Impossible Ideas!!!
"Impossible Ideas"
When people ask me about my secret or number 1 tip about good leadership, this is what I think of - A good leader knows how to inspire growth in his/her team.
In theory, it is about cultivating a space of positivity and creativity for your team members, encouraging them to be innovative and creative without fear of rejection or judgment.
In practice, this can take a lot of work to create. After all, in the fast-paced corporate world, you require quick decisions and timely executions. In reality, we often don't have time to discuss and debate with so many people.
So how can you balance time and an inclusive atmosphere?
You can set up weekly or fortnightly 'Impossible Ideas' meetings where everyone talks about anything and everything in their mind. No matter how big or how small the idea is, how possible or far-fetched in execution, whether it's a planned presentation or random thoughts, it doesn't matter. If you got an idea, share it.
It is a space for everyone to let loose and think without any boundaries. Anyone can speak, and everyone can discuss the ideas they like and build on them.
Some positives of this 'Impossible Ideas' meeting
- You make everyone feel involved and included in the company's progress
- Everyone can get a break from the same-old office routine and let their creative juices flowing
- You can gauge where everyone's mind is, get insights into their problems and how they solve them
And finally, you will be surprised how many good actionable ideas you get out of these meetings!
What do you think about Impossible Ideas meetings? Will you try it?