Four dominant personality archetypes that make an ideal team
Working in a team can be quite exhilarating yet challenging. A team is a diverse range of individuals, who are all effectively co-leaders, brought together to fulfill an end goal. These team members don't exist in a vacuum - rather they form an ecosystem that is the product of their individual personalities. Carl Jung identified below four archetypes that collectively makes up a winning team (one can relate these through our well known characters from game of thrones)
The Sovereign is someone who brings the vision, knows what needs to be done but do not necessarily knows how. They derive their energy from the sense of mission and purpose.
2. Lover
They are people with high emotional intelligence. A team might comprise of the world's most brilliant minds, but unless there's a member that acts as internal stimuli towards cultivating the emotional quotient of the group, it rots from within. The lover archetype understands the team dynamics and knows how to balance the energies of clashing individualities.
3. Warrior
They believe in execution. They might challenge the decisions, but if they get behind the vision they'll be the first to take initiative. They often act without considering their own personal feelings, and derive their pride and energy from getting things done.
4. Magician
The magician is the one who, on a larger scale, makes things happen when they get stuck. They have a way of getting out of a tight spot, can sail through office politics and are usually strong networkers.
Most people are a mix of one or more of these categories but are defined by one of the dominant traits. Recognizing these distinct archetypes and creating a sustainable resonance with what each individual brings forth is the key towards any successful team.