How do you communicate?

How do you communicate?

What are some differences between living and non-living?  All living beings breathe, eat, grow, move, reproduce and have senses. They have feelings. Non-living things do not eat, grow, breathe, move and reproduce. They can’t feel.

Another big difference is living beings can communicate whereas non-living things cannot communicate. Trees do communicate. You curse a tree everyday and it will die. You take care of it, and it will grow and flourish. Communication is expression of feelings.

Communication is the key in living beings especially the higher forms. Even microscopic cells communicate with each other. It is through chemicals. Not all communication happens through words, voice or body language. Some communication can happen subtly, instinctively, through sixth sense.

When we talk about communication, I have heard and read about two spheres of communication, how do you talk to yourself and how do you talk to others. In my opinion there is a third type, how do you communicate with the mother nature, that divine power that moves the world. You can name it as God in any form, or universe or nature. Let’s discussion all three one by one.

Communication with self is the basic or the main component of any thoughts, beliefs, actions and results. How we communicate with ourselves makes a huge impact on the kind of life we live. For example, before appearing for an interview, If I am telling myself that I am not fit for this job, I am going at a wrong place, invariably I will fail in the interview. If I am going to deliver a workshop and I am questioning my capabilities, I would invariably do a bad job even when I have knowledge and skills. I am telling myself all the time that you know, you are not good for this job or this workshop, you are not ready for it, you cannot do it and you will fail and fail miserably, definitely you will. Also, our mind is designed to think at least four times more negative, hence most of the time we would negative.

Improving communication with self is bringing a larger transformation in our lives. You have to be simply be aware of your conversations that are happening with yourself. Being aware does not immediately solve the problem but we know there is a problem. It is the first step. Awareness gives you power. Ignorance weakens you, makes you feel helpless. When you are aware, you can challenge those negative talks. If I am saying to myself, I cannot do it, I can always tell myself, ‘It’s ok. Let’s give it a try. Let’s give my best. There are many things I have done before for the first time and did it really well.

Second is the communication with others. Such communications can directly or indirectly impact other two spheres of communication. I cheat someone, I lie. It impacts my internal conversations. I may not feel good about it. If your awareness about self is low, you will feel happy about it. But the damage is happening inside you. It will manifest in some way or the other in your life. That is a natural law. It works on cause and effect. We all believe science. Science works on cause and effect. If we release negative energies, we will experience those negative energies acting on ourselves sooner or later. Most of us have forgotten this natural law which our forefathers made it a point to follow. For example, always speak the truth (not easy), or keeping your commitments, or doing what you say. This increases trust. You become more credible.

Improving communication with others is rather simple. We can look at our intent. If I communicate with good intent, if it is positive, eventually the listener will connect. He will realise the truth. It may not happen immediately but eventually.

If I am giving feedback to my colleague or my team member, and if my intent is to do good to him, it will come out good and it will be rather easily accepted. When I was conducting a workshop for a large IT company, one of their senior leaders shared that, when they feel they will not be able to do justice to the project, they refuse it. They don’t take it.

The third or rather tricky is how we communicate with the universe. It is about our beliefs about that divine power that created, now sustains and maintains the universe. What do I think of Him? What does He do? How does He operate? Do you see it as a positive force that sustains your life or a negative force that disrupts your life? Does He give you hope or you feel hopeless. We all have certain beliefs about the universe, divine power or the God and how He operates and surely it impacts our actions and results that we get in our lives.

It is important that we are not too hard on ourselves. We are humans, not machines. We are going to goof-up, make lots of mistake day in and day out. No one is going to be perfect and flawless. Even our earth is not perfectly oval (forget about perfectly round). Nothing is. In this world, everyone has more failures than success. We are all designed to fail and fail again before we succeed, or we may never succeed. Life is not about success but to keep trying, enjoying and exploring during the journey, be it work or relationship or finances.

It is important we learn to accept failures as the part of our journey, appreciate the learnings and move on. Talk to yourself gently, positively. Talk to others with an intention of doing good, be kind. Thank the universe, that divine force for whatever He has given to us. Practice gratitude. Don’t ask Him to solve all your problems. Pray to Him to give you strength, courage and knowledge to solve the problems you face. That will help you develop and grow, and a happy life.

Thank you for reading.

#sanjaybgoel #apolloleadership #communicatingwithself #communicatingwithothers #communicatingwithdivine #communicatingwithnature #CommunicationSolution

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