The Importance of the Person Effect on Your Leadership
I don’t want to pass up the opportunity to share an article I read about leadership. Here are a few highlights:
The person effect is rooted in what neuroscientists have come to know as brain triggers that mostly happen in the implicit memory – associations in the brain outside of our awareness. Ivan Pavlov, famous for his work with dogs, first noticed the person effect. Pavlov observed that when people entered or left the room, there was a change in the physiology of the dogs. He observed and understood what later came to be called “The person effect,” a powerful aspect of understanding the social nature of physiology.
The following are reasons why our person effect is one of our most important leadership tools:
1. It is the key to effectively connect with others.
A positive person draws others to them. Conversely, a negative person repels others. We have all recognized an overly positive or negative person. But most of the time, the person effect is subtler. Signals and triggers come through words, gestures, and tone of voice. Being aware of our person effect means that we are aware of our impact on others and the subtle impact of others on us by the triggers they evoke in us. Using this awareness is one of our most powerful leadership tools.
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2. It shows up especially in our use of language.
When we talk to someone, our blood pressure is automatically going to rise. When we listen, it automatically falls. It is important that we regulate our ability to listen in order to lower our blood pressure. Talking too much, not listening, and misusing language can affect our heart rate and blood pressure negatively. In healthy dialogue, there are strong benefits for our well-being.
3. It impacts the Mind’s Eye.
The Mind’s Eye defines the way we see the world through our mindset, perception and emotion. The person effect directly impacts the Mind’s Eye of others. If our person effect is threatening, dismissive, or unresponsive, others around us will be more focused on the negative and can be triggered into defensive or non-trusting behavior. The reverse is also true. If the leader’s person effect is positive, individuals will feel empowered, inspired, and innovative. They can be effective in delivering tough feedback and pain without putting the other person on the defensive. The mark of a high performing leader is the ability to deliver pain and the other person says: “thank you, give me more.” Why? It is because the painful feedback is based on caring and learning.
Want to know more? Head on over to the full article here for more ideas and perspectives. Afterwards, why not drop me an email to share your thoughts at; or call me on 0467 749 378.