Here we go again, another ranting 'Rona article...(no it's not, promise)

Here we go again, another ranting 'Rona article...(no it's not, promise)

🥺Redundant. Furloughed. Pay Cut. 

The amount of times I have heard these words over the last four weeks is insane; especially as a recruiter. Never in 7 years have I heard them in such volumes. 

  • Redundancies I thought only happened in huge blue chips or startups due to restructures etc; not within successful, established businesses.
  • ‘Furlough’ - I didn’t even know it was a word/what it meant until it happened to one of my mates.
  • Paycut, okay yep I knew they happen - but not in someone’s existing role where they’ve worked for years.

It’s been a real tough month or so, and I too, along with many of you (that rhymes!), have been personally impacted by it first hand. 

With a (fair) bit more time to follow before we get through this, I wanted to actually reflect and think about what positive things and tasks we can do during this time for ourselves and each other; and have already started to do for when we come out the other side! 

I know it seems tough at the mo there's no denying it, but there is heaps to be positive about, and things we can do to ensure we remain so -- it’s important to remain chipper for when we get through it! What we do now and how we react to it, will impact your professional and personal future.

This article is all about doing what you can to stay upbeat, positive, and sane!

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✔️The new normal...

As we continue to adapt, it’s important to have a routine. Create a ‘new normal’ for you. 

This will be different for everyone.

I salute everyone who is able to put a full face of makeup on, AND bake banana bread, AND learn to sprint 100m in 3.4 seconds AND learn to play the trumpet at the same time. Kudos to you. But that ain’t for me. 

Honestly though, this is unrealistic for many people having to juggle families, work/job hunting, caring for others and general well being. So tailor it to what works for you

*Also, worth noting - try not to use your day as a ‘Productivity Contest’ with your mates/peers. You can do small things, which to you, are genuinely a huge achievement, but to others are standard; and vice versa. 

✔️Learn something new...

This is one that always gets mentioned, but it can be something that gives you a great sense of accomplishment if you find something you enjoy. 

There’s options such as: 

  • Learn a new language - more accessible than ever as you can use online resources / apps.
  • Cooking. Something I personally find highly soothing if you’re feeling a little stressed. (Plus you get to eat at the end which is wonderful!)
  • UX Courses / Coding Courses etc. are all super accessible too. Plus transferable to professional life. You can find tutorials on YouTube. Or, even better, speak to someone in industry who might be able to help!

Something I’ve taken up, is 'learning’ TikTok. Believe me, as someone approaching 30, I’m aware, I shouldn't be on it. But hey, it makes me happy and keeps me entertained! Which is what this is all about.

✔️Update CV / Portfolio...

Okay, so this one is directly related to work, however now is the best time to dedicate to this! You’re at home most of your day (apart from that essential trip to the shop for TP / or to exercise!), so set aside some time to do this if you are going to be searching for a role. 

Here’s some info on the best way to update your CV / job search in the current market that provides some insight -

✔️Speak to people...

Something that we probably don’t realise, is the value we gain from doing this; professionally and personally. 

I for one have never ever used my phone so much to speak to people. Being 17,000 miles away from mates / family, and 9 hours ahead of them, I genuinely look forward to speaking to them in the evening; and feel SO MUCH better once I have done. Pick up the phone and say hello!

Now is a great time to chat. We have time now where we may not have done before. 

Honestly, the amount of ways we can communicate too are vast:

  • WhatsApp, Facebook, phone call, Houseparty, Zoom - whatever your preferred option, do it! 100% it will make you feel good.

(Also worth mentioning, I recommend a virtual pub quiz with your friends or family - heaps of fun. However, I am not accountable for any arguments caused if you do choose to do one).

✔️‘You’ time

So, you’ve got hours in the day where you can fill time with the things I’ve mentioned so far, however above all, it’s important to look after you and the rest will follow. I never really understood this term much before until now to be totally honest with you, but given the situation I’ve thought more about it.

Take 30 minutes a day to do something you love, something that makes you feel good, or to reflect on something positive in your life. 

For example, I’ve started exercising again (if you can call huffing and puffing round Bondi like a seal exercising). Something I haven’t really done since I ran the London Marathon (which for those of you who know me, know how much I bang on about it). Honestly though, that was in 2017 - move on!

Doing a run every other day has done huge amounts for my mental wellbeing, and you feel great afterwards. Plus it means you deserve that glass of Merlot even more! 

Other things you can do are listen to a podcast, go for a walk (within government restrictions!), take up colouring, do some gardening, or discover some new music! Whatever it is which means you get 30 mins or so to yourself, with no screen / phone to distract you. Do it.

Which brings me onto…

✔️Limit your social media usage

*Scroll. Scroll. Scroll.*

You’re bored. You’re fidgety. You’ve just sat down with a cuppa.

*Scroll. Scroll. Scroll.*

Before you know it, you’ve spent an hour doing a thumb workout & got claw hand. 

Limit your time on apps.

If you see someone you follow on Instagram having a bloody great time parading round what they’re doing with their quarantine day, and if you’re having a bit of an off day, it will not make you feel good by scrolling endlessly through content. 

✔️Look forward to the future

Heaps of things have been cancelled/postponed right?

Glastonbury, 30th birthday outings, visit home to England for Mum’s birthday, trip to New York and Vegas -- these are just the ones that spring to my mind. What was set to be a banger of a Summer is now canned. GREAT is it going to be when we get to do these things once we’re able to do so again!?

We will appreciate everything so much more, and not take things such as travel, and seeing family and friends for granted. Honestly, this time at home is making us appreciate what matters. 


It’s tough at the moment, and stressful for many of us, as I said I genuinely empathise with you and know what you’re going through. 

BUT...positivity is the key takeaway. It will get better. 

Remember - stay safe, and BE KIND to each other. 


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Jen Bannister

⭐️Scaling world class technical teams & solving complex hiring challenges 💡 TA Manager at Civica APAC 🌏 Driven by innovative software products that are mission led 🙌 Founder of Mums in Tech Community 💌


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