Patrick Oseloka EZEPUE, PhD

User-Centred Research, Statistics, Data Science, Business Analytics, Stochastic Modelling in Business and Finance, Digital Marketing, Entrepreneurship and the Digital Economy, The Pedagogy of Mathematical Sciences, Global Corporate Academicism

AfriWorld Higher Education and Research Observatory UK & Oselux Analytics Limited UK | Webs:

A motivating quote by Allen Onyema

This quote by Allen Onyema is in line with our Oselux Vision,

'To Live a Spirit-Filled and Project-Based Life, Transforming and Democratizing Global Education and Change, By Upskilling Global Citizens, Creating Innovative Products and Services, Firms, Enhancing the Peace, Prosperity, Joy and Happiness of Individuals, Teams, Organizations and Countries, Especially Nigeria, Africa and Developing Countries of the Global South, and Publishing the Ideas Through Multimedia Channels Across Academia, Public Services, Industry Sectors and Wider Society'.

Driven by a self-imposed covenant on dedicating at least 80% of the lifetime (social) profit in Oselux to good causes, we are satisfied that the Essence and Spiritual Foundations of Oselux are clearly communicated in Ezepue, Udo and Achumba (2024) Historical Development of the Corporate Academic Model of Higher Education,, a paper we referenced in the Keynote Paper we wrote for Professor A R T Solarin's Valedictory Conference earlier publicised in LinkedIn.

Please see an augmented version of the paper, which includes perspectives on how mathematical scientists should accelerate the actualisation of African Union 2063 Agenda, in Ezepue (2024) Mathematical Sciences for Development and Relevance: Links with the African Union 2063 Agenda,

I confess that since the day in 2017 that I embraced the Covenant of Relentless Altruism in Oselux, my life has been phenomenally fruitful. It was as if a different meaning enveloped the Oselux Academic Enterprise. And by Enterprise we mean primarily social enterprise, sprinkled with a few platforms the organisational structures of which are optimally for-profit, though bound by the same Covenant.

A litmus test of the power of the Oselux Vision in motivating the work ahead, and for the first time most clearly described in Ezepue, Udo and Achumba (2024) paper, is an uncanny quadrupling of the creative energies involved in prosecuting the Vision. How?

Literally, by being able to work twice faster in about half the time it takes equally technically trained academics to accomplish set tasks. To work with almost Unlimited Power alluded to in the above paper, through metaphors likening Oselux to a US Carrier Strike Group, which consists of an aircraft carrier that can move, say, ninety (90) ferocious fighter jets around the world, accompanied by some fifteen war ships - frigates, destroyers, name them. See the awesome image of such an armada below,

Image of a US Carrier Strike Group

In this metaphor, we used a table in the paper to map the menacing power and speed of these Angels of Death to equivalent aspirations in Oselux. For example, the fact that an F-35 stealth fighter jet can pull terrific speeds of Mac 5 or so, five times the speed of sound, describes the speed with which the offerings in Oselux should be created, through world-leading research, integration of knowledge, applications and teaching - the RIAT Fabric in Higher Education.

We truly imagine Oselux digital platforms as angels of death that will help to exterminate dysfunctionalities in African and developing countries' educational systems.

Regarding operating at the speed of thought connoted by Mac 5 speeds pulled off by fighter jets, we are not there yet in the physical realm but can confirm that this is the case mentally. For this, we use the Spiritual Fuel alluded in the Historical Development paper to operate almost supernaturally, as explored in Dr Joe Dispenza's magisterial text, Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon.

There are good examples of this capacity. One is the ability to brain-write a twenty-page article, say, following the nine steps of Ezepue (2022)'s The Common Structure for Producing Highly Publishable Papers,, before 'pouring it down' on paper. More interestingly, in ResearchGate preprints or LinkedIn articles like this one.

Part of the miracle, I suppose, of The International Graduate Open University (TIOU) which we are developing at speed is the way the university will creatively use the Wisdom of Crowds in different Graduate Schools, Institutes, Centres, and contributing Oselux platforms at, especially through globally distributed Centres for the Applications of Every Discipline, in shifting a variegated suite of Oselux offerings around the globe as fruits of the Oselux Vision.

The prospect of getting almost every XTech degree to pass beyond the thesis findings and related RIAT publications, and possibly spin off a (digital) firm that will translate the RIAT results to seventeen strands of offerings immanent in the Oselux Vision, is enticing.

