Helping Yourself
About a year ago I discovered how good Quails eggs are for you. Here is one of a zillion articles on their benefits.
So I starting boiling them and peeling them and put them in a bowl and added some cut up Chia seed toast and add a small plate with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. A new version of eggs and toast without butter. Well, my two and a half year old little girl sneaks in whist I peel the quails eggs and sneaks her arm up grabs one and runs off. She loves them. All I see after I boil a batch and start peeling is this little arm come sneaking up to the counter snatch another and run off.
This behaviour always reminds me of the Joke about the guy who goes to see a doctor about a penis enlargement. The Doc says "you got us at a very busy time, all I have left in stock is a baby elephants trunk"
The client says , "brilliant that will be awesome, I'll take it" After surgery the guy goes out on a date with a girl he has fancied for some time.
Inside the restaurant our new "big boy" and his date are looking through he menu, waiting to order their meal. The waiter arrives takes the orders and leaves a bowl of fresh hot rolls on the table. All of a sudden this trunk comes out from the guys pants and grabs a roll and snatches it and heads back inside guys pants. A few mins later the same thing happens, this trunk comes up snatches a roll and heads back to the boxer shorts.
The girl smiles and says, "do you want to skip this place and head back to mine for some proper fun"
Our guy says "Thank God you asked, I can't wait, as frankly, I can't fit any more bread rolls up my ass":)
Sometimes it pays to just help yourself and not rely on anything or anyone that can mess up your plans and/or thinking - oh and Elephant trunks for Penis enlargement candidates is probably not a good idea at all:)