How to create lasting change?
Creative Inputs and Design : Rishika Inamdar

How to create lasting change?

We do so much to change, we take so much effort, yet we often feel nothing is changing? Have you felt that too?

Do you want to know why?

When we make efforts to change things, it is like, trying to change a product after it has already been created. In order to change - we need to change things at the SOURCE, where it is created.

Lets think of this like trying to change the quality of the water in the waterfall.

The water falls – from an area where it is contained and then overflows out. In the same way - Our actions, our DOING, stem from our state of BEING.

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To change the water in the waterfall – you need to change the source of water. There is NO OTHER way to change it. The waterfall has many stops. When you change the water in a particular POOL, you change the consequent WATERFALL.

Whenever you make a change in your BEING, it will result in change in DOING.

Your DOING (Actions) is a result of your BEING (Thoughts/Beliefs/Attitudes).

Every Morning we wake up – and within the first 10 minutes – we remember who we are, what are challenges are, the way we feel about our relationships and work and then we proceed to live exactly the same way as we did the day before. This is how we create the same reality Every Single Day.

Would you not like some variety? Imagine you could wake up in a completely new reality? You know what - you can wake up to a new you!

You get from the Universe - what you are a vibrational match for. When you remember your challenges and miseries every day, you attract more of the same.

You can actually use this SUPER POWER to create a life you really love and treasure.


Take your attention away from the external world and look inwards. Focus on how you are playing a part in creating your world. Focus on how you WANT to feel and CHOOSE to EMBODY that every moment

As you change your INNER WORLD (Being), the OUTER WORLD (People, Place & Situations) will also start changing.

“When You Change The Things,
You Look At,
The Things You Look At Change” – Wayne Dyer

For a more detailed explanation you can watch the video below.

Video of the month : How to change your beliefs

Journal Prompts :

1.What are the top 10 emotions I feel in the day? What are the recurring situations, people, places that cause these emotions?

2.What are the emotions I would like to feel in the day? How important is it for me to feel this?

3.What are 2 activities that make me feel amazing? How will I integrate these in my life henceforth?

Book recommendation : Breaking the habit of being you - by Dr Joe Dispenza

Like human beings, organizations too sometimes go on auto pilot, Employees and teams fall into the habit of talking about the same things, focusing on the same things and getting the same results. The most powerful way to transform the ACTIONS of an organisations is by changing the quality of conversations (BEING) in an organization. For this we can infuse the culture of Coaching into the Organisation. Slowly as leaders start talking less and listening more, there is a systemic change in the way the organization, feels, talks, walks and acts.

My intentions for this newsletter is for organisations to Create a Coaching Culture at Workplaces. Coaching Theory, Understanding the essence of coaching as well as models associated with coaching are the core advantages of empowering a team rather than dominating or directing it are becoming evident to organisations.

As a result of this realisation, organisations aim to train their managers and leaders in coaching skills. According to the ICF, 65% of organisations want to broaden the scope of their managers' and leaders' roles through the use of coaching skills.

If you as a business leader aspires to bring about a radical change in your organisation, please do not hesitate to contact me, and we can set up a consultation to Creating a Coaching Culture.

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Rishika Inamdar

VA who's mastered the Art of Personal Branding on LinkedIn🫰Building Profitable Network with the Right Content Strategy✔️ Enabling Entrepreneurs Turn Ideas into Impact & Connections into Clients Organically🌱


Not your regular newsletter! This is soulful! Loved the video on changing beliefs. Thank you Coach Alpa Kapadia Teli - it's mindblowing and beautiful!

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