I hear ya friend
#femfuel I hear ya

I hear ya friend

Lesson 1 of the FemFuel Frempreneurial Journey

This is the beginning of a series of posts, each uncovering a lesson I learned from entrepreneurship

You've probably heard about how tricky it can be to start and run a business, right? People often talk about the challenges in the startup and startup female world. But here's the thing – we don't often take a moment to think about those challenges or share the many things we learn along the way. It's like a big treasure chest of knowledge that every business owner carries. Today, I'm on a mission to open up that treasure chest and share it with you.

This series isn't just about the tough parts of starting a business; it's also a celebration of the big lessons, important skills, and the way of thinking that comes with being an fempreneur. My hope is that these stories connect with other business owners, giving them a moment to look back and see how much they've grown.

I've been wanting to sit down and write about this for a long time. I keep getting amazed at how running a business has changed me. To me, being an entrepreneur seems like a way to solve many common problems in life. It helps us build strengths that end up taking care of lots of things.

For those who haven't started a business yet, I hope this series gives you a little peek into the kind of thinking and leadership skills that business owners develop.

I also hope it shows people who work for someone else some new ways of looking at things. Maybe it will help them understand why business owners make certain decisions. And, who knows, maybe it will inspire someone to take the bold step into the world of entrepreneurship.

Just Do It

I got the idea for this series when I was going to bed yesterday. I don’t have everything figured out yet – like how I'll write it, the style, or when it'll happen. And honestly, I don’t know what all 52 lessons will be. But here’s what I’ve learned: it's crucial to start even when you're not fully prepared.

I used to spend forever preparing, thinking about all possibilities, planning, assessing, and analyzing the best approach. But I realized that too much complexity can stop things from happening. Getting things done is super important (I'll talk more about this later).

I've learned to go for progress over perfection. Perfection is something we chase when we feel unsure, don’t believe in ourselves, or let self-doubt and fear get to us. It's like a mask, a way to hide or defend ourselves even when no one is attacking us. But you shouldn’t base your choices on what people might think. Instead, base them on inspiration and your desire to grow.

Taking inspired action is crucial and needs practice. When inspiration hits, act on it immediately. Your power is in the present moment. Don't wait for it to pass, and for fear and doubt to take over, because they will. When they do, see it as part of the process showing you opportunities for growth.

Even if you don’t feel inspired and your head is full of worries, take action. Action beats anxiety. It changes things. Once you're in action, you learn at a faster rate. Action aligns you with people who have similar goals, and it attracts others who will help and encourage you.

So, "Just Do It" means taking that first step. It's one of my life mottos –

"Just do it, and do it with a smile."        

Forget high standards when starting. Get the ball rolling, put yourself out there, step into the arena. Celebrate small wins; they bring laughter. Through experience, you learn things you can’t learn from books or podcasts. You grow by challenging and stretching yourself, becoming the person you aspire to be.

Don’t fear starting from zero. Everyone begins there. The good thing about ground zero? It’s the opposite of having all eyes on you. There's more room for failure, and the consequences are smaller. Allow yourself to make mistakes, because “the one who makes no mistakes is the one who never does anything”.

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the one who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”        

― Theodore Roosevelt

I'm not here to hand you a to-do list and miraculously turn you into the ultimate entrepreneur. No, that's not the game plan. What I'm eager to do is open up about my journey, the highs, the lows, so you can bask in the feel-good moments and revel in all the sparkles you rightfully deserve.

I hear ya; you're already juggling a bunch!

I hear ya; there are days when tossing in the towel feels tempting, and I won't be just another voice in the crowd dictating what you should do. Ultimately, you know yourself better than anyone else. You're steering your ship, deciding where you want to sail and what you want to achieve. I hear ya!

And oh yes, I fully hear ya... the struggles that women face – the pay disparities, the judgments in the boardroom based on attire, the raised eyebrows when fundraising. It's a hefty load. Balancing family responsibilities, raising little ones, it feels like a sick day is not in our dictionary.

I hear ya; Loss is a universal experience, and sometimes finding a moment for yourself seems like an impossible task when there's a mountain of laundry and a chaotic house demanding attention. The weight is real, jep I hear ya!

Here's the deal – you're not alone. Many of us grapple with the same questions, challenges, and more. Some challenges all of them, other just a few.. at the end it doesn't matter. You have to deal with it, regardless..

That's the first lesson I want to share – we hear ya. It's absolutely okay to have a bad day, to vent, or to feel upset. All of it is okay!

The key is striking that balance and allowing your inner sparkles to shine.        

I'm not here to be the person who incessantly complains about the bad weather. Let's be real; you can't change it. You can either accept it or contemplate moving to a new location. Focus on what you can control. Acceptance is a superpower.

Just as I mentioned earlier, go ahead and "Just Do It" with that amazing smile of yours, and before you know it, you'll have effortlessly taken five steps without even realizing it.

So yes, I Hear ya, I acknowledging the struggles, sharing a virtual hug, and reminding you to let those sparkles dazzle. Life's akin to a mixtape, and guess what? 

You're the DJ. Dance through it with all the glitter and grace you can muster.

Tell me your challenges, your victories or anything you want to share!

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Peter Thomsen

Millennial Mentor for all things Money / College Professor & Financial Expert / Online Financial University is launching in 2025


Thank you for sharing!

Ryan Gerona

Amazon FBA Virtual Assistant | From Product Research to Lead Generation


Good insights and read about this Jolien!

Stefan von Rohr

🚀 Start-& Scale-Up Growth➡️Data-Driven Assessments ¦ natural leader ¦ driven by challenges ¦ solution- and people-oriented ¦ sales strategy, training, coaching ¦ industry agnostic ¦ 20k+ sales meetings arranged 🚀


Love the energy and positivity in your post! Can't wait to hear more about your journey and the lessons you've learned along the way. 🚀 #womeninbusiness #startuplife #femaleleaders

Empowering women in business is the name of the game! Let's keep sharing those invaluable learnings. ✨

Nick Warren

Growth & startup advisor, fractional CCO at Alteam.io


Like the idea of opening up & knowledge sharing

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