How to 2030.5 with smart charging (clue: today it's OCPP)

How to 2030.5 with smart charging (clue: today it's OCPP)

I'm writing this publicly as I've been asked the same questions a number of times by several industry stakeholders in the last two months, and it's much easier to point to an article that many may contribute to in comments towards a robust and consistent discussion.

Given the questions usually start with musings around OCPI I'd guess it's doing the rounds locally with rising interest/progress/closeness to execution in eRoaming locally, and with certain utility segments very much needing smart charging solutions ASAP.

I'm involved in the Open Charge Alliance and some associated bodies of work. I'd offer that many globally see 2025 as 'the year' that EV-to-EVSE comms, EVSE-to-CSMS comms and smart grid comms come together to form solutions that can properly integrate EVs into the grid as flexible resources. Having been involved in many standards and frameworks discussions to these ends from all perspectives, I'd also offer there are a few challenges at present:

  • The eMobility industry is very much separate to the smart grid industry, and so linkages between the two aren't as direct as we'd like to realise Instant Awesomeness,
  • Most comms standards from EV through CSMS are international (not necessarily global, but certainly international) whereas grid connection and smart grid standards have some pretty solid regionality going - and yet they all need to work together,
  • No one wants to break anything for V2G - it's all got to be future-compatible, whether DC/AC/VHS/Betamax/whatever,
  • This space is fast-evolving, product markets are emerging and so some opinions around best ways to reconcile charging and smart grid needs tend to conflate what stakeholders could do or build as opposed to what they should do or build reflective of evolving standards and/or frameworks directions. This is particularly so in Australia, being a market with relatively limited local development capability to some ends, with specific grid connection standards, having unusually evolved energy and services market designs, a strong VRE transition despite a relatively late (against leading markets) EV uptake, and
  • Australian network operators in particular are unusually well-advanced with respect to needs for smart grid management.

Key bits and what they do

  • IEEE 2030.5 ("2030.5") is a standard focused on interoperable smart grid technology. It's primary use (in our context) is to allow utility control systems and edge devices (or aggregates thereof) to communicate with each other. The exact protocols, data models, etc used in any implementation is governed by a Common Smart Inverter Profile (CSIP). Australia has it's own CSIP which, in short, fits our needs.
  • Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP) is a protocol (not yet standardised however mature and highly diffuse in market) that facilitates communications between charging infrastructure and platforms that manage them. OCPP 1.6J is common in market, OCPP 2.0.1 is rapidly being adopted (which includes excellent smart grid support in 2030.5 topologies) and OCPP 2.1 (which builds on 2.0.1) will support V2G natively.
  • ISO/IEC 15118-2/20 are high-level communication standards between EVs and vehicle charging infrastructure. -20 formalises support for V2G and some other modern functionalities and will be a standard to these ends in EU, US and many Asian markets beyond 2025. It will at the very least be the dominant market direction in Australia in a similar time period.
  • Open Charge Point Interface (OCPI) is a protocol that facilitates communications between charging station operators (CSOs/CPOs) and eMobility Service Providers (eMSPs). It is one of several protocols facilitating eRoaming. It seeks to standardise how charging-related information is exchanged between them, and within this functionality can serve a number of interoperable purposes and applications. It is commonly implemented to facilitate eRoaming and to provide state-of-network data (locations, availability, pricing, etc) across individual networks or collectives thereof. Version 2.2.1 is a requirement of the US NEVI funding scheme, a requirement of some other regions and schemes and is broadly diffuse throughout Europe; 3.0 is in development with early prototype deployments recently completed.

Why Australia has 2030.5 love

Australia leads the world in renewables transition and DER penetration. DNSPs in particular have challenges in minimum demand related issues (e.g., lots of uncommanded generation, i.e., solar PV) and cluster demand (e.g., bits of the grid where there's too much demand, which is anticipated with EVs particularly). 2030.5 - particularly as implemented with our local CSIP - provides an elegant technical means of managing as much.

