GAAP Advisors - Enabling Excellence in Financial Reporting in India | 48th Edition
Welcome to 48th Edition of GAAP Advisors TASK Weekly newsletter
It gives me immense pleasure welcoming you to the 48th edition of GAAP Advisors TASK Weekly newsletter. Hope you have installed GAAP Advisors Android App and took TASK (Test Accounting Standards Knowledge). If not, request you to Download and Install GAAP Advisors App and Start TASK. Readers who do not use android mobile can login / register on and Start TASK.
A new feature of Community has been added in WhatsApp. We have created GAAP Advisors Community on WhatsApp. We will be posting messages relating to Ind AS, Indian GAAP and developments on To join this community, click the link given below:
This week National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA) issued Audit Quality Inspection Guidelines. Given below is the link to the press release:
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The views expressed herein are personal views of the author and is not binding on the reader. Reader is requested to seek the help of an expert before taking any action or refraining from any action based on the views expressed herein.
This edition of newsletter has the following sections:
+ Why register on GAAP Advisors
+ Milestones achieved this week
+ From Issue Repository – Fair Value Determination
+ Standards Applied for Responding to Issues This Week
+ From Review Repository – Categories of Financial Instruments
+ From Accounting Policy Repository
+ From Key Audit Matters Repository
+ From Term Repository – Termination
+ Features of TASK
+ TASK Statistics at the time of writing this section of newsletter
+ Top 5 TASK Rankers at the time of writing this section of newsletter
+ Daily winners for this Week
+ Note of Thanks
Why Register on GAAP Advisors:
Registration is free. On registration, you get subscription access to Wealth of Knowledge on Financial Reporting in India in your Pocket available anytime and anywhere:
1. TASK Repository - Play the learning Game on Ind AS and Indian GAAP with TASK. 16100+ Question Bank. Share your certificate and get recognised for your skills on Ind AS and Indian GAAP
2. Issue Repository - 4400+ issues and responses on Indian GAAP and Ind AS. Submit issues on Indian GAAP and Ind AS for Free
3. Accounting Policy Repository - 7300+ Accounting Policies
4. Key Audit Matters Repository - 2200+ Key Audit Matters
5. Review Repository - 1300+ review observations
6. Emphasis of Matters Repository - 600+ Emphasis of Matters
7. Other Matters Repository - 500+ Other Matters
8. MCQ Repository - 800+ Multiple Choice Questions and their responses
9. Term Repository - 900+ Terms defined with comparison between Indian GAAP and Ind AS
Further, if you update your profile with your birthdate, you get free access to all repositories on your birthday. Moreover, daily 2 registrants are selected randomly and awarded free access to all repositories. See the section on Daily Winners to know the names of the lucky ones.
Milestones Achieved this Week
· This week GAAP Advisors crossed 4400 mark in its issue repository. Total number of issues and their response on Ind AS and Indian GAAP in issue repository on GAAP Advisors is now 4400+.
· This week GAAP Advisors crossed 16100 questions in TASK (Test Accounting Standards Knowledge). Play the learning game on Ind AS and Indian GAAP. Start TASK now. To know more, see the section on TASK.
From Issue Repository – Fair Value Determination - Issue Id: 1161 - Framework: Indian Accounting Standards:
Facts of the Case as submitted by the querist:
A Ltd. has adopted Ind AS for the first time and its first Ind AS financial statements reporting date is 31 March 2018 which falls on Saturday. A Ltd. accesses both wholesale and retail markets. In wholesale market, the prices are lower but the volume is high and it is vice versa in retail market. The wholesale market remains closed on Saturdays and Sundays. Retail market remains closed on Mondays. A Ltd. has taken the market price of retail market as fair value as on the measurement date, the wholesale market is closed and therefore not accessible.
Issue/Query as submitted by the querist:
Whether the fair valuation determined by A Ltd. is proper?
GAAP Advisors Response:
Appendix A of Ind AS 113 Fair Value Measurement contains definition of various terms of which the relevant for the given case is as under:
“principal market The market with the greatest volume and level of activity for the asset of liability”
In the given case, the volume is higher in wholesale market and therefore, the wholesale market is principal market. Paragraph 18 of Ind AS 113 states as under:
“18 If there is a principal market for the asset or liability, the fair value measurement shall represent the price in that market (whether that price is directly observable or estimated using another valuation technique), even if the price in a different market is potentially more advantageous at the measurement date.”
Paragraph 19, inter alia, states as under:
“19 The entity must have access to the principal (or most advantageous) market at the measurement date”.
As A Ltd.’s reporting period ends on Saturday which is the measurement date and as on that day, the principal market, that is, the wholesale market is closed, A Ltd. has taken the price in most advantageous market, that is, the retail market. In this regard, attention is drawn to the requirements of paragraph 20 of Ind AS 113 as under:
“20 Although an entity must be able to access the market, the entity does not need to be able to sell the particular asset or transfer the liability on the measurement date to be able to measure fair value on the basis of the price in that market.”
