Feeling roadblocked and unsupported in your Leadership role? I think this will help.
I just came off a call with an amazing new leader. She's just been promoted into a big role leading a technical team.
I asked her how she's finding that transition.
She told me it's been relatively pain-free, especially because she had a level of influence in the company already (always helps!).
Aside from that, she mentioned that she had worked hard to build TRUST and because of that, felt like she had a lot more autonomy and support as a senior decision maker in her male-dominated company.
Now, if you're reading this and thinking "I wish I felt trusted and supported at work!" Then you're in the right place.
I've just finished revamping a free mini-course I created ages ago, that I haven't really given enough of you access to.
TBH I wasn't sure it was the right ' thing'
But the more I speak to new leaders and their teams, I realize: TRUST is their EVERYTHING. Especially in that precious 90-day mark in a new leadership role, promotion or not.
If you've been In your role a while and you're getting roadblocked and more pushback and conflict than you want, then it's also going to help you...ALOT.
"Trust to results" my free, totally revamped email mini-course is a step-by-step playbook to help you build trust, influence your team, and nail your first 90 days in your new leadership role.
It's what I walk my new clients through before anything else!
If you want access to the 5-day course, just head over here.
Any questions, just hit reply on this email!
Lot's of love,
Em 💜
P.S are we Instagram friends? Follow me @emilyrosedallaracoach for more BTS, doggie pics and leadership stories.