Shri Ramchandra Kripalu Bhaj Man

Shri Ramchandra Kripalu Bhaj Man


श्रीरामचन्द्र कृपालु भजु मन is one of the pearls of Bhakti literature. The bhajanam/stuti (Prayer, invocation) describes the attributes and glorifies acts of Lord Shri Ram. It also reflects the devotion, love and surrender of Shri Shri Acharya Shri Goswami Tulsidasji Maharajji before Lord God Shri Ramchandra. Goswamiji has composed this bhajanam in mixture of Avadhi - Sanskrit, taking Bhakti poetics to its zenith.

It is part of the Vinay Patrika [Vinaya Patrika - Wikipedia], composed during late 16th century. The bhajanam has resemblance to the "Astakam" (Eight stanzas) compositions of Bhashyakar Acharya Shamkara.

In traditional Bhakti style, it is addressed to the own "mana" - the doubtful and suffering self. The composition is exquisite in the word-play (Alankars like multiple use of words like "kanja" (Lotus) for beauty) and metaphors (Dark Blue clouds, Lightening), use of similar sounds like (-न्द ) in रघुनन्द आनंदकंद कोशल चन्द दशरथ नन्दनम्, the repetitive alluring use of soft dental sounds in दीन बन्धु दिनेश दानव दैत्यवंशनि!

I venture to attempt a translation of the first 5 stanzas with a million obeisance and forgiveness for errors. May I be forgiven by the Goswami for errors, which are all unintentional.

॥ श्रीरामचन्द्र कृपालु ॥ Stanza 1: 1. 1. श्रीरामचन्द्र कृपालु भजु मन हरण भवभय दारुणम्| Meaning: (To) Lord Shri Ram Chandra, the compassionate; I with my suffering mind, pray; (To) The One who can take away all the frights of the dreadful ephemeral World. 1.2. नवकञ्ज लोचन कञ्ज मुखकर कञ्जपद कञ्जारुणम्|| ...Meaning: Eyes are like freshly bloomed lotus, face is like lotus, hands are beautiful like lotus, feet are like a lotus with orangish hue of rising sun.

Stanza 2: 2.1. कंदर्प अगणित अमित छबि नव नील नीरज सुन्दरम् . Meaning: Lord's appearance is beautiful than uncountable innumerable Kandarpas (The epitome of physical beauty) It is like dark blue hue of new rainclouds. 2.2. पटपीत मानहुं तड़ित रुचि सुचि नौमि जनक सुतावरम् ...२... Meaning: (To me) Lord's yellow robe appears like an exquisite lighting (Against the blue appearance). I bow before the Consort of Daughter of King Janaka (Sita Mata).

Stanza 3: 3.1. भजु दीन बन्धु दिनेश दानव दैत्यवंशनि कन्दनम् . Meaning: I pray to the deliverer of sufferers, the Lord of Light and day; Who has given deliverance as Annihilator of clans of demons and mysterious beings. 3.2. रघुनन्द आनंदकंद कोशल चन्द दशरथ नन्दनम् .. ३.. Meaning: The progeny of King Raghu, Embodiment of Bliss, Hero of the Koshala Kingdom Born in the descent of Moon, Son of the Great Dasharatha.

Stanza 4: 4.1. सिर मुकुट कुण्डल तिलक चारु उदार अङ्ग विभूषणम् . Meaning: Crown on holy head, elegant ear pendants and the holy Tilaka mark, Humble ornamentations on body. 4.2. आजानुभुज सर चापधर सङ्ग्राम जित खरदूषणम् ...४...

Meaning: (Lord’s) Arrows & Bow reach up to thighs, Adorning his graceful arms. Always victorious in war, against likes of the evil Khara-Dooshana. इति वदति तुलसीदास शङ्कर शेष मुनि मनरञ्जनम्: says Tulsidas

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