Therefore, A Ltd. is not required to be able to sell its assets or transfer its liabilities in the wholesale market on 31 March 2018 to measure fair value based on the price in that market. Accordingly, A Ltd. shall measure fair value based on the price in wholesale market.
Therefore, the fair valuation determined by A Ltd. is not proper.
Standards Applied for Responding to Issues This Week
Recommended by LinkedIn
From Review Repository – Categories of Financial Instruments
Components Impacted: Notes
The company has disclosed the following in Note on Categories of Financial Instruments:
The company has disclosed the following in its Note on Non-Current Investments:
The note disclosing categories of financial instruments discloses investments at Amortised Cost of ₹1723.93 lacs in the current year, of ₹1840.92 lacs in the previous year and of ₹1931.29 lacs in the opening balance sheet on transition date. The note on non-current investments has NIL amount of investments in Government or Trust Securities and investments in Debentures or Bonds in the current year and previous year. Entire investment of ₹1723.93 lacs in the current year and ₹1841.92 lacs in the previous year is comprised of equity investments. Of these equity investments, ₹648.56 lacs of investment are in subsidiary. The note 3 on investments does not indicate the category to which the investments pertain. The category of investment is disclosed in Note 31 on categories of financial instruments as Amortised Cost. The company has disclosed the following as its accounting policy for Financial Assets measured at Amortised Cost (net of write down for impairment, if any):
The company has disclosed the following accounting policy for investment in subsidiary:
The accounting policy disclosed is in accordance with Ind AS 109, Financial Instruments, for financial instruments measured at amortised cost and Ind AS 27, Separate Financial Statements, for investments in subsidiaries. However, the company has disclosed investments in equity instruments under the category of amortised cost. Investments in equity instruments do not have contractual terms giving rise on specified dates to cash flows that are solely payments of principal and interest on the principal outstanding. Therefore, investments in equity instruments cannot be measured at amortised cost. Further, cost of investments in subsidiary is not amortised cost. Appendix A of Ind AS 109 defines amortised cost of financial asset or financial asset. Paragraph 2.1(a) of Ind AS 109 scopes out investments that are accounted for in accordance with Ind AS 27. The company has specified in its accounting policy that it measures investments in subsidiaries at cost in accordance with Ind AS 27. Therefore, the measurement at amortised cost is not applicable to investment in subsidiaries by the company. The company should have disclosed the investments in equity instruments of other than subsidiaries under the category of fair value through profit or loss or under the category of fair value through other comprehensive income in accordance with paragraph 4.1.4 of Ind AS 109. Paragraph 3(a) of Ind AS 107, Financial Instruments: Disclosures, contains the similar exemption as contained in paragraph 2(a) of Ind AS 109. Therefore, the company may either disclose the investment in subsidiary in the table showing categories of financial instruments as measured at cost or may disclose the same separately.
From Accounting Policy Repository – Inventories - Policy Id: 7527 - Applicable Standards: Ind AS 2, Inventories
As reported by Company (No views expressed – Views of readers are invited):
Inventories comprise of Raw and Packing Materials, Work-in-Progress, Finished Goods (Manufactured and Traded) and Stores and Spares. Inventories are valued at the lower of cost and the net realisable value after providing for obsolescence and other losses, where considered necessary. Cost is determined on Weighted Average basis. Cost includes all charges in bringing the goods to their present location and condition, including octroi and other levies, transit insurance and receiving charges. The cost of Work-in-progress and Finished Goods comprises of materials, direct labour, other direct costs and related production overheads and Excise duty as applicable. Net realisable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less the estimated costs of completion and the estimated costs necessary to make the sale.
From Key Audit Matters Repository - Key Audit Id: 2253 – Assessment of impairment of investment in and loans given to subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates - As reported (No views expressed – Views of readers are invited):
Key Audit Matter:
Investments in subsidiaries, joint venture and associates and loans given to such entities account for a significant percentage of the Company’s net assets. Each year management reviews such investments and loans to assess presence of any indications of impairment and determines the recoverable amounts of the investments / loans.
Determining the recoverable value of these long-term investments / loans is mainly based on the evaluation of Net worth of such entities, quality of assets held by such entities and the judgement by Management for realisation of investments and recovery of loans along with interest.
Refer notes 1.g , 3 and 5 to the Standalone Financial Statements
How was the matter addressed by auditor?:
Principal Audit Procedures
We gained an understanding of the process used by the Company to assess the valuation of Investments and Loans & advances, analyze their recoverability and impairment tests performed by the management, and verified that the criteria used to perform these tests are consistent with those established in applicable reporting standards.
