Here's the latest from the UN
One year of brutal war in Sudan has led to unimaginable suffering and a devastating humanitarian crisis.
As a result of the fighting, Sudan and its neighbours are experiencing one of the largest and most challenging humanitarian and displacement crises in the world.
The number of Sudanese forced to flee has now surpassed 8.6
million people, with 1.8 million of them having crossed borders to other countries, according to UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency .
A year into the conflict, thousands of people continue to leave Sudan on a daily basis in search of safety, protection and assistance. Most of those forced to flee are women and children, and many are arriving in remote areas with few possessions, in desperate need of food, water, shelter and medical care.
World Food Programme
has warned that famine in Sudan is a distinct possibility in the coming months and that the international community must come together to push for greater humanitarian access and funding
Food prices in Sudan
The ripple effects are felt in nearby South Sudan and Chad, where disrupted trade and mass displacement
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In its latest update,
stressed that children are acutely feeling the impacts of the war. A record 14 million children – half of all children in Sudan – now require life-saving humanitarian assistance
Almost 4 million children under 5-years-old in Sudan are projected to suffer from acute malnutrition
Sudan also now has one of the worst education crises in the world
UNICEF continues working to reach the most vulnerable, but funding shortages have created obstacles in their efforts to help those in need.
As the United Nations continues its tireless work to alleviate the immense hardships faced by the people of Sudan, UN Secretary-General António Guterres has stressed: “The only path out of this horror is a political solution.”
"The Sudanese people need more than humanitarian support. They need an end to the bloodshed. They need peace."
You can stay updated on the latest developments from around the world by following the UN’s page on LinkedIn and gain further insights and perspectives from UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ LinkedIn account.
Senior Consultant QHSE
4moHoeveel sancties zijn besproken en uiteindelijk opgelegd aan de agressor in dit conflict door de veiligheidsraad?
Managing Director
8moThe New World Order - in progress The New World Order must balance economic growth with individual development. It has to deliver eco-friendly projects, sustainable, adoptable to evolving challenges, empowering individuals to lead quality lives. All the ‘projects of the future’ will have 3 major features: (BOS) 01. Build potential growth and welfare of each individual, empowering global citizens develop and live a quality life. Building Capital with value assessed on actual returns, to integrate social, economic and environmental assets to create a natural evolution of adequate money supply. 02. Operate through a high-tech digital platform, establishing 24/7 global connectivity between all stake and share holders, working institutions and the projects operational profiles. 03. Share profit among all stakeholders, based on performance, to integrate human and capital efficiency to support a dynamic and resilient infra-structure operate a sustainable, progressive socio-economic system, evolving with technology, efficiency, transparency, multiple investments and assets to optimize productivity & individual empowerment. Visit our digital platform at and ask for the Financial Projection.
8moAll avenues of solution mentioned above lead directly to politics and politicians. This is the crux of the matter. Today's rulers are inexperienced, uneducated charlatans who know little about world and national histories that are the essence of problem-solving. Most are clueless or don't care about complex social, economic, and scientific problems. They simply want to win elections to rise to power, resorting to one-line slogans and harangues. Unfortunately, neither good-willed UN staff nor common people like us can confront the most powerful politicians to limit impunity. Whether a vote at the UNSC or the UNGA, or in human rights fora, everything depends on the will of the U.S., currently led by a wishy-washy establishment. After 47 years of foreign affairs practice, I cannot think of a rosy horizon. We have started with famine, climate change, and intestine or multilateral wars that are killing a few million people in Eastern Africa and the Middle East. There is hunger and despair in Afghanistan and Southeast Asia. And we all have the nuclear Sword of Damocles hanging over our heads. The breadth of the gulf between choosers and beggars is just too great!
IT Support Specialist / Expert Desktop Technician / Network Systems Administrator / Cloud Infrastructure Solutions / Communications Engineering
8moMedical & food aid is much needed within Sudan
ICT Expert,Graphic Designer,Publisher and Writter
8mowhat is happening in Sudan is worrying, Good job United Nations for the sacrifice and concern. Be blessed