m not going to be working Thanksgiving. Maybe I’ll work one of the other holidays. I ended up quitting my job and giving my notice before Christmas. And I just said, I remember telling them


[00:19:24]Like, I need to put in my notice and they said, Oh, did you book something? And I said, yes, I’m going to be on Broadway. And they looked at me and they were like so excited. They were like, that’s amazing. What show are you going to be in? And I truly looked at them and I said, I don’t know yet, but I’m going to be on Broadway.

[00:19:40] And they thought I was nuts. So when new years came and went, it was kind of that moment of like, okay, I was supposed to be on Broadway by the end of the year. And I feel like I had that moment of like, okay, I can either give up and think I’m crazy for believing this, or I can keep believing it and know that even if it didn’t happen right now, it’s coming because I’m going to be on Broadway.

[00:20:02]then I ended up booking my Broadway debut, literally like a week and a half into the new year, just from a phone call.

[00:20:10]Dane Reis: [00:20:10] that is so good and so unique as well. 


[00:20:16] who would have expected that that that’s so great. But I think also a takeaway is that you said, look, I’ve also, I was also in for them before. Right? Right? So they’ve seen you, they knew about you a little bit and that’s something that’s also a huge takeaway is that you have to put in the work.

[00:20:34] Yes, you can manifest it, but you can’t just manifest it and then sit on your couch and do nothing. You have to move forward and take action towards that manifestation. Right. And. So great. And you have to continue, continue to show up and do good work when you’d go into those rooms. Right. And that you create that rapport.

[00:20:49] You create that reputation that surrounds you. They’re like, Oh yeah, she’s solid. We just need to have another look. But if you don’t have all of that past work, it’s hard for things also to happen. Right. Right.

[00:21:00] Kelli Youngman: [00:21:00] Right. And one last thing I’ll mention about the stain is that when I made the decision that I was going to be on Broadway, one of the things I did was that I started going to Greg Zane’s class every Wednesday without fail at 9:00 AM. So Greg Zane was the associate choreographer of the King and I, and.

[00:21:18] Through those six months, he started to get to know me. He saw that I was, uh, you know, that I was a capable dancer and all of those things. So exactly like you said, you have to still be doing the work along the way, but when you decide that it’s going to happen, you start taking different actions. You’re like, what would I do if I was going to be on Broadway tomorrow, would I be in the best shape possible?

[00:21:40] Would I be taking care of myself? Would I be ready for that opportunity? So I couldn’t agree more with 

[00:21:46] Dane Reis: [00:21:46] more. Yes. But would you be ready for the opportunity you set it right there? Yes. So good. And let’s take a moment to talk about the present. What projects are you working on now? What are you looking forward to? And. It’s a weird time, right? We’re amidst this global pandemic. How do you see the entertainment industry moving forward in the next couple of years?

[00:22:09]Kelli Youngman: [00:22:09] Yeah, that’s a big question. So, um, at the beginning of the pandemic, I was supposed to do 42nd street at lyric opera in Chicago in the spring, and then that got canceled. So I’ve kind of been, I’ve been in New York this whole time, but definitely. You know, riding the waves of the pandemic. Um, I think part of it, again goes back to just staying focused and ready for whatever comes next, kind of , um, embracing the virtual auditions, embracing class virtually and just staying as active and ready as possible.

[00:22:42] Because again, like. Our industry will come back. It’s just a matter of time and not losing sight of that light at the end of the tunnel from all of this. Um,

[00:22:53] Um, 

[00:22:53] but yeah, I need to be honest, I don’t, I don’t really know exactly where our industry is headed, but luckily that’s kind of, it’s like not my job to figure out the how it’s just to know that.

[00:23:05] No matter what I am still going to be in this industry and pursuing this career. And again, just doing everything I can to stay ready.

