Global Inequality & Biz Jets...
Oxfam’s new report on global inequality is making headlines all over the globe. The rich just keep getting richer, and the poor just keep getting poorer. Today, almost half the world lives on less than $5.50 a day, and approximately 795 million people “do not have enough food”. And even in a “wealthy country” like the United States, the gap between the rich and the poor is the largest that it has been since the 1920s, with more than half a million Americans homeless. Of course the leftist media will probably blame all this on President Donald Trump…
According to Oxfam’s new report, global billionaires got 12 percent richer during 2018.
Here are some more numbers from Oxfam’s new report…
• In the 10 years since the financial crisis, the number of billionaires has nearly doubled.
• Between 2017 and 2018 a new billionaire was created every two days.
• The world’s richest man, Jeff Bezos, the owner of Amazon, saw his fortune increase to $112bn. Just 1% of his fortune is equivalent to the whole health budget for Ethiopia, a country of 105 million people.
Some people are saying that the system is rigged, only allowing the rich to get richer and creating a major gap.
Authors, Peter H. Diamandis & Steven Kotler of the book ‘Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think’ have a very different take on all this. The writers refer to the book's title as being a future where nine billion people have access to clean water, food, energy, health care, education, and everything else that is necessary for a first world standard of living, thanks to technological innovation.
With over 3 billion more people coming onto the internet in the next few years, opportunities to connect with people across the globe are going to increase exponentially. I agree with the authors and think we are in an era of remarkable opportunities for wealth creation.
Blaming and/or believing the system is rigged, is putting your focus on the outside. The question we all need to be asking ourselves is:
What do I control?
What can I do?
In my business very often the private jet is seen as a luxury item, when in reality it is a business tool. It all depends on how you use it. While the increase in business jet travel can be linked to more wealth out there I firmly believe it is mainly due to people wanting to connect more.
I am optimistic about the future. Not too long ago, in order to be educated one needed to attend a good university Today, if you have a smart phone, you can get a lot of the information you need at your fingertips.
Unfortunately, most people waste their time on Social Media, turning their ‘Smart Phones’ into ‘Dumb Phones’.
Remember, you control your time! No matter where you live, skin colour, religion, family circumstances, education level; we all landed on the earth as babies with 24 hrs a day.
Use your time wisely, educate yourself, network, create ideas, focus on bringing value to the marketplace and the Universe will reward you…
Fabrizio Poli is President of Maple Jets Group. He is also an accomplished Airline Transport Pilot having flown both private Jets and for the airlines. Fabrizio is also a bestselling author and inspirational speaker & has been featured on Russia Today (RT), TRT World, Social Media Examiner, Bloomberg, Channel 5, Chicago Tribune, Daily Telegraph, City Wealth Magazine,, Wealth X, Financial Times, El Financiero and many other Media offering insight on the aviation world. Fabrizio is also regularly featured as an Aviation Analyst on Russia Today (RT) and TRT World. Fabrizio is also aviation special correspondent Most Magazine. Fabrizio is also considered one of the world's top 30 experts in using Linkedin for business. You can tune in weekly to Fabrizio's business Podcast Living Outside the Cube available both in video & audio. You can also follow Fabrizio's aviation videos on Biz Jet TV Fabrizio's latest book "Health4Flyers", the first natural-health book for and frequent flyers is now available worldwide.