Face them, fight them, finish them

Face them, fight them, finish them

My teacher once told this story about one of tennis player..After winning so many title, championships, Wimbledon, AUS open, French open,and many more,he was a living legend.Due to some accidental blood transfusion he gets infected with some disease. So many letters, messages from fans to console him,in one letter it says asking him about had he never felt blaming god for this??? why me??? Some thing like that…

He replied superbly, saying when I started playing tennis around 5 crore people might have started, among them 500 play for their national level, of them 50 play in Wimbledon (not exact figures) and 4 play in semis, finally 2 in final and finally one becomes a champion, that's me..I never asked during that time why me?? If I blame him now that's not right…

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