Finance & Tax Reform
The wealth of any nation is solely the wealth of its citizens. But if that nation becomes a plutocracy (one where the wealthy set the laws) they will always use their influence to reduce "their" taxes, which undercuts the government's ability to invest in its citizen's wellbeing. Which makes the Rich Richer and the Poor and Middle-class paying and defaulting on the bills. This influence widens the Wealth-Gap and will ultimately bring down the country.
We need a well-funded government that works only to benefits all Americans because a fair economy lowers crime, improves all our standard of living, and raises the wealth of every American and not just the Rich, so they can pay all their bills and their fair share of the government policies we all benefit from.
Finance Reform
Free Banking
- Provide no-cost bank accounts to the poor. Giving them Debt-Card and access to Bill-Pay with Auto-Budget to manage their money and realize their financial goals.
- Ending default of payments, late fees, and the end of greater debt.
- Mandate the use of Payroll Services for all employers.
- Add a Debt Account to the National Withholdings. To guarantee payment of all debt. This will ease credit, making it available to everyone. So your creditworthiness will not be just based on your credit history or assets, but on your youth and ability to work.
Consumer Protection Agency
- Reinstate to defend the rights of the American consumer from fraud and theft from corporations and banks that seek to maximize profits at the expense of their customers.
Credit Card / Personal Loans
- Cap interest to 25%
- Fix the interest at purchase. So if you purchase an item at 4% they cannot next month change the rate to 32% on the existing balance but can raise or lower on future purchases.
- End erroneous fees and charges. And the Rule of 10 (if the cheat someone, the fine is 10x the profit reaped for the crime). If they charge an illegal fee of $5usd, then they must pay $50usd to the customer.
Tax Reform
The purpose of taxes is to generate revenue for the operation of the government and to provide investment in infrastructure to spur the economy and the well-being of its people.
I Propose
All employers need to use a Payroll Service This provides an easier mechanism to provide the workforce with global benefits and protections. Allowing for unemployment relief or stimulus payments through existing revenue streams.
Debt Accounts would provide creditors with a greater guarantee of repayment and therefore increase a greater opportunity of credit to all Americans.
National Pension System: When I was in HighSchool, my math teacher Mr. Rickard told us all that if we put $20 a week in a Back Account we would have a Million Dollars by retirement. Everyone should be automatically enrolled in the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) Plan See the plan
Retirement Portability provides all Americans retirement investments, without rolling over 401k accounts when changing companies or jobs.
Healthcare Account which would replace the insane one created by congress. By providing tax-free funding for medical costs without expiration or caps to pay future Fitness and Healthcare costs. Also, your Employer will pay "WearAndTear" payments into this account. (See Healthcare).
Healthcare Tax Taken out of your paycheck at $100.00 a month and your non-working partner and children. Your Employer can refund you as part of their benefits (See Healthcare)
Flat-Tax On a set year (say every other 2-years or every 4-years) everyone's Tax rate would be adjusted base on a final federal budget +3% (savings/debt reduction). Then divided it by the national revenue of the combined total of (Corporations + Individuals) to give us a fixed Tax Rate. That Percentage becomes everyone’s rate. Based on pre-COVID19 figures Corporate and Individual taxes would be 22% with a cap of 25%. No government deserves more than 25-cents of every dollar earned. This would typically balance the budget every year and provide automatic tax cuts or increases, based on the cost of government.
All Corporations have to pay taxes on all revenue generated in the United States and its territories. And all assets repatriated (minus the taxes paid outside the borders) or used to purchase assets brought into the country.
Based on pre-COVID19 figures Americans below the poverty-line were 10.5%. The TOP 10.5% would have to pay their taxes. Not because I want the BOTTOM 10.5% not to pay taxes, but to incentivize the TOP 10.5% to hire and raise the income of the BOTTOM 10.5% so they don’t have to pay this “billionaires tax”
Deductions are used to promote action. These are a few I would maintain.
- Homeownership. (but mine would only be your primary home and up to median interest rate to the median housing price)
- Child Deduction for two biological children and all adopted children
- Education (median cost)
- Healthcare/Caregiver (median cost)
- Charity (no deductions for cost or loans
Church Tax exemptions would be limited to facilities based on physical worship, school, and outreach (health clinics, soup kitchens, shelters). Staff based on attending congregation. Pay would be limited based on local median income, deducting for any living benefits. Any remaining funds going to charity. Requiring yearly audits, made easier with Electronic Donations or eGiving.
Inheritance Tax helps keep the richest families from draining the wealth of everyone else. Money makes money and though I believe that everyone should prosper from their labor. But when that wealth exceeds the life of that individual that produces it effectively locks that money from the broader economy. I propose that no one beneficiary can inherit more than a percentage of the median-income (ie $100-million dollars). Exempting any heirlooms, business, or real estate. Taking out 22-25% when sold or when revenue is generated from that asset.
I believe in Free Trade and would never impose Tariffs on any country that doesn't impose tariffs on us. I also believe that every country has industries that they need to protect, and as such, I think each trading partner should have (5) exceptions that they can use without explanation and retaliation. We should always block products that violate Safety, Environmental Damages in production and operations. Or violates Human Rights and/or produced with Prison or Slave labor. Anything that unreasonably undersells the product or services intended to cripple domestic production is the only thing Tariffed to make level. The ultimate goal of trade is not every country making every product, but Country A makes Product A, to trade with Country B for Product B... a Symbiotic relationship.
Corporate Tax has to be paid in advance on all products imported into this country when landed.
Unemployment / Welfare
All should have the dignity of work. If you are receiving benefits, they should include work based on their skills, from managerial to cutting trails to picking up trash... to keep their skills up, to keep them motivated, and to keep their dignity. To equal 40hours. 4 days of (school, volunteering, work) with 1-fixed day week for job searching.
- Partnerships with employment agencies.
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