Given funding cycles for DNSPs particularly, regions with known challenges and state/federal interest in charging segments that are likely to present with temporal demand constraints there's a lot of interest in getting relevant smart grid technology solution roadmaps sorted.

Where 2030.5 probably won't appear

Despite the will of some to have this be ubiquitous everywhere and have all controllable directly, in the near-through-mid-term:

  • EVs themselves are unlikely to be 2030.5 clients - some industry stakeholders prefer this approach, particularly in North America, though it's failed to elicit significant and enduring support to date,
  • EVSEs are also unlikely to be 2030.5 clients. Most of the firms that dev gateway firmware for EVSEs are experts in ISO 15118 (and precedent standards) and OCPP. There's quite enough work getting one to work with another; adding 2030.5 adds another USD$ six figures of cost to a product program between code, dev, testing and homologation. Given one node per premise is intended to be a 2030.5 endpoint, EVSEs are more likely to sit behind or communicate with something else that speaks 2030.5.

Where 2030.5 probably will appear

The OCA completed work developing smart grid support in OCPP 2.x through a dedicated working group that concluded last year. The below scenarios have been presented in public domain several times though are not commonly understood in Australian industry, so I'll summarise them here; these are not the only examples of what is or will be possible in integrating 2030.5 with OCPP, though these may be considered documented and starting points for discussion.

All imagery below is adapted from OCA documentation (with permission), the following abbreviations are used:

  • CS (Charging Station, an EVSE)
  • EMS (Energy Management System)
  • LC (Local Controller)
  • CSMS (Charging Station Management Software)
  • DSO (Distribution System Operator)

Determinations on which scenarios a given implementation might be best suited for are gated by physical/practical limitations at site, and otherwise seek to defer intrinsic risks to stakeholders best placed to deal with as much.

So then, some options for 2030.5 integration

The DSO talks directly to the CSMS, and the CSMS talks directly to every EVSE

Credit: Open Charge Alliance

Functionally this is pretty straightforwards:

  • The CSMS acts as a 2030.5 client which in turn communicates to individual EVSEs over OCPP,
  • Where an onsite EMS is employed this may also communicate to the EVSEs over a local protocol (e.g., Modbus, Matter, MQTT, etc); the EMS performs energy management at a given site or asset cluster. Should available limits change as a function of EMS the CSMS is updated via OCPP,
  • Additional, external limitations may be imposed by the DSO.


  • Full-cloud solution (for those that like full-cloud solutions),
  • Can be simpler for applications where LAN comms from the EVSEs are tricky to implement and no EMS is present,
  • DSO compliance can be acquired as a service,
  • Site-based EMS is an independent problem; integration only requires appropriately-compliant EVSEs (useful where e.g., an EMS/BMS might already be in place or acquired through other means)


  • DSO integration at your CSMS will not be free,
  • DSO functional compliance depends on third parties doing the right thing, every time. In this instance the party initiating a smart grid state change literally requests it of the CSMS - which is a black box to them - and there are no guarantees or controls that the response will be actioned as intended every time. This can be challenging for firms that may expect mission-critical performance from DR function calls, or that are at least culturally used to things turning down or off as and when they intend,
  • Compliance with 2030.5 offline performance requirements can be tricky; 2030.5 requires clients to store a significant number of DER states (as a forward schedule and defaults). Whilst these will be received in-cloud, commands to the intended endpoints (the EVSEs) are instantaneous in nature. Accordingly when communications are lost it is difficult to respect intended 2030.5 behaviours,
  • Different CSMS may interpret the same smart grid functions differently leading to diversity among performance outcomes, which can create difficulties for firms expecting consistent, repeatable behaviours whilst procuring CPO services competitively,
  • Some independent testing may be required to ensure the EVSEs behave as intended given independent connections each with control authority,
  • Low tolerance for different OCPP versions - this works best as an OCPP 2.x topology from EVSE to CSMS.

