Ghosted Again? Avoiding Ghosting in Recruitment
‘Ghosting’ isn’t a strange phenomenon that only haunts the dating world. It affects recruitment, too.
The truth is, both employees and employers have been known to pull the vanishing act during the recruitment process. In fact, according to new research from Indeed, the majority of employers across the UK have accepted that ghosting is “now part of the hiring landscape.”
While the hearts of recruiters aren’t being left completely shattered by an unfortunate case of ghosting, it does cause a lot of problems for firms looking to attract new talent and candidates seeking new opportunities. Ghosting makes the recruitment process much longer and more painful than it really needs to be. Whether it’s a capricious candidate or an unreliable recruiter, ghosting causes a breakdown in communication which ultimately contributes to a hellish hiring culture that neither benefits employee nor employer.
But when did this ghoulish behaviour become so readily accepted? And now that ghosting is accepted as commonplace, how should accountancy firms respond and adapt their existing recruitment processes to minimise ghosting?
In today’s blog, we’ll outline Indeed’s latest report, what their findings mean for public practice, and how firms can steer away from the spooky shadows of recruitment ghosting.
Ghosting Culture in the UK
Indeed’s Ghosting in Hiring Report argues that ghosting is now one of the biggest challenges facing employers. In summary, the research finds that not only are quality candidates difficult to find, but “they would often simply... vanish”.
In fact, 89% of UK-based employers surveyed say they feel ghosting is a problem, with 48% saying it has increased recruiter burnout. From this statistic alone, it can be agreed that ghosting is something that’s slowing down recruitment not only within public practice, but across all UK industries.
Despite this haunting data, Indeed's report surprisingly finds that employers and employees in the UK seem to be on the same page when it comes to their shared negative opinion of recruitment ghosting. In fact, 54% of employers and 44% of job seekers in the UK who were surveyed were united in their belief that it is equally unacceptable for either party to ghost the other during the hiring process.
So, if recruitment ghosting is something that the majority frown upon, why does it continue to happen?
Interestingly, 33% of job seekers surveyed who admitted to ghosting say that they resorted to the behaviour because the role didn’t excite them. When asked how employers could have improved the chances of their staying in the hiring process, here is what the candidates who admitted to ghosting suggested:
To prevent candidates from dropping out of the recruitment process without a trace, UK employers surveyed say the following improvements could help:
Overall, Indeed’s data highlights that the disparity between candidate and employer boils down to the simple but important details. Businesses who aren’t offering enough pay or streamlining the hiring processes are the businesses most at risk of being ghosted.
Ghosting in Public Practice
So, how does this data hold up within the public practice environment?
We took to LinkedIn to conduct our own research into the effects of recruitment ghosting within public practice .
We asked both accountants and firms operating within the public practice space whether they had ever been ghosted during the recruitment process. Here’s what we found.
From our research alone, it’s clear that ghosting is something that a vast majority of professionals within public practice are not only aware of but actively affected by. Recruitment ghosting has transcended the shadowy realms of paranormal fiction and is instead a very real thing that’s causing issues within public practice today.
Has your recruitment hit a dead end? Reassess your hiring methods to ensure you don’t get sucked into a recruitment blackhole.
Strategies to Reduce Ghosting
Indeed’s report also includes some helpful tips for improving the hiring experience, engaging job seekers and performing an effective exorcism on ghosting. While these strategies are very broad and nondescript, they can be adapted to suit all industries experiencing recruitment ghosting.
Recommended by LinkedIn
Here are the top anti-ghosting strategies your firm can employ to repair the employer-employee relationship.
Establish Clear Communication
As indicated by Indeed’s report, businesses who are offering lackluster employee benefits and low pay are the businesses most victimised by ghosting. As summarised by Jason Kudrikow, Senior Talent Strategy Advisor at Indeed, “candidates want to feel like you have their back and they can trust you, so be forthcoming from day one.”
Of course, it goes without saying that ghosting is inevitable to a certain degree. There are factors that employers simply cannot control. For example, a candidate who was heavily invested in a role may suddenly have a change of circumstance or realise that the job or company isn’t right for them. While we appreciate that these things do happen without warning, improving the candidate experience by maintaining clear communication is something that firms can seize a firm grip on.
Make a positive first impression from the very start by setting up responsive and frequent communication. Candidates crave comfort and security at every step of the recruitment process. Leaving them in the dark will only push them further away and cause them to ghost.
For instance, if your firm is experiencing issues that are causing the hiring process to grind to a temporary halt, let the candidate know what’s going on, why it’s happening, and when they can expect to hear a decision. Sharing ongoing updates and replying to emails as soon as possible will keep your potential future employees in the loop. Honesty is key to building and nurturing trust with candidates. And as highlighted by Indeed’s report, a lack of transparency is attributed to the main cause of ghosting.
Enhance Your Brand
Did you know that 14% of job seekers surveyed by Indeed in 2023 “didn’t show up for their first day of work after finding information about bad employee experiences at the company?”
On top of this, only “8% of employers that have strategies in place to keep applicants engaged say they share positive content about company culture to discourage ghosting in the hiring process”.
Taking ownership of your brand is vital to attracting and retaining talent. Candidates warm to firms that have a positive image and online presence. Seizing control of your business identity will bolster your branding, which will result in less ghosting.
“Your employer brand is your company’s foundation; it’s who you are as an organization, and this includes the candidate experience. Depending on the candidate experience, it will either help or hinder your employer brand,” says Kudrikow.
Hone your marketing efforts by optimising your output on social media to showcase your firm as a desirable place to work. Building your LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter profiles is a great place to start and will help your firm build trusted, enhanced relationships with candidates.
For instance, responding to any comments you receive on your platforms will let your audience know that you value their voice. Prospective candidates that find you via social media will notice this and feel more inclined to approach you. Sometimes, it’s the little details that make all the difference!
Outsource To a Reputable Recruitment Agency
Is ghosting something your firm is struggling to overcome? Can you not seem to break the curse, despite all your efforts?
Reaching out to a reputable recruitment agency may be the best option to fully break the cycle. Outsourcing your hiring headaches to a specialised recruitment agency who will maintain ongoing communication and handle all the small details is the best way to build further trust with candidates.
Here at Public Practice Recruitment Ltd, we know first-hand how disheartening it can be to be a victim of recruitment ghosting. It’s something that slows down the process and makes life unnecessarily difficult for firms looking to fill important roles.
To reduce ghosting as much as possible, we’ve developed a robust recruitment strategy to ensure that candidates feel involved and listened to at every step. Our expert team goes the extra mile to provide consistent communication and clear information, so jobseekers feel valued during every phase of recruitment.
Final Thoughts
There’s no denying that ghosting in public practice is a problem. However, by establishing clear communication, building bullet-proof branding and seeking advice from recruitment experts is the best way to turn negative experiences into real job offers.
Not sure what the best recruitment practices are and how to implement them into your hiring strategy to reduce ghosting?
Tackling the ghosting phenomenon doesn’t have to be a lonely battle. Our established market presence and industry insight means we’re perfectly positioned to provide leading UK firms with the advice they need to make the hiring process as smooth as possible.
Whether you have a string of vacancies to fill, or you’re considering kickstarting a recruitment drive, our team is here to help. Discover all the ways we simplify the candidate search by getting in touch with our team.