How one project opened their eyes...And Led to a host of changes that saved a lot of money.
I was asked to cost a menu for a small company.
They had been in operation for a few years and consistently made money. Then the pandemic happened and costs started to creep up. Then supply chain issues caused ripples. Inflation began to take a chunk out of the profits. Suddenly costs were really high and profits were not.
The problem is they weren't sure where to look.
As I began to gather information about their menu I noticed that lots of information lived in one person's head. The kitchen manager. How is this made? Ask the KM. Why is it stored in that container? Ask the KM.
I quickly began to realize that their product was outstanding. Incredibly consistent. It all seemed to revolve around one person. I spoke to the owner and shared with him that I had concerns.
I asked how he had managed to open 4 locations of his restaurant and run a commissary without a costed menu.
He simply replied, " I open my bank account. If it is bigger than last week I am doing ok"
This is a story I've seen over and over.
We cost the menu. Immediately we could see areas of opportunity.
Learn how this process can change your world here.
As I was gathering data around yields and portions in the restaurants I realized that everything on the line was portioned by feel. "two spoons of rice" was different from person to person. The sauces and condiments had no defined portion device.
We decided to implement a whole host of portion devices.
Within weeks we saw an improvement in food costs.
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Once the menu was costed we worked on finalizing the recipes. We produced recipe books and began training the employees with standardized recipes.
Click here to begin this process in your restaurant.
Costs improved again.
This is a company that has been in business for close to fifteen years. They've grown organically and now have 4 units and a commissary.
They want to continue to grow in the next few years.
Costing the menu was just the beginning.
We've documented their current systems and created a framework and structure for new systems.
At Culinary Mechanic we understand that sometimes it's hard to pinpoint why costs are rising and where to look, so have a look here at how we help restaurants get a handle on food costs.
Until next time,
P.S. Whenever you are ready there are a few other ways I can help you.
DM me Simon Zatyrka, or email me at You can even text me at 213-393-2222.
(Relax, I'm not gonna pitch you anything)
…And one more cool thing to check out. The Culinary Mechanic Store. The exclusive place to find Culinary Mechanic gear. We've started small, but new designs are coming soon. Check it out here