How to generate a Spring Boot project, and Deploy it as Docker Container on EC2

How to generate a Spring Boot project, and Deploy it as Docker Container on EC2


Frameworks came in the IT scene, to disrupt and abstract a lot of difficult layers that programming languages has, when you are supposed to do some tasks. With them, you simply need some clicks or commands to have a ready to run web server that server static assets, some infrastructure in the cloud, native mobile applications and many another pragmatic examples.

It’s not as different with Java language, specially for API and backend development which is our topic today, Spring Boot have changed the way people think when creating and deploying a new Java web application, taking out the complexity and bad experience that many people had with JEE, Struts and even the old Spring MVC for example, without sacrificing effectiveness and performance. This explains why Java has been on scene for so long, and until today is one of the most used languages, only losing to Python, due to the growth of ML, data science, IoT, serverless usually areas where Python is the most common language. Besides, Python has a gentle learning curve, being a kind of “user-friendly” language, attracting many people to programming languages areas. 

Spring Boot is an open-source micro framework maintained by a company called Pivotal. It provides Java developers with a platform to get started with an auto configurable production-grade Spring application. With it, developers can get started quickly without losing time on preparing and configuring their Spring application.

This is just a simple guide, but the goal here is to help you to do the process in an end-to-end way, since from creating the project from the scratch, building that, dockerizing it, and deploying it on Amazon.

Let’s start!

So, another good notice, is that we can generate our Spring Boot application from a website, you can take a look here:

For the sake of simplicity, in this tutorial I will leave the project information and metadata with default information, under the project section you can select Maven Project, for the language Java, and under the dependencies select the following components:

  • Spring Configuration Processor
  • Spring Web
  • Rest Repositories

You can check the overall configuration in the following image, and hit generate, that a brand new Spring Boot project will be given to you: 

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Today it’s only a simple end-to-end tutorial, so we are not going to develop, we are going to build and deploy only. So assuming that you have maven installed on your machine. In the case you don’t have you can to through this link:

In your command line, enter on the folder of the generated project, execute the following command: 

$ mvn clean install

This command will build your project, and for testing it, inside the root path of your generated project, you can go to a folder named target, and you will notice that there is a file with a .jar extension. In order to execute that you need Java JRE installed on your machine. You can execute that using the command: 

$ java -jar <name-of-the-file>.jar

As we can see, a successful execution will be like this:

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Great! Now we have our application built, and also working fine. It’s time now to Dockerize it!

Dockerize the Application

But first, what is a Docker container? Why should I be learning that? 

A container is a standard unit of software that packages up code and all its dependencies so the application runs quickly and reliably from one computing environment to another. A Docker container image is a lightweight, standalone, executable package of software that includes everything needed to run an application: code, runtime, system tools, system libraries and settings.

So what is the best benefit of Docker? Simply because in order to run your application, you don’t need to install a lot of tools, packages, libraries, it’s everything packed in the Docker image, ready to run in any computer that has Docker installed, with simply one command.

Besides, it’s not difficult to create a Docker image for your application, just go to the root of your project and create a file called Dockerfile (without any extension). Inside this folder, insert the following content:

FROM openjdk:8-jdk-alpine 
RUN addgroup -S spring && adduser -S spring -G spring
USER spring:spring
ARG JAR_FILE=target/*.jar
COPY ${JAR_FILE} app.jar
ENTRYPOINT ["java","-jar","/app.jar"] 

What are those commands? Let’s explain one by one:

  • FROM: It says to Docker that we will be using the JDK image as a base image to build this, because that is a Java application
  • RUN: The Docker container is based on Linux, so this is a command to create an user and group called spring
  • USER: specify that the user is spring
  • ARG JAR_FILE: assign the jar file under target folder ar JAR_FILE argument
  • COPY: copy the jar file to internal container image, with the name of app.jar
  • ENTRYPOINT: Is the command that will be executed when the container runs, in that case, java -jar app.jar

Now that we have the file ready, you must have installed Docker on your computer, and also have an account on Dockerhub, in order to be able to push images to that.

For installing Docker, go through this Link:

For creating a Docker hub account:

Assuming that you have Docker daemon running on your computer, under the root path of your project, let’s run the following command in order to build our Docker image, replacing the following field by your Dockerhub id:

docker build -t <your-docker-hub-id>/spring-boot-docker .

After some time, you can see that your image has been successfully built, and was tagged with <your-docker-hub-id>/spring-boot-docker. You can test it before pushing running the command:

docker run -p 8080:8080 <your-docker-hub-id>/gs-spring-boot-docker

With this command, you should have your application up and running. Although, what is this -p 8080:8080 command? This command is to map your 8080 port from your host( your machine network), to the Docker container network. It means that if you access the port 8080 on your host, you will be accessing the port 8080 of the Docker container. This happens because Docker has a separate network, which is isolated from your local network.

Finally, let’s push our image to Dockerhub, so we can get it from anywhere, and deploy it. 

docker push <your-docker-hub-id>/spring-boot-docker

Generating the Instance in EC2 and Deploying on it

Now let’s create a server in AWS, for this you should have an AWS account. Besides, if you want to know more how to launch an instance on AWS, you can take a look in another video of mine, which is totally dedicated to that topic:

So, in order to create an instance on AWS, go through EC2 console like the image bellow: 

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Now just hit the button to Launch instance, and go through the steps to launch it, for this example select an Ubuntu AMI. Just remember to generate a key pair for SSH into the instance. If you don’t know what is a key pair, I also have commented about this on the video that I just have talked about, regarding EC2.

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When you have the instance up and running, under the instances screen, just select your instance and go through connect button, that you will be given the following details to SSH into your instance. If you have using Windows you need Putty to SSH into the instance, and for Putty you need to convert your key pair to Putty format. You can check it here:

Once you have SSH into your Ubuntu instance, first let’s update the packages and install docker. Therefore, execute the following commands:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install docker
sudo service docker start
sudo usermod -a -G docker ubuntu

In the last command of this list, we have allowed the user ubuntu to execute Docker commands, so in order to those changes take effect, exit the instance and SSH again.

Now we are ready to deploy the application, first push the image from your Dockerhub repository: 

docker pull <your-docker-hub-id>/spring-boot-docker

And run it by the command:

docker run -d -p 8080:8080 <your-docker-hub-id>/gs-spring-boot-docker

And finally your application is going to be run in the detach mode, you can check the current status by:

docker ps

Now you just have to go to the security group of your instance and allow the port 8080, and with the public dns or ip + port you should have access to the application.

So, that is it for today! I decided to do this simply tutorial, because it might look simple to some people, but not for another, even though because of the lack of end-to-end documentation on that topic. Off course, you can find a lot of articles about Spring Boot, Docker, EC2, but in order to achieve this flow of generation until deployment on a real cloud server, you have to pick up many articles and documentation piece by piece, which turns the work more tiring.

I hope everyone liked it, so give it a like, share, and post a comment with your thoughts, feedbacks or potential discussions. Thanks a lot! 

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