Gibraltar frontier and transit
With some ironic hum or I decide I to write these lines about what happened to me last Friday when crossing the border between Gibraltar and La Linea de la Concepción. A border within the boundaries of the European Union where the free movement of citizens is a fundamental right. I wonder, what is the endowment of so many forces of order and officials of the tax agency on that particular day to control the traffic of goods such as a carton of tobacco, a box of cigars or perhaps the purchase of perfumes or chocolate bars. Not only is the delay in the declaration of customs but my surprise is greater when it comes to me calculate the tariff charges as, the breakdown of special taxes and import VAT to pay for a mere box of cigars of just one cost of 12 euros
We talked about strengthening our borders in relation to illegal immigration and drug trafficking and delayed a transit border of workers and visitors in the famous fence. Our politicians, far removed from reality, continue to obviate the need to look for certain mechanisms to be able to cushion the effect of Brexit once the United Kingdom leaves the EU.
What will happen to those cross-border workers who work in Gibraltar and pay their taxes religiously? It is by right that these workers and parents suffer daily that customs control and control of DNI every time they cross the fence with their timely delay and discomfort after a work day?.
It is not true that such control should be carried out before any entry of a third party into our Schengen area. Is not it true that Gibraltar, as part of the EU, enjoys this transit facility? (free movement of Community travellers)
Our attitude towards the fence on the part of our ruling class is in a way a contempt and a lack of knowledge about the concerns of the inhabitants on both sides of the fence. Not only will cross-border workers suffer, but British citizens living in Spain will also have their freedoms reduced and, in a way, their current tax status of residence in our territory.
The economic and social impact is evident. We just have to observe the unemployment statistics registered in the Campo de Gibraltar, the deserted industrial estates built, such as those established in the city of Los Barrios under the protection of community aid, pending to date of being justified such subsidies by the Junta de Andalucía and claimed justification by the European Union. Industrial estates that flooded our cities and counties.
These concerns arise both at the level of cross-border workers and the professionals who work on both sides of the fence, our leaders refusing these claims and needs, as they are more in search of votes before the imminent convocation of municipal and regional elections. It would be interesting to know and know if today work groups have been created that are analysing the possible effects of the UK's exit from the EU. In which fiscal, labour and legal situation will cross-border workers, British citizens residing in Spain or Spanish citizens residing in the islands be framed? Probably these concerns do not give votes but they do affect the economic future and the well-being of many families that will be affected by the Brexit effect. We will continue waiting for immobility of our ruling political class or rather we will take the reins of our future. In my specific case I will not wait ..