Currently we have technologies with partial intelligences that exceed our intelligence. They are designed by humans, but these technologies are like children, they learn more and more about themselves, use the knowledge we gave them, instilled, but collect billions of information, gestures , experiences, in a real learning. However, if we do not give good examples, and the data are the ones we unfortunately see in our society, - violence, greed, no sense of values, egotistic attitude, "show off", aggression, sectarianism, racism , inculture etc ... they will feed on what we are ....
Technologies, on the other hand, can be wonderful tools and help us develop as long as the human is in consciousness, has a high sense of values, an open mind, has his own thinking, has creativity, critical sense, a an open mind, a thirst for culture, curiosity, and is responsible for his acts with conscience as parents who strive to show the way to their children with all due respect to our entire human, animal, vegetal universe...
If these intelligences called "artificial" absorb beautiful things, those that we can offer them, we will have only happiness, if it is not the case ... .I prefer not to mortgage on their reactions, and hope that humans can transmit the best of themselves to safeguard our "common home", but there is urgency, and we must all participate and be engaged in it ....
Bernard Mondoulet - World Commitment on Humanity's Future
Happyfuture.me - COME JOIN US!
Co-Founder at HumanIn
6ymerci Christelle et Patrick, mais... il y a beaucoup " d'effets de manche" et de show off... les choses que je vis, c'est un MILA le plus grand laboratoire d'IA au monde avec Joshua Bengio à Montréal ou encore MO Gawdat - milliardaire américain qui réagissent et qui adhèrent... en moins d'1 heure, là ou j'attends de mes compatriotes "impliqués" à quelque titre que ce soit ( amis, intellectuels, politiques etc.. ) une réaction ou surtout.... une action !!! actuellement j'ai plus d'écoute avec le luxembourg, la suisse, le canada et bien d'autres... mais je reste convaincu que la France devrait jouer ce rôle pour qu'une Renaissance se fasse par notre pays et par les irréductibles gaulois qui restent encore et qui luttent... et ce n'est pas seulement au titre d'une "start up nation " cela doit être plus profond que cela... MERCI en tout cas pour votre soutien et votre lecture !!