Getting started as a content creator in 2023?
Hi! hola! voila?
This is my first time trying out LinkedIn newsletters. A lot of it is a repurposed version of my newsletter available on Substack but I wanted the content to reach a wider audience, so here we are!
I was low-key excited because this was my «first newsletter issue» and I had no clue how to do this thing.
This made me realize — How often do you come across posts that talk about getting started on social media? Not many, right? Because selling the idea of hitting the 50,000+ followers mark or making $10,000+ off of your distribution sounds more lucrative than getting the first 5,000!
If you are kickstarting your content creation journey or have been struggling to get your first 5,000 followers, this one’s for you.
It gets very easy to consistently create content once you understand the platforms, audience behavior, and algorithm really well. But before that, try to make the creation process as easy and convenient for yourself as possible to avoid getting overwhelmed or burning out.
1. Choosing the Right Platform
Understanding which social media platform is right for you is the key to staying consistent when you are not sure about anything else.
2. Define your Content Pillars
Your content pillars are nothing but topics (generally 3 to 5) you want to frequently talk about and build your personal brand around. Once you have picked a platform, create content that is tailored to your niche.
Ask yourself what do you want to be known for?
3. Optimize your profile
Nobody wants to follow or engage with bot-like accounts.
Recommended by LinkedIn
4. Promote yourself
During the early days, nobody knows you. Nobody cares about your content enough to advocate for you. Never shy away from promoting yourself. Ask your friends and family members to share your content with their peers.
Remember how you came across this? I tweeted 4 times before sending out the first issue and Creator Crowned hit «80 subscribers» within a day!
5. Prepare content for the first 15 days!
As a beginner, the easiest thing to do is to give up. When pouring in a lot of views and likes and comments is not possible in the initial days, the best way to avoid getting demotivated and giving up is to batch-create content.
Block a couple of hours and prepare content for at least the next 15 days. It will make your life easier and even if you fail to get traction on the initial posts, you won’t give up because there’s more yet to be posted.
6. Engage. Engage. Engage.
Spend at least 30 minutes every day engaging with the right audience. Engaging with content creators from relevant industries can help you build strong relationships and gain more visibility in front of a new audience.
Note: Commenting “congratulations”, “well said”, and “all the best” is not what I mean by engaging. Participate in meaningful conversations.
And it’s a wrap!
I really wanted to dive deeper into the nitty-gritty of it and how you can effectively execute the above pointers but I also didn’t want to bore you to death with a very long read.
Wanna learn about something more specific? Comment “I want to read about «topic»” and I shall serve what you seek.
I will write another one soon explaining how I generate 100,000+ impressions just by engaging with other content creators, brainstorming ideas, and batch create content for my social media platforms. Stay tuned!
Next: Unlocking Twitter — Content Framework to 10x your growth!
Until next time, cheers!
Retired Early Learning Principal and Literacy Leadership Education Consultant
1yThis is helpful and encouraging.
Growing @ashvvyinvestment
1yRead it, loved it✅
Nutrition Officer at Nestle India
1yWish you luck for your upcoming letters!✨️