Here Lies Your Story
Happy to share my art project Here Lies Your Story as part of the City of Sydney Art & About 2022. I have been working on this project for so long now, it's wonderful to see it up on the wall until 16 May, 2022.
"You find this ugly, I find it lovely.”
But what is it? Here Lies Your Story is a text-based mural where the words themselves have been collected from across the local community of Potts Point and Kings Cross. When curated together, these short stories and memories, create a unique picture of a place unlike any other.
There are stories about falling in love, clubs and venues people have enjoyed, memories of those who have passed away, significant moments in history, interesting facts and tales about an amazing community. Thank to all who contributed to this project.
Watch a short interview about the work on the City of Sydney website.
I was very lucky to work some inspirational women on this project - Designer Marita Leuver, Audio Producer Cinnamon Nippard, and Project Manager Ruby Lucas.
"The palette, I hope reflects the colourful diversity of our wonderful neighbourhood." Marita Leuver
The story behind the design ...
Curating the stories was one thing, but how did the design come together?
Designer Marita Leuver was on board from the very start and created the look of the artwork.
Whether you are standing close to the wall, standing on the work or very far away, the artwork is a splash of colour.
In this interview, Marita Leuver describes her design principles.
Image: Marita Leuver + Fenella
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The story behind the sound ...
Working with Audio Producer Cinnamon Nippard, we have recorded the 94 stories in full - and it makes for a pretty amazing listen.
Go here to hear Here Lies Your Story.
Cinnamon Nippard, Marita Leuver + Fenella.
Visit Here Lies Your Story today alongside the Potts Point Hotel, Sydney NSW until 16 May, read the mural online or listen to the artwork.
Fenella Kernebone
All images by Abi Felman
So good to see it up and running. Fantastic stories from and about the Cross. Great work.
Marketing and PR
2yAwesome Fenella!!!
Executive Director at WORD Christchurch
2yThis is such an awesome way to share stories and celebrate an area - a classic Art & About project. Hopefully a model that could work in other areas???
Program Manager - Sydney New Year’s Eve
2yThe Cross is a special place and you told its story beautifully Fenella. Such a delight to work with you, Cinnamon, Ruby and Marita. Thank you so much for being part of the City of Sydney’s Art & About program.
Managing Director at 6 Degrees Media
2yFantastic, Fenella - well done! Love it.