How to Build Relationships with Social Media Influencers & Bloggers — My Book
Read this short but actionable e-book I wrote and learn how I started collaborating and building meaningful relationships with social media influencers and expert bloggers in any niche.
My name is Simon Zaku and when I started my blog, I simply felt no one was going to share my article.
My very first blog post which I was terrified about attracted over 3,000 social media shares, brought in 100s of email subscribers/leads and tens of thousands of visitors too (20,000+).
Building Relationships with Social Media Influencers: How to Become Friends with Popular Influencers with this EASY HACK!
What helped me achieve this result within 7 days?
Social media Influencers and popular niche bloggers…
If you have tried emailing influencers online, you should know it is certainly not easy and most times, they do not reply!
Nonetheless, I was still able to develop a strategy for getting these busy influencers to open my emails, reply to them, and build long-term relationships with them.
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I still reach out to some of these influencers anytime I publish a new article and they still happily share it with me.
Everything all boils down to the one secret approach that I used…
I have never seen, read, or watched it anywhere on the internet yet and that is exactly what is packed in my book, How to Become Friends with Popular Bloggers (as a new blogger).
Click this link to grab your copy now and start building the relationships that matter in your blogging career. HURRY and grab your copy for 10 bucks while you still can.
The offer ends soon. Don’t be left out!!!