There are a number of scenarios where this is workable, e.g., a DNSP may wish to run a CSMS to enrol residential EVSEs into a tariff product wherein doing so allows the DNSP to both provide demand/export limit management and some form of submetering (if EVSEs were deemed contestable) for any variety of purposes (energy contract portability in this scenario may be enabled through roaming arrangements - which would allow e.g., a work car to have work pick up the charging tab directly). Obviously, CSMS vendors favour this because more cloud more CSMS more revenue. Some vendors that vertically integrate hardware, energy supply and management services may also prefer as much in spirit (if not necessarily through open protocols e.g., Tesla).

The DSO talks directly to the CSMS, the CSMS talks to an onsite hybrid EMS/LC, and that manages the EVSEs

Credit: Open Charge Alliance

In this scenario the EMS is replaced with an on-site solution that is both an EMS and a Local Controller (LC), an OCPP device that aggregates communications across any number of EVSEs to a single point of communication with the CSMS. LC's typically provide a load balancing function (often against dynamics limits). There's even proper routing under developement in OCPP supporting a range of network/management topologies.

Where the EMS/LC updates limits, these are communicated to the CSMS.

Relative to the previous scenario, advantages:

  • Where properly implemented CPOs have the potential to engage large EVSE fleets more easily,
  • Potentially greater tolerance for mixed-OCPP standard EVSE fleets (as long as the EMS/LC 'speaks all dialects'),
  • Value streams needing local measurement and verification are more easily implemented (e.g., PFR/FCAS),
  • 2030.5 loss-of-comms behaviours can easily be respected.


  • Control/visibility of 2030.5 activity now dependent on a hybrid of an EMS and a CSMS,
  • SaaS DSO challenges still exist,
  • A LAN needs to be established.

There are likely to be a few scenarios where traditional on-premise energy or building management systems can be updated with some OCPP functionality, or may have it already. This won't be so common in newer developments however as most DERMs, modern PLCs and BMS feature some sort of cloud component (discussed below).

It should be stressed that establishing a LAN is not necessarily as daunting as it may seem. Whilst some electricians are indeed 'power and light people' and not necessarily licensed cablers, a LAN does not necessarily imply an Ethernet rollout: many wireless options exist, powerline comms and various hybrid arrangements are also possible - in most cases, LAN costs with single (and even redundant) WAN in such applications are considerably lesser than individual cellular WAN connections per EVSE. Establishing an appropriate LAN with ease and at low cost in a given application requires appropriate design - confluences between industries enabling as much and the vehicle charging industry do exist.

The DSO talks directly to the EMS/LC's cloud which manages the EVSEs, as does the CSMS

Credit: Open Charge Alliance

This might look familiar to those involved in the DERMs industry; the resultant EMSs usually are edge/cloud hybrids wherein the cloud will compute e.g., demand and/or optimisation targets and DER dispatch is computed locally in addition to metering for energy and services. DSO integration takes place cloud-to-cloud. In this particular example OCPP comms are device-to-cloud, though they could similarly be cloud-to-EMS and/or with the EMS having LC functionality.

Relative to the previous scenarios, advantages:

  • Smart grid control and visibility happens independent of the CSMS. The CSMS may be cheaper to procure, and should asset owners also own the EMS (or EMS/LC) then smart grid participation is consistent and predictable,
  • Flexible trading opportunities and grid protection/T&D deferral activities may be owned independently by actors interested in either, with the latter having precedence over the former.


  • Hybrid edge+cloud EMS/LC solutions need to be procured to complete a system.

This particular topology (or variants thereof) may be of particular interest in situations where utilities own charging infrastructure, and which to have consistent and predictable asset visibility and control towards active, direct management of net utility investment efficiency which may otherwise be adversely affected by charging network activity if not controlled as desired (e.g., particularly in contingency situations). Deeper, more consistent DSO function integrations (e.g., with an ADMS) are more plausible in this topology. It may also favour asset owners that would seek to assume DSO compliance in capital costs rather than in more expensive (if more time-flexible) variable costs.