[00:23:13]Dane Reis: [00:23:13] for sure. You always have to stay ready. Right. Because we don’t know how quickly it’s going to come back and what opportunities are going to arise, especially during this time. Right. And I guess in our pre-chat you had mentioned, uh, your, uh, wellness project that you’re going, that you’ve started. Do you want to talk about that a bit?

[00:23:31] Kelli Youngman: [00:23:31] Oh, yes. Okay. So during the pandemic, I mean, like many of us, I ended up gaining so much weight in the beginning of it, just because I was like sitting around my apartment and like, we weren’t allowed to go outside in New York city and, you know,you know, everything was shut down. Um, so yeah, there was like, I feel like times where I literally hadn’t left the house in days.

[00:23:50]so I kind of started on my own wellness journey of just like eating healthier, starting to exercise again. And this prompted me to become a nutrition coach. So I ended up getting my nutrition certification and. Just deciding that I wanted to kind of put a lot of my passions together, which is kind of mindset and life’s coaching and nutrition and wellness in general.

[00:24:16]Um, so I kind of melded that all together and created my business, Kelly Young and wellness. And I have a community called light where I’m serving performers and entrepreneurs, people that are looking to find more. Happiness and wellness in their everyday life. Um, so yeah, I’m actually been creating an online course called the performance plan, which I’m going to be launching in January, which I’m super, super excited about.

[00:24:45] It just is all the information I wish I knew at the beginning of my career to really support myself and to allow myself to have. The career of my dreams. Um, and aside from that, I really am just like focusing on worthiness because I think it comes down to like, what do we believe that, like, what do we believe we deserve is what, what, what we allow into our lives.

[00:25:08]So, yeah, I’m just super excited to be helping others to find and celebrate their true worthiness and for everyone to just go after it and give themselves permission. Whatever they want.

[00:25:23]Dane Reis: [00:25:23] yeah, love that. So good. And it’s brilliant because you’re living it too. Right. Right. And to be able to share that at the same time is amazing. 

[00:25:32]Great. And it is time to move on to one of my favorite sections in the interview. I call it the grease life. Then round. I am going to ask you a handful of questions. I want you to answer them as quickly and concisely as possible one after another.

[00:25:46] Are you ready?

[00:25:49] All right. First question. What was the one thing holding you back from committing to a career as an entertainer?

[00:25:56]Kelli Youngman: [00:25:56] Um, definitely just a feel of a fear of failure self-doubt and lacking confidence.

[00:26:03]Dane Reis: [00:26:03] yes. Second question. What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?

[00:26:08] Kelli Youngman: [00:26:08] Yeah. Before my grandma passed away, she told me if you ever have something nice to say about someone, 

[00:26:15]Dane Reis: [00:26:15] Oh, that’s so good. The exact opposite, really of the other one. Uh, love that third question. What is something that is working for you right now? Or if you’d like to go pre COVID, what was working for you before our industry went on? Pause.

[00:26:32]Kelli Youngman: [00:26:32] definitely just prioritizing my house and being willing to invest in myself, whether that’s investing in my education, my career, my wellness, but allowing myself to stay energized so that I can show up for the best I can show up as my best self.

[00:26:49] Dane Reis: [00:26:49] yes, for sure. And when you’re able to show up as your best self. It really carries over to everything. Right? Right? Cause if you, if you can serve yourself, then you can serve others, but it’s hard to serve others if you can’t take care of yourself. Right. Right. And th the fourth question, what is your best resource?

[00:27:09] Whether that is a book, a movie, a YouTube video, maybe a podcast or a piece of technology you found is helping your career right now.

[00:27:18]Kelli Youngman: [00:27:18] The one book that I always recommend to people is you are bad-ass by Jensen cherub. It’s the book that I read that started the whole mindset shift that pushed me into manifesting my Broadway debut.