These offerings are described in twenty-four key contributions to knowledge (CsTK) captured in the Solarin Keynote. These were recalled from the underpinning references in the paper, notably Ezepue (2022) The Corporate Academic Celebrity Business Model.

Adding these twenty-four CsTK, as we fondly call them for short, to The Sevenfold Ways in which Global Corporate Academics operationalise the Oselux Vision across academia, public services, industry sectors, and wider society - the Global Q-Helix - yields thirty-one compelling ways to impact the Q-Helix.

In the Solarin Valedictory Keynote Paper, we lament the viscerally annoying lop-sidedness in value creation currently experienced in Traditional Academia. We acknowledge that individually academics are more than capable of the kind of holistic excellence implied by the Oselux Vision, but are not incentivised to work like Corporate Academics and Professionals. Why?

First, let's name the essence of integral excellence that Global Corporate Academicism entails. We are right in calling this Full-Spectrum RIAT Excellence and Maximal Global Q-Helix Impact. Why?

For the first Why, we explain in the Keynote Paper and underpinning references that a system that primarily incentivises academics to publish or perish as an end goal, instead of as means to value-adding ends, like offerings in the Oselux Vision, is puerile and accounts for why many developing countries are still developing several years after independence.

We also explain that the current modes of training PhDs and other graduates is not fit for purpose. This fact is lamented in an editorial by Springer Nature. Hence, we wrote a rejoinder to the Nature article which posits how to originate and implement highly innovative PhDTech degrees, see Ezepue (2024) Reforming PhD Training Purposefully also referenced in the Keynote Paper.

For the second Why, we describe Full-Spectrum RIAT Excellence and Maximal Global Q-Helix Impact as a call to action for academics to be more meaningfully ranked on a fuller set of capacities, than is currently represented by such lingo as Scopus, Scimago and Google H-Index citation scores. What is difficult about fraternities of scholars gaming the system, by cross-citing in and even cross-adding others as co-authors to papers they write, as they mutually play their way to professorships?

Hence, we embarked on an interestingly onerous journey of creating an alternative publishing system which will mainstream at least the seven core CsTK in our Research Methods Canvas, see

By extension, we juxtapose the seven CsTK, which already trump the three main ones used in traditional academia, with the seventeen strands of the Oselux Vision and the Sevenfold Ways corporate academics serve the world, to birth the thirty-one CsTK that truly define The Oselux Playbook.

But we don't stop there. It is important to say How these contributions can be progressively achieved by academics and professionals. The following standards of knowledge production in the Oselux Corporate Academic 'Military' Industrial Complex are thereby developed. Military here is metaphorical as explained above.

First, instead of allowing academics to be insular lone-wolves plying their single-discipline publish-or-perish 'vocations', we offer them a Lingua Franca in the Philosophy and Metaphysics of Knowledge Production. This is referred to as Oselux 5 Forces-7Es Corporate Academic Research and Enterprise Development (CARED) Philosophy. Simply put, as also narrated in the Keynote Paper, the CARED System consists of this philosophy for a start and four other masteries, namely

  • Ability to use user research, generally User-Centred Research and Design tools, to deepen the RIAT Fabric in Higher Education - Research, Integration of Knowledge, Applications, and Teaching
  • Mastering a composite Integrated Business Model Template that can be flexed in creating the thirty-one affordances we talk about, including spinning off related hybrid firms from XTech degrees which replace traditional degrees
  • Mastering ways to add phenomenal values from RIAT know-hows across the Global Q-Helix. For this, we dedicate a Graduate School of Global Issues and World Systems in The International Graduate Open University, currently under development at
  • Mastery of fundamental Skills for Students Graduates and Start-Ups (SSGS), that complement technical subject matter education in different disciplines, in training avant-garde corporate academics, students and professionals, who can lift their countries out of poverty in a decade. Interestingly, all the circa 500 skills encompassed in our SSGS Academy are accommodated in the 7Es of Education and Human Development, which is a Graduate School in The International Graduate Open University. These 7Es form the bedrock of Oselux 7E Entrepreneurship Programme, also explored in a flagship Graduate School of Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship, at The International Graduate Open University. They are Expertise, Experience, Entrepreneurship itself, Enterprise Development, Employability, Emotional Intelligence and Execution.

Second, to enable these skills to be mastered at speed, we developed an ecosystem of core digital platforms at, also fondly depicted as The Oselux Pie in most of our publications. Again, see Ezepue, Udo and Achumba (2024) Historical Development of the Corporate Academic Model of Higher Education. Indeed, for easy follow-through of these ideas, we recall the Oselux Pie below.

