A gift, an ask and an invitation
What is the opposite of giving?
[Published for the first time on July 9, 2024 as a newsletter for my mailing list. Make sure to receive them all by registering here. I publish only a few of them on LinkedIn]
[For the gift, jump to the second part of this email]
I was looking up something in the dictionary and stopped dead in front of the definition:
the opposite of giving is receiving
I was shocked. Because the first thing that came to my mind was:
the opposite of giving is taking
It said a lot about me, my capacity to receive and, as a consequence, my capacity to give.
Receiving, giving, taking and asking are intimately linked. Not only with one another but also with pleasure.
Explore. Take the time to answer the following questions and you will know what to work on. As for how to work on it, it is always through the body. Find the tension and dissolve it, validate your desire, and make your body feel safe at the thought of experiencing what you would like to live.
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None of these things were easy for me. I always had the feeling that I was too much, I was in the way, I didn't deserve it, it was just the way things were,I didn't need more, what I had to offer wasn't interesting and the less space I took up, the better it would be for everyone. WRONG, absolutely wrong.
We have to take up all the space and be at the centre of our world because it is only from there that we have something worthwhile to offer others. Something that nourishes them, liberates them, gives them pleasure, makes them feel alive and gives meaning to our lives as much as theirs.
In the subject line of this Newsletter, I wrote "a gift, an ask and an invitation".
Have a great summer!