Our audit approach consisted testing of the design and operating effectiveness of the internal controls and substantive testing as follows:
• Consideration and evaluation of company’s analyses on its overall exposure to each of these subsidiaries;
• Analyses and assessment of the appropriateness of the key judgements and assumptions, used by company’s management.
As a result of our analysis and test performed, we consider that Management’s conclusion regarding providing impairment on investments, wherever required, the estimates made and the information disclosed in the accompanying annual accounts are adequately supported and are consistent with the information currently available
From Term Repository – Termination:
Features of TASK:
· Play the learning game on Ind AS and Indian GAAP. Take TASK to attempt 25 questions daily and experience the improvement in skills on application of Ind AS and Indian GAAP
· Take instant skills check in interviews. Ask candidates to attempt 50 questions and share their certificate.
· Ask your team to participate in TASK and secure Rank #1. Monitor your team’s performance on regular basis such as daily, weekly, monthly etc. through their certificate and report.
· 16100+ question bank with 800+ MCQ
· Get credit points on consistent answers. Credit points result in amounts in discount wallet and cash wallet on 1st of every month based on subscriptions received and shared in the immediately preceding month.
TASK Statistics at the time of writing this section of newsletter
Top 5 TASK Rankers at the time of writing this section of Newsletter:
1. Vishant Shah
3. Sagar Shah
4. Hemant Kumar
5. Pankaj Arora
Start TASK now and be part of the Top 5 Rankers list in the next edition of the newsletter.
Daily winners:
Daily two registrants are awarded free access to all repositories on random basis. You can see the daily winners for last seven days on home page of GAAP Advisors. This week following were awarded free access to all repositories:
Collaborative Model Creating Value for All:
GAAP Advisors is based on collaborative model. Your subscription benefits all registrants including resource persons and approvers who devote their time and share their knowledge for development of repositories. Below is given the view of collaborative model:
You get credit points for submitting issues, accessing the contents of repositories, participating in TASK and on subscription. These credit points result in amounts in discount wallet and cash wallet on 1st of every month based on the subscriptions received and shared in immediately preceding month. For example, amounts in discount and cash wallet will be loaded on 1st December based on subscriptions received and shared in the month of November. Till date GAAP Advisors has distributed ₹8,00,192 in discount wallet and cash wallet of all registrants including resource persons and approvers who devote their time and share their knowledge to enable excellence in financial reporting. GAAP Advisors gives registrants more as they learn more on Ind AS and Indian GAAP accessing its repositories. GAAP Advisors acknowledges contribution of subscribers by awarding them certificate which displayed on home page of GAAP Advisors. Given below are the name of top 5 users with highest credit points. GAAP Advisors appreciates their interest in learning financial reporting in India and their faith on the repository services of GAAP Advisors:
Contribution to the Collaborative Model Creating Value for All Registrants were received in the month of October 2022 from the following registrants. GAAP Advisors thanks them for the same:
Note of Thanks
GAAP Advisors thanks all 7200+ subscribers on LinkedIn and other readers of newsletter for taking their time out in knowing how GAAP Advisors enables Excellence in Financial Reporting in India. GAAP Advisors thanks all subscribers of repositories for contributing to support the mission of spreading the knowledge and awareness of financial reporting standards in Collaborative Manner Creating Value For All. GAAP Advisors thanks all participants of TASK for spending time in learning financial reporting in India. GAAP Advisors also thanks all 2400+ registrants for their faith on the repository services rendered by GAAP Advisors.
Financial Reporting Advisor | Ind AS, IFRS and Indian GAAP | Author | Independent Director
2y@Rudresh Tiwari Thank you so much for spreading the word on #GAAPAdvisors #TASK You may also see 52nd edition published today: Welcome to the 52nd edition of #GAAPAdvisors #TASK Weekly newsletter featuring the following apart from other items marking my 100th article on #LinkedIn: 1. From #IssueRepository – Fair Value Level 2. From #ReviewRepository – Classification of Inventories #GAAPAdvisors - #EnablingExcellenceInFinancialReporting
Financial Reporting Advisor | Ind AS, IFRS and Indian GAAP | Author | Independent Director
2y@Lokesh Agrawal Thank you so much for spreading the word on #GAAPAdvisors #TASK
Financial Reporting Advisor | Ind AS, IFRS and Indian GAAP | Author | Independent Director
2yShilpi Chauhan and Anand Mehta Thank you so much for spreading the word on #GAAPAdvisors #TASK
Financial Reporting Advisor | Ind AS, IFRS and Indian GAAP | Author | Independent Director
2y@Ria Malik Thank you so much for spreading the word on #GAAPAdvisors #TASK
Financial Reporting Advisor | Ind AS, IFRS and Indian GAAP | Author | Independent Director
2yCA.CMA Simran Diwedi Thank you so much for spreading the word on #GAAPAdviosors #TASK