The Oselux Pie

Third, we institute Oselux Masterclasses, initially focusing on twelve core Masterclasses that cover the capabilities mentioned here. These are recalled below.

Though time-lined biweekly, these masterclasses are year-round capacity building events, customised versions of which can be requested by institutions interested in fortifying the corporate academic credentials of their lecturers.

Fourth, we institute Annual Global Higher Education Summits and a phalanx of International Conferences and Workshops which address specific RIAT fields and related SSGS Academy competences. See the flyer below.

Fifth, we established an Oselux Entertainments and Omnimedia outfit that facilitates relentless public intellectual work necessary for mainstreaming these capacities globally. The offerings here include Expert Interviews, Oselux Research and Enterprise Development Talks (RED Talks), TV shows, films, and awards. We recall some notes we captured in the Solarin Valedictory Keynote and related articles about how Corporate Academics and Professionals trained in The Oselux Play Book operate.

The Character of RIAT Professors and Professionals Who Support Massive Transformations in PhD Degrees and Higher Education

As communicated relentlessly in several social media articles and ResearchGate preprints, we summarise the character of a RIAT Academic and Professional as follows.

Trains to master the tenets of Global Corporate Academicism, Excellence and Impact that flow from deeply original work in Research, Integration of Knowledge, Applications and Teaching, fondly called the RIAT Ensemble or Fabric in Corporate academic lingo

Can be based directly in a higher educational institution, industry sector, public services, or wider society like NGOs and lead community initiatives, but able to demonstrate Exceptional Professionalism preferably by having a Commanding knowledge of Oselux 7Es of Education and Human Development, namely Expertise, Experience, Entrepreneurship, Enterprise Development, Employability, Emotional Intelligence, and Execution. Also, through mastery of different professional standards such as UK Professional Standards which has equivalents in other countries, European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM), at least the services aspects of Six-Sigma Methodology for Total Quality Management (TQM) linked to Kaizen, Lean Management, and a plethora of Quality Standards, ultimately able to select the combinations appropriate to their kens

Consequently, aspires to be a consummate 7E Practitioner, training for which is available through our Glotress platform at and later at the Graduate School of Education and Human Development in The International Graduate Open University

Masters what is arguably the best framework globally for designing and Implementing research-based projects, the Oselux Research Methods Canvas, see Hence, learns to structure excellent and high-impact (graduate) research topics that potentially make more than thirty contributions to knowledge, instead of typically five in traditional higher education

Additionally learns to write best-in-class proposals for grants by deploying a related framework for writing such proposals, Oselux Concept Notes for Developing Powerful Research Topics and Project Proposals. This framework contains the core essences of the Research Methods Canvas, by way of a 15-row matrix of how an holistic change-setting proposal is written. It therefore breathes some aspects of what is known in Global Corporate Academicism as Full-Spectrum RIAT Excellence and Global Q-Helix Impact.

Proposals written with this framework have a hit rare of 6 in 10, conservatively speaking, compared to a global average of 1 in 10. The very first time it was used by Professors Ezepue and Uro-Chukwu at Coal City University, Enugu, Nigeria, they won the proposal. Professor Ezepue had previously used it to secure numerous projects across the RIAT Fabric.

Masters our Oselux Common Standards for Producing Highly Publishable Papers, and uses it to produce stellar academic and professional publications which, again, make seven key contributions to knowledge and another twenty-four contributions that beam RIAT findings onto the Global Q-Helix - academia, public services, industry sectors, and wider society

Continually pursues Full-Spectrum RIAT Excellence and Global Q-Helix Impact, by mastering at least the following mutually reinforcing Oselux 5 Forces:

[1] The Corporate Academic Research and Enterprise Development Philosophy; [2] User-Centred Research and Design; [3] Integrated Business Analytics and Development;  [4] 7Es of Education and Human Development; and [5] Skills in impacting local, national, continental and national Q-Helixes - academia, public services, industry sectors, and wider society - using innovative ideas across the RIAT Fabric. These skills include a selection of Skills for Students Graduates and Start-Ups which we publish on regularly and teach in our SSGS Academies.

