Human's plastic pollution kills most marine species. Many marine mammals, are now, literally asking humans for help !
Human’s plastic pollution kills most marine species, either by entangling their bodies, blocking their digestive track, invading their bodies openings or by entering the whole marine food chain as microplastics
This 12 of July 2020, a huge marine pollution dropped 50 tons of plastic on Cox's Bazar beach, in Bangladesh. It killed dozens of Sea turtles, mainly endangered Olive Ridley turtles (Lepidochelis Olivacea). Here is the article from (in French) ( Sea turtles are one of the most endangered groups of all, with 6 of the 7 species on the Red list of endangered species (85% on the RL)( Many land tortoises also face extinction and Turtles and Tortoises, despite having crossed time since 200 million years and despite having escaped two mass extinctions of geological times, are now facing the human age and possible extinction. Today more than 50% of their species are on the Red List and under imminent extinction threat.
These days, considering that plastic pollution also degrades into microplastic, it’s all the marine food chain, that is contaminated by either macroplastic or microplastic. All marine species, from Mammals, Turtles, Birds, Fish, Mollusk to Crustaceans, all are victims of plastic pollution. Even humans, eating seafood, are now contaminated by plastic.
Many species of mammals, like Dolphins, Sperm whales or Humpback whales and even Turtles, are now coming to people and divers to literally “ask for help”. They ask for human help, because they are hurt by the many types of plastics, now massively polluting our seas and beaches, on both continents and islands. Indeed, our days, even tropical islands paradise, like Aldabra, a UNESCO World Natural Heritage site, are not spared from plastic pollution (together with Climate change it is a world plague). Back in 2016, while I was research officer in Aldabra, I saw lots of plastic debris on the shore line of Dune De Mai, on one of my pictures, I was holding a crate of beer originating from Mauritius, as it was written on the crate. Sometime plastic rubbish of larger size, pushed by high tide or storms, were found even deeper inland, competing with the resting and sheltering space of Giant Aldabra tortoises. Pictures I took there indicated that plastic pollution at sea can also go far inland disturbing iconic terrestrial species, like the endangered Aldabra giant tortoises Geochelone gigantea.
In the ocean, many other animals are entangled in plastic fishing gears (i.e. nets), like in this video, posted yesterday, showing a Sperm whale having a whole fishing net hanging on his caudal fin when divers of Ocean Care came to release her from the net ( In German). Also, in this same video, we can see a sea turtle in need for help to remove the fishing net in which she was entangled. All this happened in "Our Sea" in Europa, namely the Mediterranean.
Not long ago, in another video I saw, a Bottlenose Dolphin in Hawaii, came literaly to ask the help from divers, because he had a hook in his pectoral fin.
Not only plastic fishing gears and hooks, are killing marine wildlife, also plastic garbage of all size and kinds (from slippers to jerrycan or lighters and many single use Plastic like bags, straws and plastic cutlery or cups ), have devastating effects on marine life.
Indeed, I also remember this video of a sea turtle having a plastic straw deeply encrusted in her nostril, it was removed by biologist and people on a boat. This other video shows a turtle having a plastic cutlery in her nostril, here a fork.
Other examples of many animals dying because of our plastic waste, comes from the abundantly used plastic bags from shops, they are being taken for Jelly fish by many animals-like turtles and whales. These animals sometimes end up dead on beaches, because their stomach is full of plastic. In this example a Sperm whale was found dead in 2018, on Cabo de Palos beach, in La Manga, near Murcia, Spain, with 64 pound of plastic in the stomach Here is the CNN article with more detailed explanation on the event and a video on plastic damages to ocean life
So, we see it, ghost fishing and plastic pollution, of all sorts, including singled use ones, have devastating consequences for marine life and species and now, many of them are literally asking us, humans, to help them.
We must anticipate our impact on marine life and drastically decrease our pollution by fishing gears and plastic pollution. This recent massive turtle die-off in Cox’s Bazar in July 2020 is another recall for all of us, humans that we ahve to stop plastic polution. Please say no to all single-use plastic and use recyclable plastic as much as possible or any other alternative biodegradable materials, like wood or others.