How to Build a Brand People Can't Resist & 12 Other Articles You Missed This Week
Social media and the internet have made it easier than ever for aspiring young entrepreneurs to make their business dreams a reality. However, the accessibility of these tools means there is a steadily increasing amount of competition for startups. So, how can startup companies brand themselves for success?
This week Tom Foster published an article that explores the strategies and stories behind some of today's most successful startups. In the piece, Foster includes several in-depth interviews that highlight how these businesses achieved success while providing valuable lessons about building prosperous brands. Here's How to Build a Brand People Can't Resist and 12 others you may have missed this week.
1. Robots: Coming to an Office Near You
Smart, versatile and (relatively) cheap machines are leaving the factory for the office.
2. 7 Cool Books That Bill Gates Loves
Bill Gates suggests some books for you to read on the beach this summer, and, in the process, reveals how he thinks about the world.
3. 6 of the Most Notorious Entrepreneurs of All Time
In addition to their more nefarious practices, leaders of criminal enterprises must wield expertise in many of the same areas as legitimate businesses, such as networking and quality assurance.
4. 5 Subliminal Reasons Customers Hate Doing Business With You
It's the little stuff that's killing your business, including these five mistakes you don't even know you're making.
5. Science Says This Is the Perfect Antidote to the Afternoon Slump
Not only is this snack research approved, it's also really, really tasty.
6. Mastering the Fine Art of Managing People
Method co-founder Eric Ryan shares his secrets to building a killer team.
7. How to Build a Brand People Can't Resist
Traditional merchants and digital-first retailers are figuring out the store of the future.
8. Do This, and You'll Always Be the Most Popular Person in the Room
These three simple steps are your ticket to success.
9. 5 Things Fighter Pilots Know About Performance Under Pressure
Carey Lohrenz, one of the first women to fly the F-14 fighter jet, shares her advice for working through "extraordinary pressure."
10. These 134 Words Are the Single Most Important Quote for Every Entrepreneur to Remember
You can be a spectator or you can be in the arena. The difference defines what it means to be an entrepreneur.
11. Steve Jobs Was a Master at Looking Into the Future: You Can Be Too
Steve Jobs knew how to keep his company constantly adapting to the future. Do you?
12. 7 Harsh Truths That Will Make You a Better Entrepreneur
The sooner you recognize and understand these harsh truths, the sooner you can become a better entrepreneur.
13. Gates, Gladwell, Cain, and More: 17 Presentation Secrets From Superb TED Talks
Want to make a genuine impact on your audience? Here are some simple ways and some great examples to emulate.
Now it's your turn. What were your favorite articles of the week? Which ones did I miss? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below, and please share this post with your network so that they don't miss out on this week's popular articles!
Dave Kerpen is the founder and CEO of Likeable Local. He is also the co-founder and Chairman of Likeable Media, and the New York Times-bestselling author of Likeable Social Media, Likeable Business, and the new collection, Likeable Leadership. To read more from Dave on LinkedIn, please click the FOLLOW button above or below.
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