Five Things Prospective Investors Are Looking for in Your Business Plan
I’m always on the hunt for relevant info and I loved this - one of the best articles I’ve seen on this topic for a while. Here are a few paragraphs as a taster...
Before writing a business plan, put yourself in the investor's place and consider what the investor might be looking for when reading your business plan. Obviously, investors will expect to see the details of the business, such as the type of business, location, business structure, and markets addressed.
Beyond the basics, however, there are key areas that investors will focus on. While the particulars may differ depending on the type of investor, the amount of the funding required, and the nature of the business, there are five main things investors will be looking for.
- Investors will want to see your background in the industry and business experience as well as that of your management team. Many small businesses fail because of weaknesses in the management team.
Pretty valuable stuff, I’m sure you’ll agree! Why not check out the whole article here and share your thoughts with me afterwards: call (0421) 359-589 or email me at
Talk soon,