A word on metering

Some in industry may suggest that a pattern-approved meter, appropriately empowered with a data gateway, could serve to provide a range of functionalities including data services and possibly DSO edge (e.g., 2030.5 client) functionality.

This is arguably a low-fidelity idea.

Pattern-approved meters are large, expensive and (given the side of industry that serves them) almost anticompetitive. They are neither necessary in energy and/or services metering for EV charging. Metering regulation around the world is being actively reviewed to democratise metering towards high-performance, low-cost outcomes; Australia is no different.

Cost containment is essential. Rolling out fleet charging solutions with pattern-approved meters would be something done in lieu of cognisance of change, and something that adds both fixed (for the metering kit) and variable (for metering services) costs that are simply not necessary in any reasonable future context.

Leverage technology to minimise the pieces, minimise the players, and get the costs down.

What about OCPI

Current versions of OCPI are not designed for these purposes; OCPI is broadly complementary to OCPP's role. Currently it does not transmit or interpret smart grid commands in ways useful to EV charging infrastructure.

OCPI 3.0 (upcoming, and a substantial development on current-in-market versions) will contribute some functionality useful to better power system and network operation e.g., measurements of load and line frequency at a charging station can be made available through new functionality in OCPI.

There's also some work towards a notion of influencing charging station behaviours through OCPI 3.0 (see section 8 p.22+ of this document). This functionality was recently demonstrated in the RE-ESCAPE project, and introduces the potential role of a Smart Charging Services Provider (SCSP) as an orchestrator of smart charging computation, optimisation and control. In practice it sounds good - an entity can reach into any charging session irrespective of the CSMS used, the CPO involved etc - and modify the session for positive outcomes.

Re-ESCAPE project stakeholder topology

In practice there's challenges, some of which are detailed below:

  • It's complex - the introduction of an SCSP as an additional actor (a role which may be assumed by other stakeholders in the above schema) may complicate project delivery and add cost in a space already (typically) dependent on many stakeholders for success,
  • The proposed functionality may be seen to compete with some of OCPP but does not obviate it as a necessity in charging station management,
  • It requires the intentions of the DSO to be translated into something the SCSP can use rather than working with a 2030.5 smart grid function call directly; whereas it's relatively straightforward to e.g., aggregate EVSEs under solutions with DSO communications and to coordinate these intended smart grid outcomes singularly as such, the proposed approach requires the SCSP to have visibility of every individual charging session,
  • There are data challenges not yet addressed - SCSP role operators may be availed to consumer data (more below),
  • PFR support is not yet significantly addressed,
  • Whilst charging sessions are individually optimised, behind-the-meter objectives which may also include a charging session are not, which may dilute consumer or customer agency towards outcomes that are mutually amenable for utility and consumer interests alike.

Whilst interest in moving charging session optimisation to cloud in a a completely operational way may seem conceptually attractive, it is difficult to characterise exactly where or how the proposed changes to OCPI would achieve a functionally diverse (let alone beneficial) outcome to OCPP. It is stressed that the intended outcomes are not novel; in practice many CPOs at scale will ultimately undertake the functional outcomes of the SCSP within their own responsibilities and procure CSMS and/or EMS/LC platforms so equipped to work with VRE procurement and/or network goals. OCPI 3.0 proposes a different way of doing what can already functionally be achieved today; to be fair, the space is fast-moving with much to be solved or settled including consumer rights, enabling policies, market designs, financial viabilities and many other facets. How we control charging sessions today may change in the far term, and good reasons for doing so may become definitively clearer in time.

At present 'today' is of essence - OCPP 2.0.1 is here today as is OCPI 2.2.1 and 2030.5 with a local market CSIP. There are clear needs in market. Whilst neither OCPP or OCPI are yet formal standards, and whilst future market directions may certainly change, 2030.5 working with OCPP presents in-market solutions today, which impacts what is available, supportable and competitively procurable.

