The intolerant mindset
On social media, now: anger, trust, indifference, guilt, hype, fallacy, prejudice, opportunism and political correctness.
Analyse this! Without social media, some of us would have only written nasty letters to others or engaged in low-tech fisticuffs. Some others may have engaged in old-fashioned four-letter words, none of which would have poisoned or broken up old relationships that had often taken many years to build. Oh yes, very few of us would have been provoked by opposite opinions. Clearly, the power and reach of the internet are to blame for the ‘acrimonious public clashes’ in social media.
If you are usually inflammable, you should avoid statements like ‘The notion of freedom of speech is being co-opted by …’ in the article. Read more, but care! Keep a fire extinguisher nearby!
Don't others’ views annoy you? Then, you may learn more from novel expressions such as conspiracist thinking, shoehorned, censorious fanatics, unbridled free speech, mundane reality and testimonial quieting.
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The author recommends civilised conversations using intellect, reasoning, objectivity, ethics, patience, humility and charity. This would require all of us angry individuals to be considerate and polite to others, to use Occam’s razor in the debate, and ignore everything that cannot be proven or is not based on facts. It would be good to accept the idea that the opposite of your truth, belief or conclusion may be another.
Recall Carl Sagan’s Pale Blue Dot ( is worth a mention in these difficult times: ‘Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it, everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. … The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by … a fraction of a dot.’
Chill! Else, the pale blue dot will become one gigantic red spot of bloody anger.