I Say CSR, You Say PR?!
Companies have become highly aware of the need to do good and give back to society. CSR is a company's responsibility towards society, while PR is its responsibility towards its shareholders.
CSR is an abbreviation for Corporate Social Responsibility and is a type of marketing that focuses on the company's social and environmental performance. PR is short for Public Relations, which is managing one's public image or reputation.
The difference between both is that CSR focuses on the company's social responsibility towards local communities, whereas PR focuses on how a company communicates with the public.
What Is CSR?
CSR is a term that stands for Corporate Social Responsibility. It is an organization's commitment to behave responsibly and contribute to society by maintaining positive economic, environmental, and social impacts.
The notion of CSR has been around for a long time since when United Nations first established it to promote sustainable development.
This concept can be executed in many ways, but they all share one common goal: improving society while contributing to a company's profitability. This is done through various initiatives, including giving back to communities, volunteering, donating, etc.
A company's CSR efforts often depend on its business model and size. For example, a small business might donate money or goods to charities, whereas a more significant corporation might have an entire department dedicated to CSR activities.
Types Of CSR Activities
Corporate social responsibility refers to a company's moral obligation to act socially and environmentally responsible. The offerings can be in the form of money, volunteering, or other resources.
Some examples of CSR activities are mentioned below.
Environmental Initiatives
One of the most common examples of CSR activities is environmental initiatives. These initiatives aim to improve the environment and reduce its negative impact on it. For example, some companies sponsor eco-friendly events like beach cleanups, tree plantings, and recycling drives. Others donate to charities that work to protect the environment.
Environmental initiatives can be an excellent way for companies to show how they care about their customers, community, and planet.
There are various ways to engage with the environment, and some companies have made a point of doing so. For example, for over a decade, Apple has used renewable energy for its data centres. They have also created environmentally friendly products, such as replacing aluminium with stainless steel in their MacBooks.
Donations And Sponsorships
A company can donate money or products to an organization they feel passionate about or sponsor a specific event. This will help make the world a better place and positively affect their business, such as increased prestige and brand awareness.
Companies sponsor charity events like concerts, sports events, and conferences. This is the most cost-effective way to promote their brand and attract customers. They can advertise their products at these events too.
Many companies have volunteer days where they ask employees to come in on a Saturday morning and volunteer at a local charity organization with other company employees. This helps employees build positive relationships as well.
Benefits Of CSR
Corporate social responsibility has become a common strategy for businesses to differentiate themselves. It is an opportunity for businesses to engage in activities that benefit society while improving their public image.
The benefits of CSR activities are as follows:
What Is PR?
Public relations is a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between an organization and its public. It is the process of managing communications between an organization and its public to create mutually beneficial outcomes.
PR is about building and maintaining a favourable public image for an organization. Public relations professionals communicate with stakeholders to create goodwill and a positive impression of their client's company, products, or services.
They also work with their clients to identify the best way to present information about their company, products, services, and policies to build support among the public they serve. They also advise on how to handle media inquiries or crises.
The primary goal of PR is to get good exposure for their clients in media outlets like newspapers, magazines, websites, TV programs, etc.
Types Of PR?
There are different types of PR, but they can be categorized into three main groups: corporate communications, advertising and marketing communications, and investor relations.
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Benefits Of PR?
PR can be used for many different purposes. There are many benefits to using PR, some of which are:
What Are the Similarities Between CSR And PR?
CSR and PR are essential parts of a company's public relations plan. However, there is a difference between these two terms that people often fail to interpret. Companies consider CSR and PR activities the same, which is practically not the case. The two concepts might be interrelated but have different meanings.
To understand the differences, we should first look at their commonalities.
What Are the Differences Between CSR And PR?
CSR and PR are similar in promoting the company's image. The differences are as follows:
Final Thoughts
To summarize, CSR or Corporate Social Responsibility is a company's responsibility to society and the environment. It is about how companies carry forward their business and impact the world around them.
PR or Public Relations is a company's communication with stakeholders and other interested parties, such as customers, employees, investors, government officials, and media members. It is about how companies communicate to the outside world to shape brand perceptions.
A company can succeed at CSR but still fail at PR if they are not communicating well with stakeholders.
CSR is not PR because PR focuses on promoting a company's image, and CSR focuses on the company's social responsibilities.
CSR benefits the company and customers, while PR is just a marketing tool. The difference between CSR and PR is that PR is a planned strategy to promote the company's image in the public eye. On the other hand, CSR is an integral part of a company's business model.
Brand consultant, author, speaker endorsed by America's Best. Spoken at 60+ global conferences. Creator of Brand Clarity, The OneWord Model,'Create Your Space, The Power of Belonging strategic frameworks.
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