Where needs are immediate through mid-term, there is only one solution.

Who makes this stuff?

It is stressed that whilst the solution space is new there are several industry players with production-grade solutions in both 2030.5 and OCPP. In many cases relevant software/firmware to deliver key components (in particular OCPP LC functionality) are typically procured from a variety of vendors dedicated to the space.

There are even Australian solution vendors that have in-production-with-customers solutions that 'speak' both 2030.5 and OCPP today, though the industry seeking my assistance towards these services is not at present consistently aware of their existence. In Australia both Combined Energy and AZZO are worth a chat, are local, are good value and (to put it mildly) are run and staffed by adults that understand utility-grade mission criticality fluently. Their products have supported 2030.5 and OCPP in local, production environments. There are many other organisations that are close and/or that work in adjacent markets with amenable technical solutions, and there are several organisations overseas that are amenable to the problem space. Given the DERMs industry has been dealing with most of the problem space (flexible trading and optimisation) for some time and the remainder of it technically is broadly amenable or procurable (e.g., OCPP software), the DERMs industry is likely to foster significant market entrants.

Whilst solutions for specific problems may not exactly exist, e.g., a cloud hybrid LC/EMS that can sit atop a street pole through at least 15 Australian summers isn't yet commercial-off-the-shelf, the current state of market is quite far from the totality of the problem to be solved. Adjacent applications are already at TRL 8/9. If the vendors cited don't have what you need, a project with them at worst-case starts at TRL 7. Collaborations to deliver something useful are best described as late pre-commercialisation and are likely projects amenable to government funding.

To repeat - these are not projects or initiatives that require research group collaboration; to suggest that they do ignores a significant body of work having already led to production systems or significant components thereof based on long-established standards, frameworks and precedent research extending beyond a decade.

It's all quite production-achievable either today or (proverbially) very early tomorrow at a very reasonable cost.

There is no reason CSMS vendor solutions would not support these arrangements. Where OCPP routing is employed, it is necessary that the CSMS support as much.

It's also worth calling out the availability of and role of certification in the space. OCPP functionality for charging stations and CSMS can be tested independently and certified through the OCA. This isn't yet a requirement of government-funded programs in Australia. It should be. Whilst we've some well-intended attempts at defining 'good enough' in sector through means that are potentially subjective, procuring industries benefit much from objective proofs of performance .

Mind the data considerations

It's understandable that everyone in this segment wants to control - or at least visualise - everything. On donning a Reality Helmet, here's what matters:

  • OCPP and OCPI data is customer data that can be used to reconstruct consumer energy contract details and movements. If you're a stakeholder that is only interested in asset control and whom doesn't need risks associated with holding CDR, don't.
  • 2030.5 data has some useful consumer implications but is primarily associated with smart grid management. If this is all your organisation is concerned with, limit involvement here.
  • If you've a legitimate reasons to be across both - you're an LC/EMS business or developing a CSMS - then that's what you do.

Watch the costs at all cost

Fleet charging segments - whether kerbside, in buildings, at workplaces or other - are considered very much enabling towards a whole-of-market EV transition. End-user costs need to reflect inherent service experience for success, otherwise customers (and relevant government policy) will support other solutions for affected customer segments: e.g., if occasional DC-fast charging is more expensive than kerbside charging, it would have difficulty succeeding in market and governments may have reluctance to fund or otherwise support it.

For example: an asset-owning utility wishes to fund a fleet charging station rollout;

  • On average across the asset fleet, the charging stations are used for 20 billable hours per week (they may be plugged in for greater, though the average billable portion is 20 hours).
  • The charging stations cost on average (inclusive of any upstream hardware and installation) AUD$3,000 each.
  • They are less interested in operating charging services, and intend to tender for a third-party CPO to run the assets.
  • The assets have an intended 10 or 15 year life, and they intend to return 8% interest per year (monthly) on these assets.
  • All parties agree on 99% uptime.
  • The charging stations are 7kW single-phase items.

