Five Ways To Plan For B2B Journey Mapping Success
Journey mapping can be an energizing and eye-opening exercise in customer empathy. As advisors to B2B CX and Marketing Leaders in the Forrester Leadership Boards (FLB), we come along on many journey mapping “journeys”.
The most common question we receive from executives is, “How do I ensure the journey mapping process is actionable and aligned with key business outcomes?”
I teamed up with my esteemed colleague and coach to the B2B Marketing stars, Su Doyle, to compile our top five journey mapping tips from Forrester Leadership Boards members. We want to share them with the world so your maps can have a destination instead of a dead-end. Please click here to read the full post on
Christa Chaffinch, MA, MBA - In addition to the information I shared with you today!
Marketing Strategist l Member Experience l Certified Digital Marketing Professional
6yGreat article Judith! Congrats!!!
Principal Analyst at Forrester
6yMany thanks to Su Doyle for being such a fantastic writing partner!