Becomes a Global Corporate Academic who is competent in enough of these capacities and their orchestrations within three domains of the Corporate Academic Model explored in Ezepue (2018)'s Secrets of the Masters: Model-Based Hyper-Performance in the Corporate-Academic Business of Life, Journal of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics. These domains are the Primary Research Domain (PRD), the Primary Application Domains (PADs) and the General Cultural Literacy (GCL)

Becomes a Platform Global Corporate Academic, by building suitable platforms that address well-selected problems which affect thousands, millions and possibly billions of people in different levels of the Global Q-Helix. A default platform is their personal websites which they can construct to reflect these realities of successful Corporate Academic Play

In their lives as Corporate Academics and Professionals, can work with other colleagues and learners like XTech students and visiting Q-Helix Experts, in specially designed Centres for the Applications of Every Discipline (CfAEDs) such that 

At least 40% of students and their supervisors discover and implement patents before the students graduate

The academics and students understand how the patents address the Human Condition across the Global Q-Helix

All learners are drilled in Oselux Reverse Pedagogy, arguably the world's best Teaching, Learning and Assessment (TLA) system

Academics write at least 12 grants a year, one each month, working with colleagues and learners in each CfAED

All learners master the craft of Research and Publishing based on these ideas and those at AfriWorld Publishing,

Indeed, all academics and learners become academic entrepreneurs and master 7E-Based Academic Entrepreneurship, which enables them to prefer to set up their own businesses rather than become 9-5 or 8-4 employees. If they choose to become employed, then they operate as high-performing intrapreneurs

All RIAT academics, therefore, learn to generate at least 5 times their salaries each year and are remunerated differentially for that capacity, beyond a common spine of payments that all people in the same rank receive. For example, a RIAT Professor or Professional that generates 10 times their annual salaries receives paid performance-based bonuses at The International Open University and Oselux, salaries that reflect this difference

On average a smart RIAT Scholar or Professional trained to the teeth in Global Corporate Academicism, is potentially able to generate sometimes more than 10 times the publications and incomes that a Traditional Colleague does in other institutions. They are literally a cross between Harvard-Stanford-MIT Senior Professors and Top Investment Bankers, with an alluring difference - they are not just these professors through Research only but through distinctive professor-class capacities in the entire RIAT Fabric. In sum, they are Full-Spectrum RIAT Excellent.

Summing up, a RIAT Professor is a Master of the Game of Full-Spectrum RIAT Excellence and Global Q-Helix Impact in twelve (12) Pillars of Excellence and more than 90 enabling training programmes mainstreamed in Oselux and partner universities, and documented in Ezepue (2021) Higher Education Research-Teaching Excellence Programmes: Innovations in Research, Teaching, Integration of Knowledge, Applications, and Enterprise Development in Nigeria, Africa, Developing Countries and Globally, developed for the Centre for Academic Practice, Coal City University, Enugu, Nigeria, and International Centre for Research and Human Development,, Dominican University Ibadan, Oyo, State, Nigeria. This document encompasses 139 core RIAT activities that will totally transform all lecturers in a university or polytechnic to Global Corporate Academics (GCAs), and at the top of their games, Platform Global Corporate Academics (PGCAs).

It costs about £10,000 to undergo PGCA training in a one-year intensive programme. The reward is not less than £30,000 enhanced earnings in a year, part of which is realised whilst already on the programme. From June 2024 the one-year short course and six-month intensive version will be rolled out under our Oselux Glotress platform at

To reiterate our key point here, Platform Global Corporate Academics are drilled in all the above capacities, whilst relentlessly immersed in myriad Oselux projects, which use related skills in their roles as Full-Spectrum RIAT Scholars and Professionals who operate The Corporate Academic Model for fulfilling the Oselux Vision.

The Corporate Academic competences are reinforced by a Personalised Signature Dripping-T Model which each academic is helped to construct for mobilising Design Thinking, related User-Centred Research and Design, as well as 7E Project Execution, combinations of skills that are unsurpassed in no corner of the world today and not likely to be surpassed for a very long time.

In conclusion, in this article, we have woven an Oselux thread through a motivational statement by Allen Onyema, the CEO of Air Peace Nigeria, the portents of the Oselux Vision for rapid socioeconomic development of Africa, say, on the canvas of thirty-one contributions to knowledge embraced by Global Corporate Academics.

These contributions are explored in a Keynote Paper we crafted for an International Valedictory Conference in honour of His Grace Professor Bishop A R T Solarin, a UNESCO Distinguished Professor of Mathematics. The keynote paper is originally titled Mathematical Sciences for Development and Relevance.

We are happy to have expanded the paper to include perspectives on the African Agenda 2063, which adapts the 2030 UN Sustainable Development Goals to the continent and serves as a primary focus for the envisaged development and relevance.

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