Solution: at 10 years the total capital+returns desired by the asset owner is $4,368 which needs to be returned over 10,296 hours of charging. Accordingly, every hour of use needs to return approximately 42c. Assuming that the peak charging power will be the average power delivered (it won't) asset cost recovery adds some 6.1c/kWh (dropping to 4.8c/kWh if on 15 years), to which may be added:

  • Energy costs
  • CPO costs and margins (may include DSO integration if so procured)
  • Comms costs
  • Metering services costs
  • Roaming costs, Plug & Charge costs (as applicable)
  • Asset maintenance costs
  • Contingency costs
  • Etc

It should be clear that where costs are poorly contained it is completely feasible for e.g., kerbside charging rollouts to become cost-competitive with e.g., DC-fast charging, at which point consumer demand and policy support for such solutions may diminish.

Whilst desktop improvements in project economics may arise from e.g., higher-power charging infrastructure and longer project life (the former being already demonstrated in market locally in some affected segments), the financial performance of and market demand for such initiatives is not borne out practically. Government agencies may undertake to support sector enablement though subsidies, though beyond very-early-in-sector examples (already funded locally) responsible funding agencies will undertake to engage with proposals that scale well, that manage costs competitively to help enable scale and that address significant proportions of given market, not solely those with more-favourable economics.

In short, organisations leading relevant projects should take care to manage a competitive, scaleable and future-relevant cost stack. DSO integration in a third-party cloud or an owned solution? When all else is met, it'll come down to cost.

Edit: To those that have asked - yes, this example is deliberately favourable to illustrate difficulty. It is, in practice, very difficult to supply and install a kerbside EVSE installation (with all ancillary systems) for AUD$3k at present. AUD$3k is a fair industry at-scale target requiring careful design, procurement and system integration. We are yet to see reliable examples of this in field.

Final thoughts & disclaimers

Australian governments and piqued representative bodies developing funding requirements for charging programs have quite overlooked this - my thoughts are here, particularly under 'Smart grid support'. We are not quite alone in being a market with pressing smart grid needs, however we are certainly advanced for which consistent approaches to integration with a new, significant and flexible load market are valuable to all who pay energy bills.

I co-develop some more advanced LC's at Greenergenic Inc. in markets outside Australia with Steve Oh and others. We're Open Charge Alliance members; if currency in any of the above interests you I'd urge you or your organisation to get involved and join - fees are amenable, both impact and the quality of discussion are high, participating organisations are genuinely global, and the people involved are excellent.

If you need local expertise to the above ends I work with several partners that make me relatively easy to engage; if you want get seriously about building something I collaborate with Jon Sibley at enX consulting to deliver competitive DER policy work.

Peter Kilby

Senior Grid Transformation Engineer


Another good contribution thanks Riccardo. A couple of queries from me: If the site only receives OCPP signals (as per the first two options shown), how are dynamic site import limits communicated? From my limited understanding OCPP only covers charging limits, while CSIP-AUS (as well as OpenADR v3.0) support site import (and of course export) limits. Do you think this requirement will remain uniquely Australian? Secondly, what about the architecture where the EMS natively supports the DSOs protocol (CSIP-AUS here), avoiding the need for (and costs of) cloud intermediation, and uses OCPP for basic, local CS control only. Not so relevant to CSOs I presume? This architecture is also included in Diagram B of the DEIP's Reference Architecture for CER.

Jon Sibley

Consumer energy technology, policy and strategy


Also, for those that may not know already, the formal application of IEEE 2030.5 in Australia (CSIP-Aus) is currently limited to dynamic operating envelopes (import and export limits) rather than set point control. It is hoped to be extended to include dynamic price information soonish. Network businesses are currently developing a national product certification regime for DER which will include EVSE. This will be mandatory for grid connection in some jurisdictions and will enable direct communication or via a local site controller or cloud (CPO) proxy, as described in article. Reach out to Riccardo Pagliarella, PhD or myself if you'd like more info.

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