[00:27:30]Dane Reis: [00:27:30] yeah, that book has also come up. I’ve not I’ve yet to read it. I’ve got so many books in my, on my 

[00:27:35] queue to read, but yeah, I’ve heard it. Yeah. People keep talking about it. So it’s gotta be good. So I’ve got to check it out. There we go. You’re my you’re the one that pushed me over the edge on it. Good. And the fifth question, if you had to start your career up from scratch, but you still had all the knowledge and experience you’ve collected from your career in this industry, what would you do or not do?

[00:28:01] Would you do anything differently or would you keep it the same?

[00:28:04]Kelli Youngman: [00:28:04] You know, I think this goes back to the idea that I said before of like, I was where I was, and now I am where I am. I don’t know that I really would change anything because I’ve been so like, I’ve been so fortunate at 10 to end up exactly where I’ve meant to be. And I think maybe if I had shifted something. Things wouldn’t have happened in the same way. So I want to, I don’t know if that answers the question, but I’m choosing to say no, I wouldn’t do anything differently except maybe just had a little bit more confidence in myself in the beginning.

[00:28:35]Dane Reis: [00:28:35] Yeah. Great. I think all of us could, could have done a little bit with that, you know, looking hindsight, but it’s, it’s hard to do in the moment, but hearing people like yourself that have been so successful and saying that. That is what is inspirational and helps. I think, tune us in, you know, if we’re in the beginning of our careers and we’re trying to make this career work for us that, Hey, people like Kelly, she is saying this, I wish I was more present.

[00:29:00] I wish I was a bit more confident going into this thing at the beginning. Those are things to really take heart of and see if you can work it into your life a bit more.

[00:29:09]And the last question, what is the golden nugget knowledge drop you’ve learned from your successful career in this industry? You’d like to leave with our listeners

[00:29:20]Kelli Youngman: [00:29:20] The thing I think I’ve learned the most is that it’s supposed to feel good. You’re supposed to enjoy it. And I think that there’s this idea of like the struggle, the hustle and the grinding, and yes, like of course, a hundred percent you have to be committed and be willing to show up and do the work. But I think there’s a different energy, but between doing it from a place of alignment and enjoyment and doing it like out of fear and out of lack and out of this place of.

[00:29:50] Not knowing if you’re good enough. So I would say, I just want people to enjoy the journey and the process and lean into the uncomfortable parts because that’s part of it too.

[00:30:02]Dane Reis: [00:30:02] that’s such good advice. Everyone, please rewind that. Listen to that. So good. Thank you. And to wrap up this interview, Kelly, it is time to give yourself a plug. Where can we find you? How do our listeners connect with you? Is there anything you want to promote?

[00:30:21]Kelli Youngman: [00:30:21] Yeah. So the best place to find me is on Instagram at Kelly Young men, or at Kelly Young and wellness. I have links to some free resources at Kelly, young men, wellness.com, but words slash links. And yeah, I really just want everyone to embrace who you are, what you’re doing and know that you are a hundred percent worthy, capable, and deserving of whatever you want in your life.

[00:30:49] So that’s it. 

[00:30:51] Dane Reis: [00:30:51] fan tasks. And for everyone listening out there, I have put the links to everything Kelly just said into the description of this episode. So you can easily connect with her and also be sure to share this podcast with your fellow entertainers, coaches, teachers, arts, and entertainment educators, and anyone, you know, you know, aspiring to create a career in the entertainment industry.

[00:31:16] You booked. It is the number one resource of expertise on how to actually create a successful entertainment career case in point, everything Kelly just talked about today, all of those really, truly actionable value bombs all through this episode. If you enjoyed it, hit that subscribe button. So you don’t miss the next guest and Kelly, thank you so much for being here.

[00:31:40] I’m so glad we got connected. It’s been a pleasure to have you on.

[00:31:44]Kelli Youngman: [00:31:44] Thank you so much, Dean. This has been so much fun. And I just love that you are putting this content out for people to, like you said, create careers that they love. So it’s amazing.

[00:31:55] Dane Reis: [00:31:55] Oh, thank you very much. 

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