Give your Business a Facelift
Not my human face but my online blog face. I am getting sneak peeks already and I am loving what it is changing into.
I started my business with a really ugly pink blog and had it for a very long time because I could not find someone who saw what I wanted it to look like – then it became not as important to me – I was busy growing me.
10 years into this business it is time to give the blog some love.
I have closed all outside tools and moved everything over to my blog so everything you will see from me will be from my own home real estate.
Social Media has been my main tool from day one.
It goes with me everywhere I go.
It is not perfect.
It is not brand-matched and organized.
It is my life on the go the way I have always been.
Anytime I attempt to change that one piece of my business it feels heavy in my chest and not authentic to me.
Even though I use social media I also want to invite people over to my virtual front porch (my email list) so that if something happens to that platform we are still connected.
Business is consistently doing what works on repeat and adding a step as you grow.
#1 Build your email list – no matter how slow or how long it takes – build one.
Just a little tip why you need an email list is as you are reading this I am cheering at my son’s soccer game. Doing mom stuff.
Allow an email list/ your business/ your social media work alongside you as you are living your life.
Your List is your leverage. You can watch this free training here
Includes screen shares, autoresponder demos, and physically writing your first e-mail to your ‘list’ of subscribers with the help of your guide. P.S. – Building this asset (your e-mail list) can literally pay you for life!
Find your social space and get good at two platforms.
Seriously I had no idea what a great platform LinkedIn was until I truly dove in, got connected with the LinkedIn training team.
They have helped me get some inside widgets added and tips that are not found on google. I am going to give you all the details on how you can have them too.
LinkedIn is not Facebook.
It is for business.
My message box had real conversations looking for what I have to offer instead of dropping spam messages.
(I mean of course there are still some knuckleheads who think that people are going to buy something in the first connection.)
I offer to help them switch that up. Some people just don’t know they are spamming. (Yes I tell them)
The training opened this week and I share my screen to show you exactly what you need to do to your profile and where to click.
People are already diving in. It is $47. Once the re-launch is over it will go up to $97+. Now is the time to grab the training to get your LinkedIn profile in place.
At the end of the mini-series, you will be an ALL STAR on LinkedIn IF you do the assignments that are inside.