Find the Best Online Therapy for treating Anxiety
Find the Best Online Therapy for treating Anxiety - Online Mindfulness Therapy via Skype
Online Mindfulness Therapy for Anxiety and Panic Attacks via Skype.
Treat the underlying cause of your anxiety and panic attacks through Mindfulness Therapy rather than just treating symptoms.
To fully recover from an anxiety disorder you need to change the way that you relate to your emotions. The real problem for most people is that they react to their anxiety with aversion and avoidance, both of which are themselves forms of fear that simply reinforce your anxiety.
Significant change happens when you develop a realationship with your anxiety based on conscious acceptance and compassion.
This inner mindful relationship promotes healing and is essential for recovery and helping you develop it is the focus of Mindfulness Therapy.
See an online therapist specializing in Mindfulness Therapy for anxiety.
Go to my main website to learn more and to schedule a Skype Therapy session: Online Mindfulness Therapy for Anxiety
Online Treatment Therapy for Anxiety, including Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) via Skype
Reach out to me by email if you would like to find out more about Online Therapy with me.
Everyone that I have worked with really enjoys the mindfulness approach that I teach for healing emotional suffering…
"Having visited with many-a-therapist in the past, Dr. Strong stands out as a genuinely good listener and offers pointed and intuitive responses in return, that are real, constructive, and compassionate. His caring, non-judgmental, nature is apparent and has aided me in the healing process.”
During these Skype sessions I will teach you how to use mindfulness for promoting recovery from all forms of anxiety, including Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, depression, and addiction recovery and other emotional problems, by applying the very practical teachings of Mindfulness Therapy.
This approach is particularly effective and you will experience noticeable changes after the first few Skype sessions with me.
Online Mindfulness-based Skype Psychotherapy is highly effective for managing anxiety and depression without relying on drugs. It is far better to treat the root cause of your emotional pain as opposed to just suppressing symptoms.
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Mindfulness-based Online Therapist for Anxiety
Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional online therapist specializing in the treatment of anxiety using Mindfulness Therapy.
So mindfulness-based therapy is extremely effective for overcoming anxiety and this is because it teaches you how to change the underlying relationship that you have with your emotions.
The primary problem that I come across in the clients that I work with is the problem of reactive identification. This is the process whereby you become identified with your anxiety.
So anxiety gets triggered in the mind and that is just a habit, a conditioned habit. But the real problem starts when you become identified with it. This is where you essentially become the emotion, where you become consumed by it, controlled by it, overwhelmed by the anxiety. So this is reactive identification and this is the key thing that you must change if you wish to break free from anxiety or depression. It's the same process in both conditions that really causes the problem to sustain itself.
You essentially end up feeding your anxiety or depression when you identify with it.
Other kinds of reactivity that reinforce anxiety and depression are typically the reaction of avoidance. Running away from your emotions. That will strengthen anxiety or depression because it cultivates fear of your own anxiety or depression.
And the other kind of reactivity that is very, very common is reactivity based on aversion: pushing the unpleasant emotions away. Trying to pretend that they're not there, trying to talk your way out of those emotions. These are all ways of pushing the emotion away, suppressing and pushing it into the subconscious and of course that will simply reinforce the habit that creates anxiety of depression.
And that's an important consideration. In my opinion, it is incorrect to call anxiety or depression an illness or chemical imbalance or any other disorder of that type. These are emotional states that are created psychologically in the mind in reaction to certain triggers. Now those triggers could include chemical imbalances in the mind, but not typically it is the anxiety or depression itself that leads to chemical imbalances in the mind and those imbalances simply reinforce and feed the underlying psychological condition.
So the way that we can overcome our anxiety or depression is by working on changing the way that we relate to our emotions. And this does not require medication. It simply requires very careful strategic focused attention on the relationship that you have with your emotions, and that is what we specialize in during Mindfulness Therapy. And I will teach you how to do this.
I have found this approach to be very effective. My clients really enjoy and feel empowered by this approach. And almost all of my clients are able to get off their medications once they start really applying the mindfulness techniques that I teach.
So if you'd like to learn more about mindfulness-based psychotherapy for overcoming anxiety and depression as well, then please go to my website and learn more about my services. And please e-mail me with any questions you might have. I will be happy to answer your e-mails. And when you feel ready we can then proceed to schedule the first online therapy session. And in that first session I will teach you the principles of how to apply mindfulness to work with anxiety and depression.
Most people really benefit tremendously from this approach and I typically tell people to look for changes very quickly after the first one or two sessions. If you start applying these techniques you will see changes quite quickly.
So if you're interested in Mindfulness Therapy for overcoming anxiety depression or any other emotional problem and you like the idea of learning how to do this yourself without relying on medications, then please go to my website and contact me and we can schedule a Skype Therapy session at a time that was for you.
I see people throughout North America but also abroad. I am from the UK originally so of course I have many clients in the UK and Western Europe but I also see people in Australia and Japan and South Korea and so on.
Go to my main website to learn more and to schedule a Skype Therapy session: Online Mindfulness Therapy for Anxiety