Being a Caregiver Inspired Me to Write 'The Enigma of Faith"​ - Now I Seek a Talented Screenwriter

Being a Caregiver Inspired Me to Write 'The Enigma of Faith" - Now I Seek a Talented Screenwriter

As we embark upon Breast Cancer Awareness Month (October), I thought it may be a good idea to take this opportunity to share this post. It is my hope that it provides inspiration and motivation to anyone that is struggling with breast cancer, both patients and their caregivers. Plus, I am also looking for advice from filmmakers and screenwriters!

Those of you that don't know, I have seen this disease first hand. I stepped away from what most would consider a "rock star" type lifestyle to become the primary caregiver to my breast cancer stricken wife and be a stay at home Dad to our children that were young at the time.

I spent many hours at the cancer center and seen how this disease often rips families apart emotionally, financially and spiritually as it destroys childhoods and wreaks havoc on the dreams of the patient and everyone around. In my case, the chain of events inspired me to write a my story when I was struck by a coincidence, a few deja vu moments and an epiphany.

The book: "From Joy to Tragedy - The Enigma of Faith" - The Reason Behind the Story as told by someone else.

This book emanated from an idea that came to me as I stood with my wife in front of a "Tribute to John Lennon" exhibit at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (Annex) in June 2009.

Here is the story as it appears in the book - It was June 6th to be exact, the day of James and his wife, Deborah's, 22nd wedding anniversary.

James woke up that morning, realized it was his and Deborah’s anniversary, and started to plot how to get her out of the house. You see, Deborah had no hair, finger nails, color to her face, nor much meat on her ribs. Deborah had just had an early termination of chemotherapy by her medical oncologist, as there was a fear that finishing the aggressive treatments of a trio of the bi-weekly chemotherapy cocktail of carboplatin, taxitere and gerceptin would cause Deborah to lose her eyesight.

Earlier that week, James, looking for answers to his prayers, went to his local priest and explained the dilemma of making the choice between sight and life. James was floored when the priest made reference to the absence of donation envelopes from his family over the years, and said that while Deborah has been a good mother, didn’t smoke or drink, God’s will would be seen as the same ENIGMA as of their wavering support of the church.

He explained that the family donated batting cages to the school and created and funded the local travel league for area youth. The priest once again cited the word ENIGMA.

Back to June 6th. One thing that James and Deborah cherished together was music. James is a guitar player of sorts and a collector of merit.

Together, (James and Deborah are childhood sweethearts and started dating in their high school years), the two have been to many concerts, have met many musicians and even named the majority of their racehorses after songs written by Eric Clapton and Stevie Ray Vaughn.

So when James saw that the Rock and Roll Hall of fame was opening up an Annex in Lower Manhattan and its title, James knew the “carrot” that would get Deborah out of the house.

To the city they went and a terrific day was unfolding. The people at the annex recognized Deborah was going through a tough time physically and the staff jumped through hoops to make her feel special. As the couple made their way into the Lennon exhibit, a white room with mostly white furniture, Deborah got a bit tired and need to sit down and rest.

James went through the room with earphones on, and with every step into a new location, a different song was playing that was apropos to the exhibit items.The last stop (yes, it was reminiscent of the stations of the cross in a Catholic church which struck James’s curiosity) was a bag with "St. Vincent’s Hospital DOA" written on it that clearly was the clothing John was wearing as he was viciously gunned down and murdered, a case with his blood splattered infamous eye glasses and all along the song "Imagine" playing in the earphones with the lyrics scrolling on the wall directly over the artifacts.

James started to read the words scrolling on the wall, and while he has heard the song a thousand plus times, it was the first time he really “heard” the message. It immediately dawned on him that the last few years, while difficult for him and Deborah (not to mention their children), it was in fact the “brotherhood (and sisterhood) of man" that has helped them through.

Those same families that were grateful James and Deborah’s charity and contributions to the community over the years, came back in buckets. Many showed up every weekend with food, offers to take the children on trips and more. They came with books and puzzles and pink “things” to keep Deborah company and her spirits up while letting them know that they were not alone. Some even offered to shave their heads in solidarity!James thought about this while reading the words and realized two things.

One, all those families were of different religious backgrounds and ethnicity.

And two, IMAGINE is loosely, but perhaps not coincidentally an anagram for ENIGMA. At that point James started to ponder, what if we did actually live in a world that was devoid of organized religious leaders and cultural borders? Isn’t music the great unifier while world leaders, both political and religious are the great dividers? What if there was a ‘second coming,' wouldn’t the new messiah need to capture the masses through music? Wasn’t John Lennon followed by more people than, let’s say, Hitler? The Pope?

What if all religions were right and there were many Gods, would the Gods want this conquering through division? What if there is really no God? Haven’t we as a society progressed with or without them, once you take out the inhibitors a.k.a. political and religious leaders looking for fame and fortune?

These queries led James to desperately want to write a book (maybe even a movie) about a world that is flirting with its own destruction because of the radicalization and greed or religious leaders (not the religion itself).

We are seeing manifest every day, leaders bringing us as a planet to the brink of complete destruction. From climate change to radical terrorists, to starving children to oppression, religion is playing a hand in our demise.

So what if the Gods above got together and had a 'sit down' to develop a strategy to try one last time to save the planet. What if they acquiesced to having an independent ‘messiah' come to the people of planet earth with a message of unity?

What if this messiah learned every religion, lived every culture and then reached the masses with song? What if the people believed in this great leap forward and started to become self-governed benevolence in need of bridges, rather than walls?

What if they embraced their faith, but not their religion, and stopped allowing political and religious leaders to be funded to create more divisions and plant destruction of our most precious resources? What would those Gods do, if the messiah was so loved by the masses, but so feared by the world leaders that their life would be in danger?"

Learn more about the story and the journey of Hemissa: 

"May you always have enough of the things you need for yourself and an abundance of the things you'd like to share with others. In this way, your hands will always be extended in friendship and never in want." James Vena

Be Well, Stay Well, Always Treat Others Well, Live With Intellectual Humility

James Vena

Please remember that October is breast cancer awareness month. After reading the following article, please join my LinkedIn group dedicated to patients, caregivers, husbands, wives, partners, family members, and anyone else that is affected by this dreadful disease here:

Like the excerpt Good Luck Jim........

Jacques Daniel. Labelle

Science Officer Vectra Blue Omega Medical Technologies / Centre Vectra Bleu / Vectra Blue Center


I love your theme on intellectual humility. Many should live by this philosophical code of conduct to help them understand the purpose of their existence. In my opinion, it can only be comprehend with experience.


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