In 2016 I first started teaching “Introduction to Machine Learning” to master’s students across some Schools at The University of Texas at Austin (Public Affairs/Policy; Engineering; Geosciences/Energy & Earth Resources; Information). In this post I reflect on the key insights I have gained about teaching Machine Learning to a group of students from different disciplines and heterogenous level of preparation coming into the course.
1. [Most important insight regarding WHAT to teach about ML] In introductory courses, it is equally if not more important to teach the overarching framework that undergirds ML methods than just the individual methods themselves. That is, conveying the science and art behind ML is paramount, not just the pieces that don’t apparently fit together from students’ perspective. Elements of such a framework include but are not limited to: bias vs. variance tradeoff; training vs. test errors; interpretability vs. predictive accuracy; complexity of models and regularization; cross validation; and so on. I spend the first third of my course setting this larger framework up – the “ML toolbox”. Then, we keep adding new methods into that toolbox over rest of the semester. The best part is that students realize what’s happening: there are two pieces – the foundation; and the methods that work within that foundation. If they really get this piece, that’s most of the job done, in my view. It also allows me to tell them: “Look, there are many ML methods that we won’t have the time to cover in this introductory course. But the way you will make use of ANY new method, will still be the same – it all must flow through this same framework that you are learning.”
2. [Most important insight regarding HOW to impart ML content] ML involves the confluence of statistics, linear algebra, optimization, programming, and more; it’s a lot – both for the teacher and the students. For the professor, it is important to recognize and acknowledge this complexity and plan for it to enable effective learning for the students. Sure, one could set prerequisites for the students in the class and then rail through the content. But in my experience that doesn’t work for effective teaching of ML, especially at the introductory level. I have had many students over the years – even with undergrad CS background – who have taken ML courses before, and still don’t get the key basics; they are often too caught up in the minutiae of the methods. Besides – and this is specific to my ML teaching philosophy – I welcome students in my ML course with all levels of preparation, not just the well-prepared ones. (Interestingly, some of the students with the least background when entering the course end up among the top of the class.) That choice also means that, rather than assuming it away, I must pay close attention to convey to the students how all these different elements come together to enable the application and practice of ML methods. So, finding time in the lectures and in TA sessions to cover the essential complementary material is critical.
Over the years, I have experimented with adding/deleting some elements to this course. Here’s what works best from the students’ perspective:
1. [PROJECTS] It introduces a dynamic, unstructured element to the course, which often can come across as being too structured, especially after teaching it for many years that has allowed me to work out the kinks in the lecture material. Projects require students to go from “nuts to soup” of the complete ML value-chain, forcing students “to put to practice” what they have learned in the course to a problem and dataset(s) of their selection. Thus, both the responsibility and opportunity are theirs. While not always the most favorite element of the course for the students (because of the high effort and uncertainty involved), it’s certainly one of the most valuable for learning.
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2. [READING REACTION PAPERS (RRPs)] An RRP is a short (1-2 page) document that each student is required to submit EVERY WEEK prior to the class meeting to discuss the relevant/assigned content. I use RRPs as a mechanism to incentivize students in my courses to come (substantially more) prepared to the class. This allows me to focus class time on the most important, tough, and complex aspects of the material, rather than having to go through everything from scratch. It also makes the class time more discussion-oriented and engaging, rather a one-sided, back-facing, monologue lecture. Students find this VERY VERY helpful for their learning.
3. [SHORT VIDEOS] Selectively including relevant and crisp videos (2-5 minutes), say from YouTube, can be quite effective. I find it most useful for setting the conceptual stage for more complex aspects of the content and before getting into the details. For example, I use this video when talking about Support Vector Machines:
Every semester I get many students tell me at the end of the course that “it finally makes sense.” In the just concluded semester (Spring 2024) one student wrote in their anonymous course evaluation: “I have learned so much and although I struggled a lot through this class, I see it as a positive struggle…I understand research articles a lot better and deeper now and I honestly don't know how I was reading research before without this understanding.” To engender such outcomes, though – and even after teaching this course for years – throughout the semester I need to stay vigilant to ensure that the students are getting and engaging with the “ML toolbox” and the “complementary frontier” of materials. Yes, it’s a lot. But that’s how I have set up my Intro to ML course.
There is no bigger pleasure as a teacher than when at the end of the semester my students not only feel like they have learned something valuable but are also excited and empowered to learn more. Another student’s anonymous course evaluation remarks summarize this sentiment well: “Unlike my undergraduate machine learning course, Prof. Rai's emphasis on comprehending the intricacies of models and understanding the reasons behind their implementation resonated with me. This approach, in my opinion, is far more valuable than simply knowing how to implement a model. As a result, my foundational knowledge in machine learning has significantly strengthened, and I am now inclined to delve deeper into the intricacies of various models.”
I welcome any suggestions for what you have found helpful in your own teaching/learning of ML to a group of students from very different backgrounds and levels of preparation. Thank you!
HCI @ UT Austin | ex UX AI Intern @ Dell | Human Computer Interaction
7moThank you!
AMD | MSIS @ UT Austin '25 | Ex-SWE @ Standard Chartered Bank
7moA really nice article, Professor! As one of your students, I must say that your teaching style truly stands out. Thank you for the amazing ML course! I hope there will be more courses from you in the future!
Engineer🧰➡️Real-Estate Pro| MultiFamily Syndicator🏘| Wealth Strategist💰| Traveller✈️| Reader📚| Ex-Qualcomm
7mosounds like an amazing journey teaching machine learning to students from diverse backgrounds. keep up the great work. 👨🏫 Varun Rai
It's fascinating to hear about your experiences teaching Machine Learning! How do you adapt your approach for students with varied backgrounds and preparation levels? Varun Rai
Professor at IIT-Patna & Mentor for Capstone research projects in areas of Big Data,Cloud security,cybersecurity,privacy,data governance,blockchain , cryptocurrency,IoT & GenAI applications
7moCongratulations Varun Rai bhai ! I am also completing 5 years of teaching students the nuances of #cybersecurity now. Beautiful learning experience!